The Call of Love
My beloved...looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice Song of Solomon 2:9
O My beloved, abide under the shelter of the lattice for I have betrothed you to Myself, and though you are sometimes indifferent toward Me. My love for you is at all times as a flame of fire. My ardor never cools.
Tarry not for an opportunity to have more time to be along with Me. Take it, though you leave the tasks at home Nothing will suffer. Things are of less importance than you think.
God is watching us, he cares about what is happening. He wants to protect us, I see it like standing under a shelter or roof in a storm to stay out of the storm. We get so tired of the storms of life, the challenges with people, even our own family members but God is calling us to be near him. He is there to protect us.
God will honor our time spent with him, it isn't about the things we have or the things that are around us, it is about him. What is an obstacle in your life? what is keeping you for having peace in your heart? I look at my life, I am in a season when I know that I need to get rid of 'stuff' and beware that is what I am doing, even if it takes time. I know that all that I have, is insignificant compared to my relationship with God.
Father, we lift this day to you, the disappointments, the changes in plans, help us to accept this day, and to make the most of it, and to love those you have placed in our care. In Jesus name. amen
Yesterday, We received a call for Ken, and he is to be moved today to his new home, which is right in Starkweather. He was really upset, he doesn't like Sharon the person who placed him and I can see that he has some anger issues, but I see him as a typical youth. We are thankful that he is in our school where we will work with him. His test score was so low that he should have been sent home. The change is hard for him, and in this home there will be rules, which I don't think he has had, so that might be a challenge for him. I was tired and took a nap after school, and after supper I returned to my quilting project, I am serious when I say that I want to clean out so that is what I am doing in the fabric.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
January 30, 2009
My Energizing Spirit
The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23
My child, I will help thee. I am more real than all thy desires or thy fears. My Spirit is a quickening, life-giving Spirit. I come to be thy Light.
Surely if I can brighten all of Eternity, I have ample supply to flood thy heart and mind and thy body with My might power. My light, and My love--My deep joy and My energizing Spirit.
Jesus wants to 'lighten' up our lives. The writer may not have had this in mind, but Jesus came to lighten up the load we carry, he came to carry our burdens. He also came to light our path. Have you ever met someone who truly radiated the presence of the Lord? What a contrast from someone who seems to radiate all of the sin of the world. Who do you want to be like? God is calling us and drawing us to him. He desires to change our countenance, our very being, he desires to come and dwell in us and change our lives.
Father, we come to you this day, we pray that you would light our path, that you would lighten everything about who we are and what we do, That we would allow you to carry those burdens that we are trying to hold on to in our life. Show us Father, who you want to be in our lives. How you desire to change us. Do a work in each one of our hearts this day to bring us closer to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, was a normal school day, but evening we know some effort is being made to move the exchange student into a better environment, to a new home. I don't know how long the process will take to get the family approved, but they will be a good home. After school, I had a really soft tire, so I drove right to Hampden to get it fixed. I did some sewing in the evening. By last night, we could see that Julie was on the airplane to Nicaragua.
The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23
My child, I will help thee. I am more real than all thy desires or thy fears. My Spirit is a quickening, life-giving Spirit. I come to be thy Light.
Surely if I can brighten all of Eternity, I have ample supply to flood thy heart and mind and thy body with My might power. My light, and My love--My deep joy and My energizing Spirit.
Jesus wants to 'lighten' up our lives. The writer may not have had this in mind, but Jesus came to lighten up the load we carry, he came to carry our burdens. He also came to light our path. Have you ever met someone who truly radiated the presence of the Lord? What a contrast from someone who seems to radiate all of the sin of the world. Who do you want to be like? God is calling us and drawing us to him. He desires to change our countenance, our very being, he desires to come and dwell in us and change our lives.
Father, we come to you this day, we pray that you would light our path, that you would lighten everything about who we are and what we do, That we would allow you to carry those burdens that we are trying to hold on to in our life. Show us Father, who you want to be in our lives. How you desire to change us. Do a work in each one of our hearts this day to bring us closer to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, was a normal school day, but evening we know some effort is being made to move the exchange student into a better environment, to a new home. I don't know how long the process will take to get the family approved, but they will be a good home. After school, I had a really soft tire, so I drove right to Hampden to get it fixed. I did some sewing in the evening. By last night, we could see that Julie was on the airplane to Nicaragua.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
January 29, 2009
/He Has Filled My Cup
He said...As captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face Joshua 5:14
I stand before you as the Might Captain
of the Hosts of the Almighty.
And you as men of war(See Joshua 5:13-15
See no longer
To rest in green pastures and lie beside still waters
For I have issued my command to wipe
out the giants.
And to utterly destroy the inhabitants of the Land./
I read that passage from Joshua 5:13-15 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" "Neither he replied, "but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come." Then Joshua fell face down to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" The commander of the Lord's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so.
When I first read this, my focus was on the part about wiping out the giants. I thought to myself, what giants are in my life, what am I struggling with this morning? I guess I would have to say trusting God/doubt I don't know what is happening for you today, but there are somethings that right now I don't feel I am trusting God like I should be. But then I read that passage and I was struck with a different focus....the holiness of God, when he is speaking to me to reverence his presence and to yield to him completely. None of us are on the same page in life, but that doesn't matter, God cares about what is happening for us right where we are. He desires to meet our needs, IF there are giants/obstacles to our walk with him, he wants to meet us, he wants to set us free from them.
Father we come to you this day, we thank you for bring us to this place in our walk with you, help us to seek you and your will for our lives. Father, if there are giants in our lives, we ask you in Jesus name to set us free from them. Guide our steps, direct our paths, and help us to walk in the way you have called us to walk. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, was a school day, The children had a lyceum and I am wondering how Jackson and Jesse liked that. After school I went to Cando and cleaned church, I stopped to see Matt and Mavis, and Gladys, and left some things with Kim Sieler for a project that she is doing. It was a good evening. I can see by Julie's twitter that she is at the airport going to Nicaragua.
He said...As captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face Joshua 5:14
I stand before you as the Might Captain
of the Hosts of the Almighty.
And you as men of war(See Joshua 5:13-15
See no longer
To rest in green pastures and lie beside still waters
For I have issued my command to wipe
out the giants.
And to utterly destroy the inhabitants of the Land./
I read that passage from Joshua 5:13-15 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" "Neither he replied, "but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come." Then Joshua fell face down to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" The commander of the Lord's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so.
When I first read this, my focus was on the part about wiping out the giants. I thought to myself, what giants are in my life, what am I struggling with this morning? I guess I would have to say trusting God/doubt I don't know what is happening for you today, but there are somethings that right now I don't feel I am trusting God like I should be. But then I read that passage and I was struck with a different focus....the holiness of God, when he is speaking to me to reverence his presence and to yield to him completely. None of us are on the same page in life, but that doesn't matter, God cares about what is happening for us right where we are. He desires to meet our needs, IF there are giants/obstacles to our walk with him, he wants to meet us, he wants to set us free from them.
Father we come to you this day, we thank you for bring us to this place in our walk with you, help us to seek you and your will for our lives. Father, if there are giants in our lives, we ask you in Jesus name to set us free from them. Guide our steps, direct our paths, and help us to walk in the way you have called us to walk. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, was a school day, The children had a lyceum and I am wondering how Jackson and Jesse liked that. After school I went to Cando and cleaned church, I stopped to see Matt and Mavis, and Gladys, and left some things with Kim Sieler for a project that she is doing. It was a good evening. I can see by Julie's twitter that she is at the airport going to Nicaragua.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
January 28, 2009
As Rains of Refreshing
Humble yourselves...under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time 1 Peter 5:6
Do not be anxious concerning tomorrow. You shall encounter nothing of which I am not already aware. My mercy is concealed within every storm cloud. My grace flows beneath every crosscurrent.
The storm is not a thing to fear but rather to welcome. As soon as you have made the discovery that in the time of stress and strain you have the clearest revelations of Myself, you will learn to head into the wind with sheer delight.
