Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

The Kingdom of Lights
And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory  Exodus 33:18

Do not fear darkness: fear God, and He shall be to you a light.  The world is enshrouded in darkness, but they who walk in my truth walk in light. My kingdom is a kingdom of light, and clear, purified vessels are the transmitters of My glory in the darkened world.  Shine, My children, and darkness shall be scattered as you walk!

God wants us to be a shining light in a dark world.  There is so much darkness around us, but we have seen the light, Jesus.  He desires us to be a light to those around us.  How can you and I be  a light?  It might be in a very insignificant way, without saying anything, just a sense that you care expressed to someone near you, is an opportunity to be God's light.  I think of the little ones at Jerrys house, when I stopped there, they wanted a hug.  Such an easy way of telling someone that you care.

Father, show me the ways that I can be a light to those around me.  Who do you want me to encourage, who do you want me to care about, to pray for ?  We give you this day, that we would be your vessel to those who cross our path.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Sorry no writing yesterday, we did not have internet service in the morning.  Happy Birthday to Jerry, but a day late.  We are getting some snow, after school I took the car to Hampden to get the oil changed, and visited with Mary while that was being done.  Later we got a call from Alice about some medicine for Frank, Jack and I met her on the road and took it to Frank.  The visibility was not good in some of the snow cuts.

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