Ionospheric christian Living
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. Galatians 5:1
Stay in the flexibility of the spirit. Live in the faith realm, and let your thoughts soar freely in the open skies of faith, where the things not yet seen become real to you. Call it ionospheric Christian living, if you wish. it will free you from bondages to people. It will not give you an independent nor rebellious feeling toward others, but will liberate you so that you will no longer feel the need to struggle against these hindrances.
When the spirit sets us free, we are free indeed, this is a favorite concept in my life, because I have seen God do it many times in me, and it is what the author is refering to in the above thoughts. I need to be available to be God's vessel, but yet not bound by traditions, and rituals, etc. I do personally feel that I have met people that were so into the idea of freedom that they wouldn't be/ weren't willing to be consistent and responsibile because they wanted to only be led by the spirit. They wouldn't commit themselves to a task because it might not be the 'spirits leading'.
Father, give me wisdom to know when you are speaking to me, and to discern when I am being drawn away from you by the world. In Jeusu Name. amen.
Yesterday we had sunshine, and they actually were able to get the blob into the lake, that should make the youth happy. Our speaker is a teacher, and he is speaking to the youth about sharing their faith, I feel that he has studied under the ministry of Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort, though I haven't had opportunity to ask him. he is speaking in their style.