/Sometimes it is so hard to humble ourselves, we think we have and then God has to humble us again. I reflect on what we experienced in the 90's, I can think of many a morning sitting on the sofa feeling really distraught and praying for help. I feel that we are going into a time of experiencing similar, but God is with us and has promised he will never leave us or forsake us. When we are anxious, we miss the blessings that are there in the moment, because we are focused on the future. Today is the day God has given us, he only asks us to live it. I reflect that God is loving and cares about what is happening for you and me, He is all that we could ask in a Father, So he desires to do everything that a really good earthly father would do.
Father, we thank you for this day, help us focus on being all that you have made us to be just for today. Father, who can we bless and encourage, to help their day be all that you desire it to be? Help us to see that the stresses we are experiencing are given to us to help us grow in our relationship with you. We yield ourselves to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a day full of challenges, especially for those I love, my family. It was a usual day at school. I did what Janet suggested and used cliff notes for Ken's English, but even with that It was difficult. There was time to work some more on quilt blocks.
Humble yourselves...under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time 1 Peter 5:6
Do not be anxious concerning tomorrow. You shall encounter nothing of which I am not already aware. My mercy is concealed within every storm cloud. My grace flows beneath every crosscurrent.
The storm is not a thing to fear but rather to welcome. As soon as you have made the discovery that in the time of stress and strain you have the clearest revelations of Myself, you will learn to head into the wind with sheer delight.
/Sometimes it is so hard to humble ourselves, we think we have and then God has to humble us again. I reflect on what we experienced in the 90's, I can think of many a morning sitting on the sofa feeling really distraught and praying for help. I feel that we are going into a time of experiencing similar, but God is with us and has promised he will never leave us or forsake us. When we are anxious, we miss the blessings that are there in the moment, because we are focused on the future. Today is the day God has given us, he only asks us to live it. I reflect that God is loving and cares about what is happening for you and me, He is all that we could ask in a Father, So he desires to do everything that a really good earthly father would do.
Father, we thank you for this day, help us focus on being all that you have made us to be just for today. Father, who can we bless and encourage, to help their day be all that you desire it to be? Help us to see that the stresses we are experiencing are given to us to help us grow in our relationship with you. We yield ourselves to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a day full of challenges, especially for those I love, my family. It was a usual day at school. I did what Janet suggested and used cliff notes for Ken's English, but even with that It was difficult. There was time to work some more on quilt blocks.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 27, 2009
/Submission and Redemption
Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction Isaiah 48:10
Death is swallowed up in victory only for the man who has committed fully into the hands of the Father his total being. Trust Me now, as I do My perfecting work.
Lean upon My heart. I take no pleasure in afflicting your soul. I desire always for you a speedy deliverance. You help to bring it as you trust Me and as you yield your soul to My work in you (Romans 7:24-25)
It seems that of late I have had several people/situations where death is the topic. One expressed fear, another is some one who has no church, so that says something, too. and now we have Frank who has been in the hospital for atleast 7 weeks. They want to bring him home, and need people to come and help with his care. I suppose in everyone there is a kind of fear of death and it is because we are stepping into an unknown, when actually we are stepping into the unknown everyday of our life. Several weeks ago on Sunday in church we were singing The King is Coming, as I sang that song I had a picture in my mind that was special that morning. There was a person/ could be me walking up into heaven and the road was lined by white robed people. There were babies who never got to experience life, youth taken to soon, those who lived to be very old, they were waving and cheering those who were arriving. As I write, I get a sense it is like a runner crossing the finish line. Rejoicing and cheering.It is also like people lining the street for a parade,and cheering.I don't write this to put fear in your hearts, God wants us to be focused on him and his will and desires of life, and he will put in our path situations where this is a reality. He is preparing us.
Father, we commit this day into your hands, help us to live it in such a way that we will not be ashamed, that we will have no regrets, that we will be thankful and that we will keep our eyes upon you. Minister to the needs of each one, In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was the beginning of the Chinese New Year, Ken our exchange student brought gifts, there were ties and tie clasps for the men, and really nice chop sticks and a light pen with us name on it for the ladies. He had been with a family this weekend that helped his weekend to be very special, we are thankful for that. I work with him atleast one period of the day. Last night, I put a zipper in his sweatshirt for him. Otherwise, it was a usual day. Alice did call in the evening about Frank coming home and the need for someone to stay there so Dorothy gets sleep at night.
Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction Isaiah 48:10
Death is swallowed up in victory only for the man who has committed fully into the hands of the Father his total being. Trust Me now, as I do My perfecting work.
Lean upon My heart. I take no pleasure in afflicting your soul. I desire always for you a speedy deliverance. You help to bring it as you trust Me and as you yield your soul to My work in you (Romans 7:24-25)
It seems that of late I have had several people/situations where death is the topic. One expressed fear, another is some one who has no church, so that says something, too. and now we have Frank who has been in the hospital for atleast 7 weeks. They want to bring him home, and need people to come and help with his care. I suppose in everyone there is a kind of fear of death and it is because we are stepping into an unknown, when actually we are stepping into the unknown everyday of our life. Several weeks ago on Sunday in church we were singing The King is Coming, as I sang that song I had a picture in my mind that was special that morning. There was a person/ could be me walking up into heaven and the road was lined by white robed people. There were babies who never got to experience life, youth taken to soon, those who lived to be very old, they were waving and cheering those who were arriving. As I write, I get a sense it is like a runner crossing the finish line. Rejoicing and cheering.It is also like people lining the street for a parade,and cheering.I don't write this to put fear in your hearts, God wants us to be focused on him and his will and desires of life, and he will put in our path situations where this is a reality. He is preparing us.
Father, we commit this day into your hands, help us to live it in such a way that we will not be ashamed, that we will have no regrets, that we will be thankful and that we will keep our eyes upon you. Minister to the needs of each one, In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was the beginning of the Chinese New Year, Ken our exchange student brought gifts, there were ties and tie clasps for the men, and really nice chop sticks and a light pen with us name on it for the ladies. He had been with a family this weekend that helped his weekend to be very special, we are thankful for that. I work with him atleast one period of the day. Last night, I put a zipper in his sweatshirt for him. Otherwise, it was a usual day. Alice did call in the evening about Frank coming home and the need for someone to stay there so Dorothy gets sleep at night.
Monday, January 26, 2009
January 26, 2009
Heaven's Gifts
My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. Isaiah 32:18
Quietness of soul, My child, is heaven's rarest gift enjoyed aforetime. To abide in Me is to know release from tensions, and the ear that is attuned to My voice does not respond to chaos.
People assault their ears with noise to drown the cry of their souls for help. All too often they choose to perpetuate their own misery rather than repent of their evil ways and accept the rulership of another who is greater than themselves.
What a wonderful place that will be and God wants it to be like that here for us.I feel that the words are self explanatory, we express our frustrations by our actions. God wants us to acknowledge our needs and he will give us peace. I have probably said this before by my favorite verses are John 8:32, 36 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. During my life I have repeatedly seen Jesus do this in my life, He would take the problems and set me free and the result was peace. But I had to be willing to come to him and allow him to do that work in me.
Father, we do desire peace in the midst of a world of chaos, we come to you this day, and ask you to search our hearts, show us what is standing in the way of our experiencing true peace. Draw us to you so that we will experience your cleansing and then father fill our lives with you. We are thankful for your care and for bring our family home safely. Guide our steps this day and meet the needs that we have. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, we had Sunday School and Church. I have started having a Sunday School class with Mikaela Osborne, Her Mom is playing piano for us and her brother drums. Next Sunday her dad will be our pastor because the team is in Nicaragua. She is a third grader, she loves horses and legos. We were at home for the rest of the day. We are thankful that all of you got home safely.
My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. Isaiah 32:18
Quietness of soul, My child, is heaven's rarest gift enjoyed aforetime. To abide in Me is to know release from tensions, and the ear that is attuned to My voice does not respond to chaos.
People assault their ears with noise to drown the cry of their souls for help. All too often they choose to perpetuate their own misery rather than repent of their evil ways and accept the rulership of another who is greater than themselves.
What a wonderful place that will be and God wants it to be like that here for us.I feel that the words are self explanatory, we express our frustrations by our actions. God wants us to acknowledge our needs and he will give us peace. I have probably said this before by my favorite verses are John 8:32, 36 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. During my life I have repeatedly seen Jesus do this in my life, He would take the problems and set me free and the result was peace. But I had to be willing to come to him and allow him to do that work in me.
