Monday, August 31, 2009
August 31, 2009
But covet earnestly the best gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:31
You can never ask beyond My power to provide.Ask then, with complete confidence, but in all you desire, let it be for the enrichment of your soul. Seek not the measures of the world, for they are transient.
Learn the value of spiritual riches, and set your heart to their attainment. As I bestow upon you spiritual enablements, I will use in a new way and in accordance with My highest purposes whatever lies within you of native abilities, or I may give you something entirely new. Nothing is wasted.
Of all the things the world has to offer, enriching our soul is probably not on that list, because the world doesn't see the value of our spiritual life, we have to make that choice and as we see what happens when we follow after Christ then we can see why we choose the road that we do. We are living in times when Satan is trying every trick to distract us from following after Christ. We need to wake up to the reality of what is happening. What is important? We have just had a former student picked up for possession of child pornagraphy, think of the ramifications of that choice and how it affects his future? What caused him to fall into that? It is devastating.
Father, search our hearts and guide thoughts and actions and draw us to you. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday, it was a good day, good time in Sunday School and a good message by Michael, time eating with Wayne Woods family, our usual rest and then we were at Frank and Dorothy Damschens. They were honoring Frank on his 91st birthday. We ended the day by praying together as a family there with them.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
August 30, 2009
He that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23
Give Me your trouble, whatever it may be. There is no disturbance big enough to warrant your distress, because anything committed to Me will be taken care of.
Truly live and walk by faith. I will be with you and I will be your strength.
No barrier shall stand in your way, because faith is a perpendicular operation. Your faith reaches straight up to Me, and My power comes straight down upon the place of action.
Whatever our need is to day, God wants us to look up to him and he will meet our need. We focus to much on the future and God wants us to live today. Do you have everything you need today? Thank him.
Yesterday was a day at home. I tried to vacuum up Brutus fur that seems to grace our floors. Then I started painting outside, the east wall of the house. Julie, your "Jewish rocks" are back in their place. Wall is really looking good. I also made scones and used your recipe Julie, they were good. Dad and Chuck went to someplace by Dunseth to get a tractor, Chuck couldn't find anyone who would haul it for him, so they drove it home. I couldn't figure out why they weren't coming. Dad hadn't told me the whole story.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29, 2009
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13
Be about My business. Hold back nothing from Me. The fullness of My blessing moves through the sensitivity of your soul. The callous block Me out. It is not that I do not care for them, but it is that I find no response.
Give Me an open vessel into which I may pour My Spirit. Though it be of clay, it shall overflow with glory.
Are we sensitive to God's leading in our lives? Are we listening to his voice? Do we care what he says?
Father forgive me when I am not sensitive to what you are doing or want me to be involved in what is happening.
Yesterday , was a good day. After school I went outside and mowed and then raked off most of the 'hay' Dad thinks I am crazy, but I enjoy being out there, it is a good time to think and rather of a 'no-brainer job'. He is working on a tractor.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 27, 2009
I press toward the mark for the prize Philippians 3:14
Never waver once you have clear guidance. If you set out to do what I have bidden and sudden fear grips your heart, know that it is a device of the enemy. I am not the author of fear but of courage and a settled mind.
Confusion is the dust raised by the feet of the devils, calculated to cloud your vision and blind your eyes to the good I have placed directly in your path, and which you will surely find if you continue to act in faith.
These are some very good thoughts, sometimes, we get thoughts but they seem unsettled, they seem pushy, be careful, they likely aren't thoughts from God. God works as a gentleman, his thoughts clear,confident, gentle......does that make any sense? Have you ever felt like you were being pushed to do something? Be careful with that. God isn't that way. You will know in your heart when it is God. Stay in God's word, and trust him to guide you.
Father, help us to learn to hear your voice, help us to recognize your voice and then to follow you. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, a school day and after school I went to Cando and cleaned at the church. No exciting happenings. A beautiful day!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
August 26, 2009
The kingdom of God is...righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Romans 14:17-18
Believe Me and trust Me. You need not plot and scheme and plan. To doubt and to strive is to detain the spirit. He needs not your help--only your submission. Give it willingly and gladly; yes, give it quickly, for the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, and you hinder the Spirit when these are not ruling your heart.
The key is submission. yielding to God, he will do the rest. and as we yield we do experience peace ....God's peace.
