Rewards of Devotion
He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. John 14:21
As your soul turns to worship, let it be with one supreme desire: to bring Me your love. This is not a selfish demand on My part. I can ask of you a full portion, yes, unlimited devotion, because I am a giver, not a taker, and you will always find yourself enriched beyond your epectations whenever you give yourself to me in even a very limited way, I ask you to give only to bless you more.
Interesting...As we give of ourself he gives, granted he is looking at our motives, but he truly gives. Today, can we look at God's goodness to us, his kindness, his graciousness? we are so unworthy, but he loves us just the same.
thank you God for all you do and all you are and all you desire to be in our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen
We are home, we left at 3:30 a.m. and got home about 2:30. Dad wanted to eat after we left the hospital so we went over to Perkins by the hospital. On the way home we visited the new little gift/cafe in Lakota. Really nice, I got us a piece of pie to take home, I want to go there again. Of course we had to have a dairy queen there. We have rested and it is a good day.