The Lord opened the eyes of the young man....and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha 2 Kings 6:17
My protection is all you need, My child. Gehazi owed his own safety to Elisha, for God was with Elisha, in the form of an angelic host that filled the mountains, and Gehazi, the servant, benefited by being in his company. So shall it be for those who journey with you, as God, seeing your confidence in Him and desire to please Him and do His will, moves in your behalf.
I wasn't familiar with Gehazi, so I had to do a bit of research. He is mentioned in 2 Kings 5,6 it is in the story where Naaman is healed from Leprosy and Elisha doesn't want anything for the healing and sends Namaan away, But Gehazi isn't like that, he thinks that Namaan should give Elisha something, so he goes to Namaan and requests such, well Elisha tells him that Namann's leprosy will cling to him(Gehazi) forever. You can read about it in 2 Kings 5:19-27 I am impressed that God wants us to remove the things that hinder our walk with him. I think of the message that we heard yesterday, Michael shared from Ephesians 4:29-5:2 also 1 Corinthian 3:9-15 His question was, will Christians be judged? The emphasis is that we should be careful how we build, What am I using for construction materials?, what are my motives of service? is it to glorify me or God? What is the most important thing on earth to Jesus? It is people. We will choose wisely when our heart is tender towards the people of the world. God may be speaking to you about a particular person that he desires you to minister too, realize that God desires us to minister in the marketplace, so he may be calling you to minister to someone where you work, or to a customer, or to your family. Are you willing to search your motives, why do I do what I do? Is it for me or for God?
Father, I think you for your grace and patience, and that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Grant us wisdom and discernment, show us our attitude this day. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday, was Sunday School, church, the helicopter rides after church. We came to the house and Jack remembered that it was Gabes confirmation so we spent part of the afternoon over at Frank and dorothys where their family met after the activities at church. Frank was even able to be at the church. there were three girls confirmed and they sang together, and then each gave a speech about their faith. At Damschens, Special Delivery did some singing. Gabe is a very good singer, It was a fun time, with other family and friends. We prayed together as each left for their homes. I still took a nap and then did a few things here in the evening.
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