Father, show me what I am not yielding to you, what I am trying to hold unto, and help me to be willing to yield to you today. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, was the first real day of school. I found out who was in each study hall. It will be a good year. Two study halls are small, one has three students and one has two. The one with two is at the end of the day. I am encouraged by the students God has placed in each one. After school I made a trip to Devils Lake with a broken stained glass from church, in the end I am going to try to fix it myself. I visited with Joan at Singer, and she said she was going to hear Special Delivery in the park, so I joined her and it was a fun evening.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel Mark 16:15
My child, do not chafe at the bit. It is I who have put it in your mouth. You question My direction. But I would have you take a path that is quite different from the paths of your friends, and it is because I would bring you into a place in Me and a ministry in which they have no part.
Do not hesitate, and do not falter. Be gripped with one consuming purpose--to find the place I have for you.
All I can say is Amen! We don't need to look at those around us, because what they do is insignificant to us, God has a purpose for us, and that is what matters. I replied to a mom from Munich who is doing an awesome job of being a mother, God has called her and he is faithful, and he will use her. He wants to do the same for each of you. Rest in the place you are at right now and live the life God has called you to be at this moment. Changes can happen, but we don't need to spend our time striving about where we are or what we do. That is not God.
Father, help us to focus on doing our best and doing it as unto you. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday we met the children, there were new faces, and it is encouraging. Mrs. Jamsa is away this week, so that makes it a bit challenging, I think there might be some changes in arrangement with the lower grades, we have a lot of students in grades 1 and 2. At the end of the day, I helped remove old books that are being replaced, I was tired when I got home and I took a nap.
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 24, 2009
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
Many a life could be simplified and enriched by doing less and loving more. Indeed, all that is ever done, if not motivated by divine love, is in vain. It is worse than doing nothing, for it is potentially destructive.
There are those who have risen to fame through their noble acts, only to flal into shame and disrepute because of a bitter spirit.
I wonder how many are continuing work because 'they aren't to retirement age" does that affect their attitude towards their job? I think I know some teachers that it affects. Does that affect the quality of work, their attitude, the amount of caring they put into what they do. Yesterday a lady sat with us when we ate at cenex. She had worked there but needed to stop for health reasons, but she is now so lonely and would like some kind of a job to do. I am more encouraged by people who feel that way than those who are watching the clock so to speak, waiting for the day when they can retire. Is retirement really fun? Does God talk to us about retirement in the Bible, I don't think so, rather he calls us to be faithful til the end, which I feel means to serve continually til the end, granted our seasons of life will change but the people we admire are those who don't stop giving.....
Sunday school and church, Michael had a really good message, we spent time in prayer for our nation. after this time together at Cenex, we came home for a nap, then dad went to O'Brien's to mow, I told him I could go, too. It was really tall. Today, I leave for school.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
August 23, 2009
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12
Grace is the fullness of My love poured out upon the loveless. Return unto Me, and I will forgive your iniquities and heal your backslidings.
There is no peace in the heart of the transgressor and no joy in his spirit. But though you leave Me, I have not left you. You have chosen death, but I have chosen for you life in its abundance.
Do not faint, My child and do not forsake the way of the Spirit for the way of the flesh.
True peace is something that happens on the inside of us, it isn't about exterior things, or people or what ever. It is in side of us. Can you think of times of peace in your lives? It is kind of like 'stop and smell the roses' I have been finding it a good time to sit on the back step or in the swing, or sit by the flowers, and just enjoy the quiet about me, it is such an awesome time to talk to God.
Father, show us each what peace means in our lives, and help us to focus on making that a reality in our lives and those around us. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday I was the lady in charge of the cafe, I came to find a number of fellows already there. One of the men has a key and opens, makes coffee and puts on the grill so it is ready for the cook. Where could you do that but in a little town? I ahd about 10 ten for breakfast, almost no ladies for lunch and 10 for dinner. Cassie Logie came and helped me, it was her last day to work, because school starts on Monday. She is a sweet girl, she and her sister Amber have worked there all summer. Their family is building unto their home. At the end of that time, we couldn't find the key to lock the gate between the store and post office. I knew that Linda had opened the gate, she didn't answer her phone, so I drove to her house, she was mowing, I got the key and went back to town. It isn't easy to do, before I had it done, here she came and we got it closed. I was tired and slept for a couple of hours then went over to see Frank and Dorothy. He fell and broke his shoulder and has it in an uncomfortable sling. Not doing so well. I stopped across the road and heard about the new furniture they are getting. Jerry took the boys (all three) to a baseball game in Fargo, they were going to drive back to Grand Forks to stay. Today it is beautiful and tomorrow we start school. Today I am thinking of Shawn as he is sharing God's word at Ashley.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
August 22, 2009
That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost 2 Timothy 1:14
Give Me daily all that blesses. I will bless it and protect it.
