It has been a wonderful week. Yesterday one couple left and another lady came to help us. I heard from John and Sheryl Erma. They are missionaries who are coming to see us for a couple of days. We met John when Janet and Julie were in high school. I did not meet Sheryl til they came here to camp one summer. They are from California. I am going to ask them if they will ride with Dad and i to Grand Forks tomorrow. I am wondering what you folks from there are doing, whether we could eat together so they cound met you. I think that Jerry and Julie and their family are going to Grand forks, too. We could all be together for a brief time, but I will have to make some phone calls about that. Maybe Jacqui you can reply to this and let me know of your work schedules.
It is a time for all of us, that is transition. I have cleaned my room and packed my car. We are trying to use up what food we can and put closure on the camp. Paula is also doing the same with her life. Her school starts on the 17th, so she was over there gietting ready, she is their school cook. Jay and Paula are going to take their children on a trip next week, to story book in Aberdeen and then to the Black Hills.
The ladies have had a great experience on the reservation. There have been a lot of children and they are receptive. We have a lot of good conversation here at camp, too.
I love all of you. Mom