Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009

/The Master Artist
And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold it was very good.  Genesis 1:31

I make no idle strokes.  What I do is never haphazard. I am never merely mixing colors out of casual curiosity.  My every move is one of vital creativity, and every stroke is part of the whole.
Never be dismayed by apparent incongruity.  Never be alarmed by a sudden dash of color seemingly out of context.  Say only to your questioning heart. "It is the Infinite wielding His brush. I know He does all things well."
We would at first think of the creation that God has made, how he has put everything together, the colors, the designs, the animals, people , babies,  you and I,  those around us.  God has created it all.  Think of the photos that John takes, what he sees is the creation that God has made for us to enjoy.  When he made you and I, he was the creator, it doesn't matter about circumstances, timing, it is God.  God made you.  He made only one of each of us.  We are his creation.  He desires to know us, to have a love relationship with us, to be a part of everything we do.  How might God want to be a part of your/my life today?What would that mean to you? How would he come to you, to talk with you to love you?  He might come in the form of a thought, he might come in the form of a person, he might come in the form of his creation,  there are a multitude of ways that he might come to you.  Look today for God in your midst, he is there waiting with outstretched arms.

Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for a night of rest, we thank you for the possibilities that this day brings to us,  guide our steps and direct our path,  Father, we desire to know you in a new and greater way and this day we pray that you would make yourself real to us. Help us to see you in all that is around us. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a good day.  I had 8 precious children in Sunday School.  Each one is Gods creation and very special.  One of the 2 girls said, we need more girls.  After church we came home and rested.  I went to Cando for the cantata, this year they presented it in the Audi,  It was a full house with chairs added.  They do a very good job, this year they added actors. Afterwards I went to the church and changed the bulletin board and did some cleaning, then over to see Frank and Dorothy.  It is a good time with them.  I feel sad, when I think of Frank and men like him who are still living and remember serving in our country's military and to now see the choices that our president is making, that are throwing our freedom away.  We spent time in prayer concerning that.  Dad went to the Senior supper in town.

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