All rest of heart comes through committal. You have been taught to release your burdens. Part of your anxiety at this moment has come from a feeling of responsibility to the care of that priceless thing which I Myself have given you. So I say: Give it to Me! I will not take it from you, but I will keep it for you and thus it shall be twice blessed.
What burden are you holding unto this day? What does God want you to give to him, let him hold it for you.
Father, thank you for taking our burdens and caring them for us, help us today to give you the burdens in our lives and lift them from our shoulders. You desire to set us free, we thank you in Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday was the school workshop at Devils Lake. It was at the college and it was a full auditorium, very good presentation by a teacher, he was with us last year, too. I want to share some of the concepts with you. I had coffee with the people from the Bible Book store and also stopped to see Vera Gray on my way home. Dad is making a frame for the printing stone, so we can get it out of the suburban. It is very heavy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
August 21, 2009
David would not drink of (the water), but poured it out to the Lord. 1 Chronicles 11:18
You are aware when My Spirit rejoices within you. This is My joy. This is the joy I promised. This is the greatest joy that can come to the human heart, for it is the joy of God. Surely you will not only rejoice but be exceeding glad, with a gladness surpassing your power to tell.
In this way you will give this back to Me, even as David poured out to Me the precious water from the well of Bethlehem.
We know when we are experiencing the joy of the Lord, our heart rejoices, we may experience a period/long period of time that we are not sensing God's presence, but when it comes we will know it.
Father, may we sense your presence today and know that you are with us and guiding our steps. In Jesus Name. Amen
We have had our first session at school. It was spent with the new gal who will be our special ed person. We have quite a few students who require her services, so the morning was spent on that process. I will have study halls but hopefully we will be able to set the schedule so I can work with some students doing independent study or unline classes. The unline classes being in food prep. I went to Cando after we were done there and cleaned the church. Michael and Colleen came there and we visited for a while so I got home later. It has really been raining a lot.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
August 20, 2009
Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul....
and I will yet praise thee more and more Psalm 71:13-14
When you are baptized into His spirit, evil loses its power to destroy you, darkness is dispelled, and the broken spirit healed. Joy is a balm that soothes the soul and lifts the burden from the grieving heart. Joy will be your saving grace, and praise your meat and drink. Only a joyful heart can worship Me in a way pleasing in My sight.
To weep and mourn is needless waste.
What encouraging thoughts, and as we yield to the spirit of the living God, this is the result. I remember the time that I first experienced the Baptism in my life, at a meeting in the Legion Hall in Hampden, and that was truly the beginning of amazing changes in my life. My desire to read God's word and pray and my hunger for more of God. I anticipate that God could have worked in other ways, but he knew my need, and my hearts desire and that is how he met me. It was over 35 years ago, and he is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Father, may we each experience a fresh encounter with you this day. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Today is the first day of school, though it is only for staff, it is our opportunity to interact and see what everyone has been doing, and a time to find out which children have chosen to return to our school. also to meet new staff.
Yesterday, we were here, I helped Dad with mowing and the yard looks really nice. It was a good day. We rejoice in John's new job.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009
According to your faith be it unto you Matthew 9:29
My promises are of no avail to you except as you apply and appropriate them by faith. In your daily walk, you shall be victorious only to the degree that you trust Me. I can help you only as you ask.
I need those who have proved My sufficiency in personal experience to lead the suffering to the fountains of life.
Never begrudge time given to chronic complainers, but recognize in each encounter the opportunity to speak a work that may lead to their liberation. No case is too hard for Me.
Are we willing to be a listening ear to a complainer? are we willing to really care about what they say? Could they be trying to say something that we should be listening to?
Father, take away my callous heart, my heart of stone, melt it and make it more like thee. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday, we were here at home, I am trying to finish some things on the computer. I was in Cando to finish cleaning at church, but the man was there painting so I couldn't do much. I am not sure what we will be doing today.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
August 15, 2009
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden Matthew 11:28
Do not be concerned about failing people. Your only ture concern should be that not fail Me. I am making last minute preparations for My soon-coming. Do not frustrate My plans for you by pursuing your own.
I want you walking and expressing in the spiritual realm. Cast aside your carnal reasoning. Cast aside even your consideration for people and the threat of disappointing them. Would you rather that I be disappointed, in preference to others? Can you not trust Me? Would I fail anyone?
