/The Attribute of Mercy
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7
Mercy is one of My attributes which I strongly desire you to have.
Without this quality in ministry, there can be no genuine blessing flowing through your life.
Without mercy, Calvary would have become a preachment of condemnation rather than of forgiveness. Expressing His mercy toward His enemies, He provided you an example. You may never achieve an expression of love in the same degree, but let it be always the measure and the guide by which you judge your own attitudes.
Do we show mercy to those around us? Sometimes, I have to be re reminded that love is the only thing that will change anything or anyone. It doesn't work for me to condemn, find fault with or criticize. Father, forgive me when I get that kind of attitude, because it is only as I love someone will I ever be able to help them to change. When I speak "strongly" to someone I only build up a block/wall between me and them.
I also think of the mercy that God shows to me, how can I do any different? Because his mercy is so vast and far reaching.
I don't know if this says anything to anyone, but I have been thinking....God desires to use us, but his calling may start small and simple, and he expects us to be faithful over a little before he calls us to greater things. Sometimes we don't like doing the little menial and insignificant things, we want to do great things, but it is our faithfulness over the little that open the door to greater things. I see my life as an opportunity to do many of those kind of tasks, and sometimes he throws in something that I would rather not do, but he still calls me to be faithful the simple and insignificant.
Father, where ever we are today, what ever we are doing, help us to do it as unto you. You are our Father, God , our Savior, we are your vessels, help us to live this day as unto you. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, school, Jackson and Jesse came home with me and were here for a while. In the evening I talked to Monty Berke on the telephone, and asked him somethings about his Jewish faith.
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