Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

Prepare Your Garments

She should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.  Revelations 19:8

The day is at hand, and the Day Star riseth even now. You may not see Me yet, but I am only just beneath the rim of the horizon, and you shall behold Me shortly in all My glory. How ought you to rise and make yourself ready! How you should put your house in order and prepare your garmnets!  Your garments shall be of fine linen, for it is the righteousness of the saints.

Am I ready to meet Jesus?  He is just beyond the horizon and he is coming soon to receive us, the events in the world suggest that his coming is soon and it would seem the events are happening quickly.  God's timing is right, and he is in control.  We rejoice for our redemption draweth nigh!

Yesterday was a good day, the children are very good eaters.  In the evening after the service the speaker showed a couple of short clips from a video that tells about his 3 nephews who were killed by a drunk driver.  They were in their teens, their family has used this happening in their lives to tell others about their relationship with God.  The video had more to it and I borrowed it and watched it in my room, it also tells about a family who lost three daughters  and how God is using it in their lives and for them to tell others about Jesus.  So it was late when I went to bed and this was  night I couldn't go to sleep.  So I may go and rest this morning....