Father, we do desire peace in the midst of a world of chaos, we come to you this day, and ask you to search our hearts, show us what is standing in the way of our experiencing true peace. Draw us to you so that we will experience your cleansing and then father fill our lives with you. We are thankful for your care and for bring our family home safely. Guide our steps this day and meet the needs that we have. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, we had Sunday School and Church. I have started having a Sunday School class with Mikaela Osborne, Her Mom is playing piano for us and her brother drums. Next Sunday her dad will be our pastor because the team is in Nicaragua. She is a third grader, she loves horses and legos. We were at home for the rest of the day. We are thankful that all of you got home safely.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
January 25, 2009
/Praise Transforms
In every thing give thanks 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rejoice in Me always, for as you rejoice and give thanks, you release heaven's treasures and shower upon your head the blessings of a delighted Father. Nothing so thoroughly delights the Father's heart as the praises of His children. For praise inclines the heart toward gratitude, and gratitude nurtures contentment, and you may know for a certainty that no fruit ever appears on the tree of discontent.
So never cease in your praising, for in the midst of it I will manifest Myself. Praise will transform the humblest dwelling to a hallowed haven.
When I read this I am reminded of how often I forget to praise God for the situations that I face, he is lovingly waiting for me to come to him and tell him how much I love him, He really made us to have a relationship with him, and a much closer relationship than we have ever allowed to exist between us and him. What would our life be like if we yield in praise to him? Would we see changes in what we are experiencing? Would we see victories in our lives over the obstacles that hinder our walk with him? I challenge you that next time something happens that is frustrating for you, try praising God, try thanking him for your life the way it is. Godliness with contentment is great gain 1 Timothy 6:6
Father, we give you this day, guide our steps and direct our paths, but most of all draw us to you, give us a hunger and a desire to be more like you. Help us to praise you this day, show us the things that you have given us that are worthy of being reasons for praise. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday we were at home, much of our day was focused on the Wright family and their extra day in Florida. I did some cleaning and sewed blocks for a quilt. Saturday is always a time to spend with Seniors at the center for coffee in the afternoon.
In every thing give thanks 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rejoice in Me always, for as you rejoice and give thanks, you release heaven's treasures and shower upon your head the blessings of a delighted Father. Nothing so thoroughly delights the Father's heart as the praises of His children. For praise inclines the heart toward gratitude, and gratitude nurtures contentment, and you may know for a certainty that no fruit ever appears on the tree of discontent.
So never cease in your praising, for in the midst of it I will manifest Myself. Praise will transform the humblest dwelling to a hallowed haven.
When I read this I am reminded of how often I forget to praise God for the situations that I face, he is lovingly waiting for me to come to him and tell him how much I love him, He really made us to have a relationship with him, and a much closer relationship than we have ever allowed to exist between us and him. What would our life be like if we yield in praise to him? Would we see changes in what we are experiencing? Would we see victories in our lives over the obstacles that hinder our walk with him? I challenge you that next time something happens that is frustrating for you, try praising God, try thanking him for your life the way it is. Godliness with contentment is great gain 1 Timothy 6:6
Father, we give you this day, guide our steps and direct our paths, but most of all draw us to you, give us a hunger and a desire to be more like you. Help us to praise you this day, show us the things that you have given us that are worthy of being reasons for praise. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday we were at home, much of our day was focused on the Wright family and their extra day in Florida. I did some cleaning and sewed blocks for a quilt. Saturday is always a time to spend with Seniors at the center for coffee in the afternoon.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
January 24, 2009
/The Central Object
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. John 4:14
You shall hunger forever if you do not learn to feed on Me. Your thirst shall never be quenched except you drink of the Spirit and partake of the Christ life. No mortal shall bless you thus.
Your heart shall rejoice when I am the central object of your affection. Dedication brings pure rapture when the desire is wholly fixed upon Me! My Name alone, when breathed in adoration, lifts the weariest heart from despair and fills the seeking soul with exhilaration.
Have you ever had times when you feel anxious, frustrated, unsettled, maybe it causes you to want to eat, and eat some more, for some it causes them to want to do other things? God wants us to rest in him. I can only speak for myself, as I reflect back on my life, things, truly they were just things, and I thought they were so important. They were out perspective in my life. God is having to show me a lot of what is important and what isn't. When someone we love dies, or a family is hurting, we start to think, well what really is important?
Father, draw us to you, help us to put you in the right place in our lives. Help us to put you in the center of all that we do. Do that work in us that brings us to that place. Guide our steps today, and especially for our family traveling home from Florida. Meet their needs. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, the student I work with went to spend the weekend with a family in Devils lake who also have a student. He will have a good time with them. I called them to get a zipper so I can fix his sweat shirt. After school I went to Cando to clean the church and later some of the ladies came and we packed mesh bags with toiletries for the ladies in Nicaragua. It was a good time together. This morning we had an early call saying that Wrights had missed their flight out of Florida, so their plans are changed.....
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. John 4:14
You shall hunger forever if you do not learn to feed on Me. Your thirst shall never be quenched except you drink of the Spirit and partake of the Christ life. No mortal shall bless you thus.
Your heart shall rejoice when I am the central object of your affection. Dedication brings pure rapture when the desire is wholly fixed upon Me! My Name alone, when breathed in adoration, lifts the weariest heart from despair and fills the seeking soul with exhilaration.
Have you ever had times when you feel anxious, frustrated, unsettled, maybe it causes you to want to eat, and eat some more, for some it causes them to want to do other things? God wants us to rest in him. I can only speak for myself, as I reflect back on my life, things, truly they were just things, and I thought they were so important. They were out perspective in my life. God is having to show me a lot of what is important and what isn't. When someone we love dies, or a family is hurting, we start to think, well what really is important?
Father, draw us to you, help us to put you in the right place in our lives. Help us to put you in the center of all that we do. Do that work in us that brings us to that place. Guide our steps today, and especially for our family traveling home from Florida. Meet their needs. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, the student I work with went to spend the weekend with a family in Devils lake who also have a student. He will have a good time with them. I called them to get a zipper so I can fix his sweat shirt. After school I went to Cando to clean the church and later some of the ladies came and we packed mesh bags with toiletries for the ladies in Nicaragua. It was a good time together. This morning we had an early call saying that Wrights had missed their flight out of Florida, so their plans are changed.....
Friday, January 23, 2009
January 23, 2009
/Inner Calm
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. Job 22:21
Let nothing disturb your quietness of spirit, for from the place of inner calm you draw courage to move forward through all obstacles. I am never the source of turbulence. You may react with turbulence when I am dealing with your soul, but whenever you do so, it is because your will is in rebellion and you have stiffened your neck. My disciplines are received with peace in the heart that is submissive to My will./
Do you ever feel a rebellion arise inside of yourself? Obviously after reading this, I am reminded that when I do I am rebelling against what God wants in my life. God does want to work peace and calmness in our midst, and in ourselves. He doesn't want us to get caught up in the storms that rage about us. We are living in a time of many storms, and I am not referring to the ones outside, rather the storms in the world, wars, rumors of war, discord whether among nations, workers in business, within the family, whatever unit there is. God desires to give us peace as we yield to him.
Father, we give you this day, If there are storms in our life today, our prayer is that you will help us to keep our focus on you and all that you are, all that you do, and all that you give to us. and Help us to keep our focus on what you have done for us on the cross and are doing in us. Father, I pray for each member of this family, that you would minister to their needs this day, and draw them to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, there were some challenges because of exchange student. I feel badly for him, he didn't ask to be placed in the situation that he is in, granted he really shouldn't have come to US because his skills are not adequate to do the work. So the rep came to our school and after discussion, she gave him a test. She thinks someone else took the test for him in his country. They could send him home. But if not, the home where he is at is not a place for a young student(I think he is 15)because there is very little supervision. So we don't know what the next days will bring. I help him everyday, doing his lessons. After school I went over to Munich, to visit a lady and her daughter. They have moved here from out east. The lady has MS and was a college professor, she is a writer and has poetry and short stories published. They probably aren't the traditional people, but I feel that God wants us to love them and welcome them. We had a quiet evening, I am doing a bit of sewing on that quilt.
