The Motivation of Love
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
Many a life could be simplified and enriched by doing less and loving more. Indeed, all that is ever done, if not motivated by divine love, is in vain. It is worse than doing nothing, for it is potentially destructive.
There are those who have risen to fame through their noble acts, only to flal into shame and disrepute because of a bitter spirit.
I wonder how many are continuing work because 'they aren't to retirement age" does that affect their attitude towards their job? I think I know some teachers that it affects. Does that affect the quality of work, their attitude, the amount of caring they put into what they do. Yesterday a lady sat with us when we ate at cenex. She had worked there but needed to stop for health reasons, but she is now so lonely and would like some kind of a job to do. I am more encouraged by people who feel that way than those who are watching the clock so to speak, waiting for the day when they can retire. Is retirement really fun? Does God talk to us about retirement in the Bible, I don't think so, rather he calls us to be faithful til the end, which I feel means to serve continually til the end, granted our seasons of life will change but the people we admire are those who don't stop giving.....
Sunday school and church, Michael had a really good message, we spent time in prayer for our nation. after this time together at Cenex, we came home for a nap, then dad went to O'Brien's to mow, I told him I could go, too. It was really tall. Today, I leave for school.
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