These are appropriate thoughts in my own life, because today I need to tell someone that I can't help them with something. Much as I would like to be helpful, I can't do it this time. It is so important that I listen to God's voice and sometimes I think I am rather deaf!!!!
Father, help me to hear your voice, and more importantly help me to obey you. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, we were in Grand Forks, I saw my Dr. in Crookston and then we came back to GF, we ate at amazing grains, they have good soup and interesting sandwiches. Poor Dad, he probably got tired of waiting for me, I had made a list and wanted to get some supplies before school started. I got some plants at Lowes, some little mums that I put by our back door, I planted last night and today it is raining, so that is good.
Friday, August 14, 2009
August 14, 2009
Hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts Romans 5:5
Kindness is like a rose, which though easily crushed and fragile, yet speaks a language of silent power. It is the same power that lies in the eyes of one who loves. It is the power that moves the hands of those who give alms.
Beauty comes to the inner soul as tenderness becomes the outer expression. Those who find it have captured the atmosphere of heaven and have brought to their human relationships the essence of God's holy love.
I sometimes tell about a couple of classmates at college, outwardly they weren't really beautiful, but they radiated an inward love and kindness that was felt by those around. I believe this is what is being expressed. God wants to work a work of love in our hearts that will radiate out and be felt by those around us. who can you show this love to today?
Father, give me a heart of love for those around me today, help me to care about what is happening in their lives. In Jesus Name. Amen
We are thankful for Gods care and provision and that the stone has been removed. It was really a warm day so after we got home and rested, I stayed inside and tried to finish some tasks that were half done. Today we drive to Crookston.....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 13, 2009
He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. John 14:21
As your soul turns to worship, let it be with one supreme desire: to bring Me your love. This is not a selfish demand on My part. I can ask of you a full portion, yes, unlimited devotion, because I am a giver, not a taker, and you will always find yourself enriched beyond your epectations whenever you give yourself to me in even a very limited way, I ask you to give only to bless you more.
Interesting...As we give of ourself he gives, granted he is looking at our motives, but he truly gives. Today, can we look at God's goodness to us, his kindness, his graciousness? we are so unworthy, but he loves us just the same.
thank you God for all you do and all you are and all you desire to be in our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen
We are home, we left at 3:30 a.m. and got home about 2:30. Dad wanted to eat after we left the hospital so we went over to Perkins by the hospital. On the way home we visited the new little gift/cafe in Lakota. Really nice, I got us a piece of pie to take home, I want to go there again. Of course we had to have a dairy queen there. We have rested and it is a good day.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August 12, 2009
God hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6
When the heart is at one with the Father, there comes an illumination of Spirit that transcends thought.
Learn to worship and you will have rest of soul; you will rise to a new place of fellowship, where you will be made to "sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
You will be taught by the 'Spirit. Yes, He will open the mysteries of the Word to you. By the Spirit will the treasures of the word be revealed.
I find the greatest oneness with the Father, when I am outside, it is quiet and peaceful and only the birds and animals are making sounds. I feel a sense of peace that I don't any other time. I think I will focus on that as long as the weather allows. I even enjoyed a walk this morning early. It was great.
Father, show us where and how we can sense your presence in a world that seems to be so busy and difficult to focus in. Help us to find you in the quietness around us. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Wow, what a day. before I had time to write I got a call from Hampden, a fellow there wanted help with a grant to get his book printed, it is about barns in Cavalier county. so I have been involved with writing the grant, he had written the words but doesn't use a computer. It is done. Otherwise I am going to stay inside until evening, it is warm outside.
We need to be in Grand Forks at 6 a.m. so we need to get to bed early. More news later.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name. Acts 9:15
You are Mine. You are not your own. With a great price I have purchased you for Myself. If you will listen to Me, I will reveal to you more fully so that you may know more clearly how vital you are to My purpose. There is work to be done, and I need you as a vessel through which to work. Not a vassal, but a vessel. I want to do a beautiful work.
Lo, I wait for you. Come to Me.
Are you challenged? Do you feel like your life isn't fulfilling? Could it possible be that God is trying to get your attention, that is hard, we don't really want to listen, we want to do it our way, which might not be God's way. I can't think fo anything we can do but seek God, what ever we are struggling with, seek God, and seek God some more....
It was a day here on the farm, except that I went with Dad to Cando when he had pre-op, I went to church and cleaned during that time, otherwise we were here at home, I did some mowing, and just enjoyed the sights ad sounds here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 10, 2009
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning;great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations3:22-23
Out of the depths you have cried unto Me. I am gracious and full of compassion. My heart is touched by the feeling of your infirmities, and I am acquainted with your grief. Hebrews 4:15
I am your help, for to whom else shall you go? I will be your Door of Hope, though darkness is round about you.