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. Job 22:21
Let nothing disturb your quietness of spirit, for from the place of inner calm you draw courage to move forward through all obstacles. I am never the source of turbulence. You may react with turbulence when I am dealing with your soul, but whenever you do so, it is because your will is in rebellion and you have stiffened your neck. My disciplines are received with peace in the heart that is submissive to My will./
Do you ever feel a rebellion arise inside of yourself? Obviously after reading this, I am reminded that when I do I am rebelling against what God wants in my life. God does want to work peace and calmness in our midst, and in ourselves. He doesn't want us to get caught up in the storms that rage about us. We are living in a time of many storms, and I am not referring to the ones outside, rather the storms in the world, wars, rumors of war, discord whether among nations, workers in business, within the family, whatever unit there is. God desires to give us peace as we yield to him.
Father, we give you this day, If there are storms in our life today, our prayer is that you will help us to keep our focus on you and all that you are, all that you do, and all that you give to us. and Help us to keep our focus on what you have done for us on the cross and are doing in us. Father, I pray for each member of this family, that you would minister to their needs this day, and draw them to you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, there were some challenges because of exchange student. I feel badly for him, he didn't ask to be placed in the situation that he is in, granted he really shouldn't have come to US because his skills are not adequate to do the work. So the rep came to our school and after discussion, she gave him a test. She thinks someone else took the test for him in his country. They could send him home. But if not, the home where he is at is not a place for a young student(I think he is 15)because there is very little supervision. So we don't know what the next days will bring. I help him everyday, doing his lessons. After school I went over to Munich, to visit a lady and her daughter. They have moved here from out east. The lady has MS and was a college professor, she is a writer and has poetry and short stories published. They probably aren't the traditional people, but I feel that God wants us to love them and welcome them. We had a quiet evening, I am doing a bit of sewing on that quilt.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
January 22, 2009
/Set Your Heart To Follow to the End
He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:8
My name is above every Name, and praise and glory belong to Me, and in Me every living thing shall rejoice. For I will cause a light to shine out of the darkness, and in that place where you have walked in defeat, there I will cause victory to break forth.
Rise, arise, and put on your strength, for you are a people called by My Name, and in My Name you will be strong and accomplish great things. And I will bless you.
My question, do we want our lives to be like this? Do we want to be victorious in Jesus? He is there waiting to meet us, to guide us, to help us, to direct us, and to use us. What in your life today seems overwhelming? What seems to be blocking you from experiencing joy? As we turn to Jesus, he desires to change that,(Remember he may not change the circumstances, but he may change us) He desires to draw us to himself, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Father, we give you this day, We pray that you would draw each one of us closer to your side, help us to seek you for the needs we face this day, and help us to see those around us like you see them. Thank you for the way you are going to bless our day. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a usual day at school. I am blest by the students that are in my study halls, right now there is a Sr. who has put in his heart to help a fellow student graduate, so he says he is going to tutor the student in a study hall, He really is an encourager. I am helping our exchange student from Taiwan by reading Julius Caesar to him, and I am not into that kind of reading, we also reviewed for a General Business test, I will probably read that test to him today. After school I visited with Mary, her son-in-law Tom Fredrickson is battling cancer, pray for Tom and Susan. I stopped to see Julie and the boys and when I got home it was time for Jack and I to get ready for Bible Study. We are blest by those that are coming and what we are learning and the discussion. So that was the day.
He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:8
My name is above every Name, and praise and glory belong to Me, and in Me every living thing shall rejoice. For I will cause a light to shine out of the darkness, and in that place where you have walked in defeat, there I will cause victory to break forth.
Rise, arise, and put on your strength, for you are a people called by My Name, and in My Name you will be strong and accomplish great things. And I will bless you.
My question, do we want our lives to be like this? Do we want to be victorious in Jesus? He is there waiting to meet us, to guide us, to help us, to direct us, and to use us. What in your life today seems overwhelming? What seems to be blocking you from experiencing joy? As we turn to Jesus, he desires to change that,(Remember he may not change the circumstances, but he may change us) He desires to draw us to himself, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Father, we give you this day, We pray that you would draw each one of us closer to your side, help us to seek you for the needs we face this day, and help us to see those around us like you see them. Thank you for the way you are going to bless our day. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a usual day at school. I am blest by the students that are in my study halls, right now there is a Sr. who has put in his heart to help a fellow student graduate, so he says he is going to tutor the student in a study hall, He really is an encourager. I am helping our exchange student from Taiwan by reading Julius Caesar to him, and I am not into that kind of reading, we also reviewed for a General Business test, I will probably read that test to him today. After school I visited with Mary, her son-in-law Tom Fredrickson is battling cancer, pray for Tom and Susan. I stopped to see Julie and the boys and when I got home it was time for Jack and I to get ready for Bible Study. We are blest by those that are coming and what we are learning and the discussion. So that was the day.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21, 2009
I Will Share My Secrets
He revealeth the deep and secret things Daniel 2:22
I will share with you My secrets
and reveal the hidden things.
I will lift you out of darkness--
Understanding will I bring
If you see Me in My fulness
And desire to know My heart.
I will open heaven's riches
And my wisdom I'll impart.
I have not ordained My children
To be blind, uncomprehending.
I will be the light eternal
Revelation to you sending.
/If we want to know God, really know God, it is all about yielding to him. That may not seem significant to you this day or at this season in your life. I reflect on my own life, it isn't about me, it is about God, it is about knowing him. When I read in God's word about people who heard from God, God hasn't changed, he wants to do the same thing in our lives. He is waiting for us to come to him. Have you ever had a decision to make and you didn't know what to do? You thought, Oh I wish he would write the answer in the sky so I would know what to do. God really does want to speak to us, and he does, but I think we have colored our world so much with the world around us that it is hard for us to hear his voice. Step away from the world and listen for his voice. That can even happen when we are in the midst of the world. God wants to commune with us where ever we are at, not just when we are alone with him, but even in the midst of people.
Father, We give you this day, help us to hear from you even in the midst of what seems like confusion. Father, help us to step back and see the events and activities around us in the light of you and your word. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, I stayed after school so I could take photos of the boys playing basketball. Now I have covered all the teams, so I won't need to go to any more games. The visiting team was from Warwick and the players were Native American. One of the coaches had taught at our school. By the last game the gym was filled. I left at half time, that was enough basketball for me. I was able to watch the activities in Washington. It is always quite impressive to see the events there. But now comes the real test, and we need to be in prayer for our president and what takes place.
He revealeth the deep and secret things Daniel 2:22
I will share with you My secrets
and reveal the hidden things.
I will lift you out of darkness--
Understanding will I bring
If you see Me in My fulness
And desire to know My heart.
I will open heaven's riches
And my wisdom I'll impart.
I have not ordained My children
To be blind, uncomprehending.
I will be the light eternal
Revelation to you sending.
/If we want to know God, really know God, it is all about yielding to him. That may not seem significant to you this day or at this season in your life. I reflect on my own life, it isn't about me, it is about God, it is about knowing him. When I read in God's word about people who heard from God, God hasn't changed, he wants to do the same thing in our lives. He is waiting for us to come to him. Have you ever had a decision to make and you didn't know what to do? You thought, Oh I wish he would write the answer in the sky so I would know what to do. God really does want to speak to us, and he does, but I think we have colored our world so much with the world around us that it is hard for us to hear his voice. Step away from the world and listen for his voice. That can even happen when we are in the midst of the world. God wants to commune with us where ever we are at, not just when we are alone with him, but even in the midst of people.
Father, We give you this day, help us to hear from you even in the midst of what seems like confusion. Father, help us to step back and see the events and activities around us in the light of you and your word. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, I stayed after school so I could take photos of the boys playing basketball. Now I have covered all the teams, so I won't need to go to any more games. The visiting team was from Warwick and the players were Native American. One of the coaches had taught at our school. By the last game the gym was filled. I left at half time, that was enough basketball for me. I was able to watch the activities in Washington. It is always quite impressive to see the events there. But now comes the real test, and we need to be in prayer for our president and what takes place.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 20, 2009
Here is a photo taken of you as a baby with Lori Gudmunsen and Auntie Julie.
