The Singing Heart
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Patience will manifest where hope is nurtured. The singing heart is blind to obstacles and recognizes in all things the loving hand of an all-wise Father. Delays are unnoticed, for the Spirit is not bound by the limitations of outer circumstances. The power of evil to destroy joy is nullified when Christ Himself becomes the one point of attention. In Him all things are possessed now, for faith beholds that which is yet to be as though it were already a reality.
What in your life and mine are obstacles? Are we seeking God for the answers? Am I focusing on God? Am I willing to live in the situation I am in without complaining? Am I willing to minister to the people God placed me with? Sometimes I feel like I have failed and I have gotten my focus on the problems rather than God, Do you ever feel like that? I still remember a message that Michael shared with us about being God's vessel right where he has placed us, who in my life is it that God wants me to love and care for? First it is my husband, then my family, then those around me. Sometimes I get myself mixed up on who is really important in my life. Father, forgive me.
Father, thank you for saving me and keeping me, and bringing me to this place in my life, Father, I give you this day, help me to make the most of it, like it were the last day I have. Help me to view each day as though it were my last. Father, help me to look past my frustrations and hurts to be sensitive to the hurts about me. Father, I pray for faith as a grain of mustard seed, which is small and yet so magnificent, thank you for hearing and answering. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, I was at home all day, it was a time of trying to finish a few winter projects and to do a bit more cleaning, I realize that this week you will be coming, and you really aren't going to want all of my stuff laying around.