Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

Spiritual Riches
But covet earnestly the best gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:31
You can never ask beyond My power to provide.Ask then, with complete confidence, but in all you desire, let it be for the enrichment of your soul. Seek not the measures of the world, for they are transient.
Learn the value of spiritual riches, and set your heart to their attainment. As I bestow upon you spiritual enablements, I will use in a new way and in accordance with My highest purposes whatever lies within you of native abilities, or I may give you something entirely new. Nothing is wasted.

Of all the things the world has to offer, enriching our soul is probably not on that list, because the world doesn't see the value of our spiritual life, we have to make that choice and as we see what happens when we follow after Christ then we can see why we choose the road that we do.  We are living in times when Satan is trying every trick to distract us from following after Christ.  We need to wake up to the reality of what is happening.  What is important?  We have just had a former student picked up for possession of child pornagraphy, think of the ramifications of that choice and how it affects his future?  What caused him to fall into that?  It is devastating.

Father, search our hearts and guide thoughts and actions and draw us to you.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, it was a good day,  good time in Sunday School and a good message by Michael, time eating with Wayne Woods family,  our usual rest and then we were at Frank and Dorothy Damschens.  They were honoring Frank on his 91st birthday.  We ended the day by praying together as a family there with them. 

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