Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20, 2009

Living in Joy
Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul....
and I will yet praise thee more and more Psalm 71:13-14
When you are baptized into His spirit, evil loses its power to destroy you, darkness is dispelled, and the broken spirit healed. Joy is a balm that soothes the soul and lifts the burden from the grieving heart. Joy will be your saving grace, and praise your meat and drink. Only a joyful heart can worship Me in a way pleasing in My sight.
To weep and mourn is needless waste.

What encouraging thoughts, and as we yield to the spirit of the living God, this is the result.  I remember the time that I first experienced the Baptism in my life, at a meeting in the Legion Hall in Hampden, and that was truly the beginning of amazing changes in my life.  My desire to read God's word and pray and my hunger for more of God. I anticipate that God could have worked in other ways, but he knew my need, and my hearts desire and that is how he met me.  It was over 35 years ago,  and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Father, may we each experience a fresh encounter with you this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Today is the first day of school, though it is only for staff, it is our opportunity to interact and see what everyone has been doing, and a time to find out which children have chosen to return to our school. also to meet new staff.

Yesterday, we were here, I helped Dad with mowing and the yard looks really nice.  It was a good day.  We rejoice in John's new job.