Be Much with Me
Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not Luke 12:40
Set the watch in the nightime; yes, rise and pray, and do not let that hour come upon you unaware.
For the time is short; yes, the storm is gathering fast. Can you not discern the events that are currently shaping up in the affairs of men, and be as keen to observe their portent? Let My Spirit pervade your spirit, and you shall be more influenced by Me than by the world around you. Be much with Me.
She is speaking so much about signs of the times, but when I reflect that she origanally wrote maybe thirty years ago. So if she thought that then, and we see what we are seeing today, will we in 10-20 years still be saying the same thing? what will life be like here,if our country has survived? It really only says one thing, get your house in order, what are your priorities? Are you ready for Jesus to come?
Father, speak to us, and search our hearts, what are our priorities, what is most important to us, do we really care about anyone else besides ourselves? Show us the heart of our life and our very being, Speak to us and draw us to your side. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday, Jack and I went to church at Lakewood Park bible camp, it was a good service, afterwards we went and ate at DQ and then I went to get groceries and drove to Webster to get Gordon Rader for camp. There are quite a few here from Starkweather school. The speaker is a teacher at Larimore, it is obvious he has a heart for ministry.
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