I Anticipate Your Dependence on Me
Nevertheless I live, yet not I , but Christ liveth in me Galatians 2:20
Do not wait to feel worthy, for no one is worthy of My blessings. My grace bypasses your shortcomings, and I give to My children because they ask of Me and because I love them. I give most liberally to those who ask the most of Me. As you open your heat to Me. I will come to you. As you speak to Me, I will speak to you. As you reveal yourself to Me. I will reveal Myself to you.
How much God wants to help us and we try to do everything ourselves. I remember Grandma Helen telling how she would ask for God's help in what cook for meal, we might think that is insignificant, but in God's eyes he does desire to help us with everything. He did meet her needs, and give her inspiration for cooking. The more we ask God for help the more we see his desire to meet our needs. I remember a couple of years ago, I wrote down several goals for the New Year, at the end of the year I went back and was really blest to see how God had been working in those areas. I believe we are short changing God, for he truly does want to meet our needs.
Father, we come to you for this day, We pray for your guidance for this day, when we encounter a problem we can not handle or don't know what to do, help us to open up to our hearts to you and ask for help and then be willing to follow your instructions. In Jesus name./
Yesterday, I did not have school, so it was a day at home, I am making a quilt, so I sewed some of the blocks, in the afternoon Jack took me to New Rockford to physical therapist, and we stopped to see Frank and Dorothy on our way home. He is doing much better. I forgot to wish Alicia Happy Birthday yesterday, trusting that you had a good day, Alicia. There was much on the news about inauguration and Martin Luther King, the fact of a black president and Martin Luther Kings sacrifice, but I feel there are many others that sacrificed before him, that also should be recognized.
Monday, January 19, 2009
January 19, 2009
You shall Not Be Earthbound
Where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Ruth 1:16
Mount up on the wings of My power. For there are powers of the air to be subdued and conquered. You need faith and the liberty and power of the Holy Spirit to overcome these and rise above them.
My Church shall be an overcoming church, and My Bride shall be a heavenly being. I will take to Me one who has chosen to make My home her home, even as Ruth did. But she who turns back like Orpah shall not enter into My inheritance.
When I read this I thought, what do I write, but these are the thoughts that are with me:
It is many years ago since my Uncle Harry died, but the verse read at his funeral still sticks in my mind. It was Isaiah 40:39-41: He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Then on another occasion we were visiting Gary and Shirley Olson at Elbow Lake, the pastor spoke on this passage: Isaiah 6:1-9a In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings; With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another; 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.' At the sound of their voices the door post and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Woe to me I cried. 'I am ruined!. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.' Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'whom shall I send?' and who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I. Send me!".....
God wants to cleanse us, in this scripture there were hot coals, but we have Jesus blood to cleanse us from sin and all unrighteousness. And he wants to send us.....I appreciate the verses in Isaiah 40 because when we are overwhelmed by what is happening around us, I believe God wants to be our help to over come obstacles in our lives, and about us. And sending us, it may be to the person next door, to the person we work with, or to our family. All he asks is our faithfulness.
Father help us to be focused on you and not on the natural things about us. When we focus on the natural things it is overwhelming and we lose sight of all that you have for us. Help us to not look back but to look ahead, to keep our eyes on you. In Jesus name.
Yesterday, we were at Sunday School and Church. Gene is sharing with us a video about Israel, it is so timely in the light of events in the world. We are reminded in Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem..... During church we had a report about Nicaragua, and those going shared about their expectations for this year. We saw a video from past year. It was very good, I had not seen it. Again a good offering was taken. Jack and I were both tired so we went home and had naps. In the evening I focused on getting information organized for income tax. Today is a holiday from school. But I feel it more important to remember why. Our country in the beginning made a lot of bad choices, or atleast a lot of bad things happened for the African American people. Now as we reflect on the sacrifice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, and to see that today we have actually elected an African American president. We have come a long way. We are also reminded to pray for those in authority, so praying for our president is very important.
Where thou lodgest, I will lodge. Ruth 1:16
Mount up on the wings of My power. For there are powers of the air to be subdued and conquered. You need faith and the liberty and power of the Holy Spirit to overcome these and rise above them.
My Church shall be an overcoming church, and My Bride shall be a heavenly being. I will take to Me one who has chosen to make My home her home, even as Ruth did. But she who turns back like Orpah shall not enter into My inheritance.
When I read this I thought, what do I write, but these are the thoughts that are with me:
It is many years ago since my Uncle Harry died, but the verse read at his funeral still sticks in my mind. It was Isaiah 40:39-41: He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Then on another occasion we were visiting Gary and Shirley Olson at Elbow Lake, the pastor spoke on this passage: Isaiah 6:1-9a In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings; With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another; 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.' At the sound of their voices the door post and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Woe to me I cried. 'I am ruined!. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.' Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'whom shall I send?' and who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I. Send me!".....
God wants to cleanse us, in this scripture there were hot coals, but we have Jesus blood to cleanse us from sin and all unrighteousness. And he wants to send us.....I appreciate the verses in Isaiah 40 because when we are overwhelmed by what is happening around us, I believe God wants to be our help to over come obstacles in our lives, and about us. And sending us, it may be to the person next door, to the person we work with, or to our family. All he asks is our faithfulness.
Father help us to be focused on you and not on the natural things about us. When we focus on the natural things it is overwhelming and we lose sight of all that you have for us. Help us to not look back but to look ahead, to keep our eyes on you. In Jesus name.
Yesterday, we were at Sunday School and Church. Gene is sharing with us a video about Israel, it is so timely in the light of events in the world. We are reminded in Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem..... During church we had a report about Nicaragua, and those going shared about their expectations for this year. We saw a video from past year. It was very good, I had not seen it. Again a good offering was taken. Jack and I were both tired so we went home and had naps. In the evening I focused on getting information organized for income tax. Today is a holiday from school. But I feel it more important to remember why. Our country in the beginning made a lot of bad choices, or atleast a lot of bad things happened for the African American people. Now as we reflect on the sacrifice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, and to see that today we have actually elected an African American president. We have come a long way. We are also reminded to pray for those in authority, so praying for our president is very important.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 18,2009
Saturate Your Soul in the Oil of the Spirit
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair. 2 Corinthians 4:8
The everlasting power of the Godhead is incarnate in My chosen ones. Is it not written that the kingdom of God dwells within you: I will bring to pass miracles--when you walk in uprightness and with mercy.
Come to me with a clean heart and a right spirit, in sincerity, in honesty. Saturate your soul in the oil of the Holy Spirit, and keep your channel of communication always open to your Heavenly Father.
I like that last thought 'keep your channel of communication always open to your Heavenly Father' It is no different than our channel of communication with our family or our spouse. It just doesn't work, when we get an attitude toward the ones who are closest to us, we end up hurting ourselves and hurting them. I remember years ago reading something that Lowell Lundstrom had written about families. When there are two of you, you just have to get along with each other, and for each additional person there are just that many more relationships that you need to get along with so if there are three of you, four of gets more complicated. So whether at home or where you work, it is about relationships.
Come to me with a clean heart, it is so easy to allow our attitude to discolor our heart, it is so easy to allow attitudes to happen, soon some little thing mushrooms and we have a major crisis. We have allowed an attitude to discolor how we feel and we end up hurting the ones we love. I reflect on my past and it is overwhelming, lots of wrong attitudes, etc. But I am thankful that God is forgiving when I asking for forgiveness, and that today , he wants me to press forward. (not to dwell on the past)
So what is a burden for you today? even if you don't feel that your heart is clean. God tells us to come to him, Many a day I pray, "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit" When our spirit is "right" because of what God has done in us, we can deal with what is near us, what is troubling us, what is distressing us.........