Whether there is darkness, dispair or whatever around us, we can still ahve God's presence in us and with us. So whatever you are facing today, God is with you and desires to help you.
Father, help us to look to you today, irregardless of what is happening around us. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, Sunday School and church. Kevin Thompson is leading class and is a good teacher of the word. God message from our pastor and we ate with them. Julie was at the piano and we enjoyed that, too. I always enjoy time outside in the flowers, it is so quiet and peaceful.
Friday, August 7, 2009
August 7, 2009
Today is the day we end camp, so it is also the day we try to use up the food and still make a good meal. I think it is going to work. Yesterday, John and Sheryl Emra came. I think they needed it quiet and so we didn't really spend a lot of time together. I was really tired and went to bed really early so I woke up really early, too. So what else to do but get up. I went out to the living area to put my sheets in the washer because I leave the room ready for someone else to use. I turn on the light and here is a boy sitting up sleeping on the sofa. I think he is a relative of Paula's. I know that both other bedrooms are being used, too. I came down and have enjoyed the time by myself creating food, and cleaning out the fridge, and some how preparing my mind so I can dole out tasks to 7-8 people to do. Sometimes it is just as easy to do things yourself.
John knows we are driving to Grand Forks. So we will drive our vehiles to Lakota and meet Dad there. He gets to be the driver then. Jacqui, I had in mind 'supper' I didn't know if any of your family would want to see us, you are all welcome. You can give me a call before you go to work. Jerry and Julie are suppose to be in Grand Forks,too. I didn't know if they wanted to meet us, too. If I get a change I will call them. Sometimes it gets rather busy and I forget.
It has been a good week. Now it is time to go on to other things........Love to all of you. Mom
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 6, 2009
It has been a wonderful week. Yesterday one couple left and another lady came to help us. I heard from John and Sheryl Erma. They are missionaries who are coming to see us for a couple of days. We met John when Janet and Julie were in high school. I did not meet Sheryl til they came here to camp one summer. They are from California. I am going to ask them if they will ride with Dad and i to Grand Forks tomorrow. I am wondering what you folks from there are doing, whether we could eat together so they cound met you. I think that Jerry and Julie and their family are going to Grand forks, too. We could all be together for a brief time, but I will have to make some phone calls about that. Maybe Jacqui you can reply to this and let me know of your work schedules.
It is a time for all of us, that is transition. I have cleaned my room and packed my car. We are trying to use up what food we can and put closure on the camp. Paula is also doing the same with her life. Her school starts on the 17th, so she was over there gietting ready, she is their school cook. Jay and Paula are going to take their children on a trip next week, to story book in Aberdeen and then to the Black Hills.
The ladies have had a great experience on the reservation. There have been a lot of children and they are receptive. We have a lot of good conversation here at camp, too.
I love all of you. Mom
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5, 2009
I have been thinking about each of you. This week I haven't had the opportunity to really write much, I have just a few minutes before I need to go and start the day. It has been a wonderful week. The Free Lutheran ladies are great and there is a team of 6 women from California here. They are doing a bible school over on the reservation in the evening. So during the day they are here. We have had a great time together. This morning one of the local girls came to get the bottled water and juice that we had chilled for them in our frigs. She is taking it to meet bikers that are traveling through the aea today.
I have been reflecting on the opportunity and privilege it is and has been to be here at camp. I thank each of you for your patience with me. I reflect on the day a year and half ago, when I told Dad and Julie that God had told me to stay home that summer. Their shock and expression of 'are you sure" I am thankful for the time we spent together last summer. I also reflect on what Julie Ruth wrote earlier this summer, about my being allowed to minister like this. I guess I would have to say, I have felt God's call on my life for many years. Probably since the day I said yes to Jesus when I was barely a teenager and at Wesley Acres Bible Camp. Life has offered challenges and struggles, but God has been faithful and he has never left me or forsaken me. If he doesn't seem close it has been my choice. I am thankful for his faithfulness and today I am thankful that I have the opportunity to minister in this way. Thank you to my family for being gracious and patient with me.
I know that Dads life would be much more fullfilled if he could see that perspective in himself, but only God can show that to him. Yesterday he took Harley Perich to Minot for kidney dialysis. I pray for your Dad that God would use him and give him a sense of purpose.