Learn Well and Listen Closely
Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee Isaiah 26:3
No disturbance, either in yourself or in others, can interfere with the moving of My Spirit if you do not focus attention upon it.
Be as a babe in its mother's arms and know that I carry you near to My heart, and this is why you have knowledge of many things not revealed to others. They must find this place for themselves before they can hear My voice. Meanwhile, you are My ambassador to them.
Learn well, and listen closely.
I am blessed by the thought of us being carried close to our heavenly Father just like a babe in the arms of its mother. We keep trying to move our arms in independence, jsut as we see a small child do, when really we will fare much better if we rest in the Lord.
Father, help us to rest in your presence in the midst of a world of turmoil, because you have everything in your hands. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Yesterday was...well, a busy one. I went to Kyle Murchie wedding reception in Cando, then to the church to clean. While there the tornado sirens went off twice, I didn't feel alarmed, I figured I would just stay in the basement, then I stopped to visit the new family at our church, and then off to Lisa Stinkeoways wedding. After that I stopped to say hello to Gladys Neidlinger, she is really lonely. Stopped at Vernon Carlsons, delivered plants and medicine to Frank and Dorothy. When I got home I was so tired, so off to bed early. We have had a lot of rain during these couple of days.