Father, today we desire to be your vessels and live in such a way that is pleasing to you, Living our faith starts in our home with our family. Father, give us a heart of compassion towards our family, help us to keep the lines of communication open right in our homes. Help us to be sensitive to our loved ones that we live with. Saturate us with your presence. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit. In Jesus name. Amen/
Yesterday, I had a Daughters of the American Revolution meeting at Devils Lake. In October my records were approved, so our relatives on Grandpa O'Brien's Mothers family date back to the American Revolution. It obviously is a time when I am with a very different group of women, but since I am interested in history I enjoy learning. Yesterday one of the ladies read from a journal that is in her family, it dates back to the beginning of our country, very interesting. After that meeting I went to hospital and saw Frank, actually he was sleeping and Dorothy was with him. She feels that he is a bit better. He had his harmonica there, and had been playing it one evening. A patient in another room had expressed appreciation for his music. One day Naomi and Paul and Loretta Stensland came to see him, Loretta brought her guitar and played and sang for him. She is very good, and God uses her in this way. Audrey Vang's family asked if they would come and sing for her in another room, and they did and Dorothy said there weren't any dry eyes. Audrey probably died that night. After this visit I drove to Munich to help with a benefit for Jake Fickert. The plans for this were started before he died Christmas Day. I don't really know them, but their grandchildren go to Starkweather School. Derek Klein, a boy from camp, spearheaded this event and he had gone to a lot of work, I probably did it because I care about him. They had a silent auction of a lot of nice items, and a spaghetti meal, but very few people came. There had been basketball games all day at the school. I don't know that this family had developed a lot of relationships in the community, but I feel that God did some good things and it was in his hands. The people that came blest the Fickert family. It was a long day and when I came home Dad and I talked about what had happened....
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair. 2 Corinthians 4:8
The everlasting power of the Godhead is incarnate in My chosen ones. Is it not written that the kingdom of God dwells within you: I will bring to pass miracles--when you walk in uprightness and with mercy.
Come to me with a clean heart and a right spirit, in sincerity, in honesty. Saturate your soul in the oil of the Holy Spirit, and keep your channel of communication always open to your Heavenly Father.
I like that last thought 'keep your channel of communication always open to your Heavenly Father' It is no different than our channel of communication with our family or our spouse. It just doesn't work, when we get an attitude toward the ones who are closest to us, we end up hurting ourselves and hurting them. I remember years ago reading something that Lowell Lundstrom had written about families. When there are two of you, you just have to get along with each other, and for each additional person there are just that many more relationships that you need to get along with so if there are three of you, four of gets more complicated. So whether at home or where you work, it is about relationships.
Come to me with a clean heart, it is so easy to allow our attitude to discolor our heart, it is so easy to allow attitudes to happen, soon some little thing mushrooms and we have a major crisis. We have allowed an attitude to discolor how we feel and we end up hurting the ones we love. I reflect on my past and it is overwhelming, lots of wrong attitudes, etc. But I am thankful that God is forgiving when I asking for forgiveness, and that today , he wants me to press forward. (not to dwell on the past)
So what is a burden for you today? even if you don't feel that your heart is clean. God tells us to come to him, Many a day I pray, "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit" When our spirit is "right" because of what God has done in us, we can deal with what is near us, what is troubling us, what is distressing us.........
Father, today we desire to be your vessels and live in such a way that is pleasing to you, Living our faith starts in our home with our family. Father, give us a heart of compassion towards our family, help us to keep the lines of communication open right in our homes. Help us to be sensitive to our loved ones that we live with. Saturate us with your presence. Create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit. In Jesus name. Amen/
Yesterday, I had a Daughters of the American Revolution meeting at Devils Lake. In October my records were approved, so our relatives on Grandpa O'Brien's Mothers family date back to the American Revolution. It obviously is a time when I am with a very different group of women, but since I am interested in history I enjoy learning. Yesterday one of the ladies read from a journal that is in her family, it dates back to the beginning of our country, very interesting. After that meeting I went to hospital and saw Frank, actually he was sleeping and Dorothy was with him. She feels that he is a bit better. He had his harmonica there, and had been playing it one evening. A patient in another room had expressed appreciation for his music. One day Naomi and Paul and Loretta Stensland came to see him, Loretta brought her guitar and played and sang for him. She is very good, and God uses her in this way. Audrey Vang's family asked if they would come and sing for her in another room, and they did and Dorothy said there weren't any dry eyes. Audrey probably died that night. After this visit I drove to Munich to help with a benefit for Jake Fickert. The plans for this were started before he died Christmas Day. I don't really know them, but their grandchildren go to Starkweather School. Derek Klein, a boy from camp, spearheaded this event and he had gone to a lot of work, I probably did it because I care about him. They had a silent auction of a lot of nice items, and a spaghetti meal, but very few people came. There had been basketball games all day at the school. I don't know that this family had developed a lot of relationships in the community, but I feel that God did some good things and it was in his hands. The people that came blest the Fickert family. It was a long day and when I came home Dad and I talked about what had happened....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January 17, 2009
He brought me forth....into a large place 2 Samuel 22:20
I have assured you that there would be a reward for your faithfulness. You are now at a place where you can already lift up your eyes and look upon it.
I have prepared this for you, and I have stood beside you through the times of endurance. I have urged you on when you would have given up, because I would not allow you to fail.
Recognize My hand in this.
Your work is My work, and I am well able to take care of every aspect.
We get so caught up in every day activies, everyday life that we loose sight of why we are here. This week Dad and I went to see Frank and Dorothy at the hospital, and really Frank is very fragile and we know how much he would like to leave this world and go to be with Jesus. He has lived his life faithfully and it would seem like his work is done. Then last night we went to the family service for Aggie Schonauer. Her son Dale spoke and told about his moms life. She never had it very easy, they lived in a tiny 4 room house, no running water, no bath room, until after the children were gone. She was a very loving caring person, and then for the last years of her life, her mind had left her. Both are a reminder that life is fragile and all that we are and have are there because of God's grace.
What is happening in your life that you can recognize as God's hand? I like that thought, "Your work is My work, and I am well able to take care of every aspect". Sadly we try so hard to do it ourselves, if only we would relax and let God do it for us, and we just be his vessels.
Father, we lift this day to you, help us to relax and let you guide our day, help us to listen to your voice, meet the needs of each family member and bless them in a special way. In Jesus name. Amen
As I said we went to family service, they aren't having a funeral because Judy and Jill didn't come home. I am glad that we went, there isn't a lot of family and there were other neighbors there, too. I don't really have any other news, Trusting that you all have a good weekend, and we are glad that our 'travelors' are in Florida.
At the beginning of this post I have included a photo of Aggie Schonauer with Jack when he was a baby, she babysat him. It would have been the summer before she and Vernon got married. Their wedding day was the same as Jack and mine.
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 16,2009
Rejoice Always
Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4
Be obedient to My command that you rejoice in the Lord always. Because I must become your one true source of life and joy. I allow the difficult circumstances to come. Through them, I test your love for Me. My love for you is constant and is not to be reckoned by your own happiness or unhappiness. If you have unhappiness, it is because of your own wrong reactions.
Learn to react rightly and properly discern My intention. Never blame Me for your misery, for it is not from My hand.
/We don't like the way things are happening in our lives sometimes, but God wants to use those unpleasant situations. He wants to use them to draw us to him, to make good life choices. When you look at yesterday or today, what is happening that you don't like? Why? Is there anything you can do about your situation? Or does God want to use it to do a work in you? Have you been disappointed by those around you? Have they not met your expectations in life? What can you do to change the situation? For the most part we usually can't change our situation, but who can? Yes, we need to let go and let God, he is the author and finisher of our faith. He is able, abundantly able to do more than we can began to comprehend.......But we need to bring it to him and let him.
Father, today, I give you myself, all that I am and all that you want me to be, help me to listen to your voice, to be willing to yield myself to you. Create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday was a school day, after school I returned pictures and information to David Erickstad from the history project that I am working on, he told me about an Erickstad man who was involved in the Manhattan project. That is before your time, but it was the building of the atomic bomb. he was a brilliant man. But he struggled all his life with mental illness. It was really hard on him realizing that he had been involved in making something that destroyed all of those people. I went back to the school and watched some of the girls basketball, taking photos for the annual. Seth Hanson was a referee for the game. Some of you would have gone to school with him. Last year he was very sick with encephalitis, so it is truly a miracle to see him there doing that. He teaches at Grafton.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4
Be obedient to My command that you rejoice in the Lord always. Because I must become your one true source of life and joy. I allow the difficult circumstances to come. Through them, I test your love for Me. My love for you is constant and is not to be reckoned by your own happiness or unhappiness. If you have unhappiness, it is because of your own wrong reactions.
