Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

No Separation

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, Revelation 2:11


He has stretched forth His mighty hand

And has smitten the waters.He has made me to pass through dry-shod. Hallelujah!

          For there will be no more sea.

There will be no more separation!

He has removed every barrier, He has bridged the gulf.

          He has drawn me unto Himself, yes into Himself.


God is the only one who is able to bridge the gap between us and him and he used his son Jesus to do that.  We have some times seen the example of two separate cliffs and we are on one and God on the other, and we want to come to him and the only way is the cross that becomes a bridge to God.  Jesus is that Cross.    God is our peace, and that peace is Jesus.  For all the things that we can suffer/experience  Jesus is the only way to peace.  We might try a lot of things, but until we come to the place that we are willing to rest in God's arms we will never experience peace.  On the width, the depth , the breadth of God's love for us.  but it is the Spirit of God that reveals that love to us.  We are like a struggling child who doesn't want to give in to our directions, we kick and fight what God wants to do in us and we make that much harder for us.....

Father, thank you for being so patient with us, thank you for standing by us when we are so undeserving.  Thank you for grace.  We give you this day and all that you desire to do in us.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, should have been the first week of camp, but since only 6 campers had signed to come, they will come to the second camp for that age.  We came together at 9 a.m. for breakfast and devotions, and then each one started separate jobs to help prepare us for the rest of the summer.  The family who were scheduled to come and speak came anyway, and it is a good time for everyone.  They are helping and each is encouraging the other.  It was Darica's birthday on Sunday, she is now 11, tonight we are celebrating with her.  Naomi came out and brought her gifts, and spent time with us.  She trimmed my hair, which I really appreciated.  Later in the evening we watched a video by a Christian comedian, it was o.k. but you all know I am not to focused on humor.  In the morning I was mixing buns for lunch, and Jacen, their son was having a really serious conversation with me, when I got done I thought hum I wonder if I put yeast in them, so I added some then, they worked.  He is about 9 years, or near that, and we had a really good conversation.

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