Learn to react rightly and properly discern My intention. Never blame Me for your misery, for it is not from My hand.
/We don't like the way things are happening in our lives sometimes, but God wants to use those unpleasant situations. He wants to use them to draw us to him, to make good life choices. When you look at yesterday or today, what is happening that you don't like? Why? Is there anything you can do about your situation? Or does God want to use it to do a work in you? Have you been disappointed by those around you? Have they not met your expectations in life? What can you do to change the situation? For the most part we usually can't change our situation, but who can? Yes, we need to let go and let God, he is the author and finisher of our faith. He is able, abundantly able to do more than we can began to comprehend.......But we need to bring it to him and let him.
Father, today, I give you myself, all that I am and all that you want me to be, help me to listen to your voice, to be willing to yield myself to you. Create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday was a school day, after school I returned pictures and information to David Erickstad from the history project that I am working on, he told me about an Erickstad man who was involved in the Manhattan project. That is before your time, but it was the building of the atomic bomb. he was a brilliant man. But he struggled all his life with mental illness. It was really hard on him realizing that he had been involved in making something that destroyed all of those people. I went back to the school and watched some of the girls basketball, taking photos for the annual. Seth Hanson was a referee for the game. Some of you would have gone to school with him. Last year he was very sick with encephalitis, so it is truly a miracle to see him there doing that. He teaches at Grafton.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January 15, 2009
A spirit of Gratitude
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you. Joshua 1:3
The path has been prepared before you, and you shall not fear, neither hesitate. As you tread, you will find the victory has already been won. No challenge shall turn you aside, no past defeat shall dim your faith in MY provision and grace. Love Me with your whole heart. I am the Lord, your God I have saved you and healed you, and you have much for which to praise Me. Never cease to keep a spirit of overflowing gratitude.
I guess I wonder if we are willing to acknowledge that we do not give God credit for our lives. God made us, he has guided our steps, he has kept us, when we reflect on the world about us, God is Good, He has demonstrated in a multitude of ways and times by his presence, his direction, and his provision. Granted we don't like every step of our life, but those that we have walked through are done, we need not dwell on them, they are in the past. This is a new day and today he wants to also meet our needs.
Father, we thank you for what you have done in our lives, how you have demonstrated your presence, how you have provided for our needs. We ask for your guidance for this day, help us to give you credit for what is happening to us. Thank you for blessing us with every spiritual blessing and for a lot of blessings that don't seem so very spiritual, but they are truly from you. Father, I lift our family to you, the children, spouses, grandchildren and spouses and great grandchildren. I pray that you would protect them this day, that you would guide their steps and that they would see your hand in their lives. That they would step upon the path that you have for them. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, was a usual day at school, we are adjusting to a new schedule at school. I have a solid morning of study halls, but they are good. I put a sign on the computer: This is for classroom use only not for playing games, They will get the message. and I see it does change the dynamics of the study hall. Some students need to be reminded why we are there, to study. Dad took me to school so he could get the oil changed on the Suburban, and after school he picked me up and we went to Devils Lake. We spent several hours with Frank and Dorthy. Edna was there for part of the time. Honestly, Frank is not very good. He is a very appreciative man and expressed that to us. I know that he and Dad had a few moments of talking just the two of them. If you would want to write a note to him he is at Mercy Hospital, 1031 7th St Devils Lake, 58301 Dorothy is staying right there with him. He eats almost nothing and is very thin. So when he tried to get up he wanted to pass out and they had to put him down. His blood pressure went really high. I know that today Julie will be driving to SD and tomorrow they leave for their trip. We are praying for you travelers, that God will protect you and bless your time.
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you. Joshua 1:3
The path has been prepared before you, and you shall not fear, neither hesitate. As you tread, you will find the victory has already been won. No challenge shall turn you aside, no past defeat shall dim your faith in MY provision and grace. Love Me with your whole heart. I am the Lord, your God I have saved you and healed you, and you have much for which to praise Me. Never cease to keep a spirit of overflowing gratitude.
I guess I wonder if we are willing to acknowledge that we do not give God credit for our lives. God made us, he has guided our steps, he has kept us, when we reflect on the world about us, God is Good, He has demonstrated in a multitude of ways and times by his presence, his direction, and his provision. Granted we don't like every step of our life, but those that we have walked through are done, we need not dwell on them, they are in the past. This is a new day and today he wants to also meet our needs.
Father, we thank you for what you have done in our lives, how you have demonstrated your presence, how you have provided for our needs. We ask for your guidance for this day, help us to give you credit for what is happening to us. Thank you for blessing us with every spiritual blessing and for a lot of blessings that don't seem so very spiritual, but they are truly from you. Father, I lift our family to you, the children, spouses, grandchildren and spouses and great grandchildren. I pray that you would protect them this day, that you would guide their steps and that they would see your hand in their lives. That they would step upon the path that you have for them. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, was a usual day at school, we are adjusting to a new schedule at school. I have a solid morning of study halls, but they are good. I put a sign on the computer: This is for classroom use only not for playing games, They will get the message. and I see it does change the dynamics of the study hall. Some students need to be reminded why we are there, to study. Dad took me to school so he could get the oil changed on the Suburban, and after school he picked me up and we went to Devils Lake. We spent several hours with Frank and Dorthy. Edna was there for part of the time. Honestly, Frank is not very good. He is a very appreciative man and expressed that to us. I know that he and Dad had a few moments of talking just the two of them. If you would want to write a note to him he is at Mercy Hospital, 1031 7th St Devils Lake, 58301 Dorothy is staying right there with him. He eats almost nothing and is very thin. So when he tried to get up he wanted to pass out and they had to put him down. His blood pressure went really high. I know that today Julie will be driving to SD and tomorrow they leave for their trip. We are praying for you travelers, that God will protect you and bless your time.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14, 2009
Hold Your Ground
Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. Numbers 13:30
I have not brought you out of the wilderness to allow you to be devoured by the giants in the land. I brought you out by a miracle and I bring you in that you may experience My delivering power.
Stretch for the hand of faith. Set foot upon the territory you wish to claim. I will move ahead of you and clear a path, but you must be determined to follow closely, and to hold your ground without wavering.
When I read this I thought, what in my life do you desire to set me free from, what is controlling me and keeping me from hearing from you? I believe if we ask God he will show us. I know that he is changing my desires, and most of you have been recipients of that as I have given you things that I once used and no longer use.(stamps, etc.) But I think that this could be different than physical things. Are there things controlling our lives that keep us from being the person God wants us to be? Is it the things I say, the thoughts that I entertain, the actions that I express. The author speaks of giants in the land, but what are the giants in my life?
Father, we commit this day into your hands, we thank you that you do care about the small details of our daily existence. Help us today, to search our hearts and examine our actions. Father, what about my life do you desire to change? Help me to be a willing vessel and to yield to your still small voice as you speak to me. Father, I pray for my family for their protection and your guidance in their lives. Father guide our choices, open our eyes to what you desire to do in us. Thank you for caring about our every situation. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, the key word was cold, but then it was the same for all of us, this morning I put a blanket around me as I sit and write. Since it is the change in semester there are changes in my schedule at school. I actually covered for Maureen Bertsch yesterday morning. I visited Myrtle in Hampden. She is a person living alone on a very limited budget. She has an embroidery sewing machine and I have some designs that she is going to try to down load on her computer. I hope they will be of help to her. God has opened the door for her to make some items and sell them.
Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. Numbers 13:30
I have not brought you out of the wilderness to allow you to be devoured by the giants in the land. I brought you out by a miracle and I bring you in that you may experience My delivering power.
Stretch for the hand of faith. Set foot upon the territory you wish to claim. I will move ahead of you and clear a path, but you must be determined to follow closely, and to hold your ground without wavering.
When I read this I thought, what in my life do you desire to set me free from, what is controlling me and keeping me from hearing from you? I believe if we ask God he will show us. I know that he is changing my desires, and most of you have been recipients of that as I have given you things that I once used and no longer use.(stamps, etc.) But I think that this could be different than physical things. Are there things controlling our lives that keep us from being the person God wants us to be? Is it the things I say, the thoughts that I entertain, the actions that I express. The author speaks of giants in the land, but what are the giants in my life?
Father, we commit this day into your hands, we thank you that you do care about the small details of our daily existence. Help us today, to search our hearts and examine our actions. Father, what about my life do you desire to change? Help me to be a willing vessel and to yield to your still small voice as you speak to me. Father, I pray for my family for their protection and your guidance in their lives. Father guide our choices, open our eyes to what you desire to do in us. Thank you for caring about our every situation. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, the key word was cold, but then it was the same for all of us, this morning I put a blanket around me as I sit and write. Since it is the change in semester there are changes in my schedule at school. I actually covered for Maureen Bertsch yesterday morning. I visited Myrtle in Hampden. She is a person living alone on a very limited budget. She has an embroidery sewing machine and I have some designs that she is going to try to down load on her computer. I hope they will be of help to her. God has opened the door for her to make some items and sell them.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13, 2009
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee. Psalm 139:12
Do not let your heart be discouraged. I am nearer you than ever in the past. I have brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.
You do not need always to see My face to know I am near. You may touch My face to know I am near. You may touch My hand by faith in moments when it is too dark to see anything. My Spirit is everywhere...even in the darkness.
/Sometimes we feel like, we are all alone, and then some little thing happens and we know it was God. Have you had any special blessings to you, that you know it was God? Think about it, you have. Sometimes I feel a special blessing because of something someone says, They have no idea how it blest me, but it did. Sometimes it is something I see God doing in your lives, You might not see it as anything special, but I see it as God, blessing you. When I am reading God's word, sometimes it is tempting to maybe not read a verse, because we don't think it will be important, wait, that is probably where God wants to bless us, keep reading. Sometimes we are doing very 'unspiritual things' and something special happens and we know it is God. Yesterday in a study hall I was blest to hear a student talk about world events, he is a very neat young man, but I don't anticipate that he has ever read a Bible, and yet his insite was quite revealing. It was encouraging.
I like the thought about 'I brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.' I am thankful that God isn't like me, he is constant, he is there always. It isn't dependent on how I feel. I am sure you have heard those comments about the Husband and Wife in the car who no longer sit right beside each other. Husband saying, I didn't move away, Well God hasn't moved away either, he is right there waiting for us to come to him. His hands are outstretched to meet what ever need we have today. He would say to us 'Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Father, We commit this day into your hands, Help us to seek you for the things in our lives that seem to overwhelm us, things that we feel we are powerless to do, We thank you that you care, that you are right there desiring to meet our needs. Thank you Father for meeting our needs for this day. We commit this day into your hands. In Jesus name. amen
Yesterday, was a school day, it was very cold, and when I went to school the visibility was terrible. It is the beginning of a new semester, and we have a class schedule that has changed, so I am not sure where I will be, but we will get it figured out. I went to Cando and cleaned church, set up a display for Nicaragua service on Sunday and then came home. It feels good to get inside, and after I ate, I shared some history writing that I had been reading in a book about Webster. It was a good day.
Sorry that I got mixed up on dates yesterday and also repeated some events that I had written about in earlier writings, you can see what happens as we get older Mom
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee. Psalm 139:12
Do not let your heart be discouraged. I am nearer you than ever in the past. I have brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.
You do not need always to see My face to know I am near. You may touch My face to know I am near. You may touch My hand by faith in moments when it is too dark to see anything. My Spirit is everywhere...even in the darkness.
/Sometimes we feel like, we are all alone, and then some little thing happens and we know it was God. Have you had any special blessings to you, that you know it was God? Think about it, you have. Sometimes I feel a special blessing because of something someone says, They have no idea how it blest me, but it did. Sometimes it is something I see God doing in your lives, You might not see it as anything special, but I see it as God, blessing you. When I am reading God's word, sometimes it is tempting to maybe not read a verse, because we don't think it will be important, wait, that is probably where God wants to bless us, keep reading. Sometimes we are doing very 'unspiritual things' and something special happens and we know it is God. Yesterday in a study hall I was blest to hear a student talk about world events, he is a very neat young man, but I don't anticipate that he has ever read a Bible, and yet his insite was quite revealing. It was encouraging.
I like the thought about 'I brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.' I am thankful that God isn't like me, he is constant, he is there always. It isn't dependent on how I feel. I am sure you have heard those comments about the Husband and Wife in the car who no longer sit right beside each other. Husband saying, I didn't move away, Well God hasn't moved away either, he is right there waiting for us to come to him. His hands are outstretched to meet what ever need we have today. He would say to us 'Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Father, We commit this day into your hands, Help us to seek you for the things in our lives that seem to overwhelm us, things that we feel we are powerless to do, We thank you that you care, that you are right there desiring to meet our needs. Thank you Father for meeting our needs for this day. We commit this day into your hands. In Jesus name. amen
Yesterday, was a school day, it was very cold, and when I went to school the visibility was terrible. It is the beginning of a new semester, and we have a class schedule that has changed, so I am not sure where I will be, but we will get it figured out. I went to Cando and cleaned church, set up a display for Nicaragua service on Sunday and then came home. It feels good to get inside, and after I ate, I shared some history writing that I had been reading in a book about Webster. It was a good day.
Sorry that I got mixed up on dates yesterday and also repeated some events that I had written about in earlier writings, you can see what happens as we get older Mom
Monday, January 12, 2009
You will have to excuse me because I have told you the same thing twice, I thought that I had told you but I couldn't find it this morning, and I see that I wrote the same devotion twice, You must think that your mom is losing it. Forgive me, God still loves us and cares about what is happening to us.
January 12, 2009
Be Not Afraid of Solitude
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you 1 John 2:27
I have a ministry for you. You have not found it yet because you have been earnestly and in sincerity and with humble heart trying to conform to the patterns of others.
Be not afraid of solitude. You will not lose My touch. You will not miss a blessing. How shall the hand of any other bring you greater joy or clearer insight than I can bring to you Myself?
/This again is a devotion that it is hard to put into words my thoughts and I am sure you will each think I am crazy, but I am sensing that for this season of my life, some of the things I thought were so important, I don't really desire. YOU may not be there, but please be patient with me for feeling this way. Saturday, we were at Senior Center, one of the lady's is using her embroidery sewing machine, I could be using mine, but I don't feel or have any desire to do that. I see other things in my life that were once so important and now I don't desire them either. I know that God is changing my goals and desires in this season of my life. Is there something in your life that you once saw as important that you may not feel so keen about today? God may be changing your direction in life. For the past maybe 10 years or more, I have felt a strong desire to be in ministry, but that is only doing what God wants, and as I have yielded to God, he has been cleaning out my life, but he has also given me opportunities to be used by him. I know that it is God.
Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for your everlasting love for us, We thank you for being so patient with us. Guide our steps this day, show us what you want in our lives, open and closes doors for us and help us to know it is you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a good day, we had Sunday School and Church. Gene, one of the men is leading us in a video series on Israel. It is really timely in the light of what is actually happening there. We must always remember that God has placed Israel there, they are his chosen people. There are plenty of scriptures that tell about God's provision for them. You all remember the way we set the tables in the basement, there were people on three sides and in a room behind. We have very few children, but I think they to were learning from what we saw. Our pastor is speaking to us about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he puts it in very easy to understand words, ands shares from his own experience. I don't know if you remember my own experience, but this is about it. I have told you about my feeling like I couldn't cope with life, At one time I walked from the garden and prayed for God's help, thinking that I would end up being a mental case the way my life was going. So them comes Halloween night and I am invited to a meeting with a group of Bible School students at the Legion Hall. I was a youth leader in our church, and Betty Boatman would have had children there, she invited me to come. After the Trick and Treating episode I went to the meeting. I don't know if I took you three oldest children with me or not. There I heard youth from this Bible school share their faith, I had never heard that. There was a message by the leader and then a time for prayer. I really wanted to witness to my Father, he was an alcoholic and I knew that only Jesus could change his life. I went for prayer and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that night. God was in the steps in my life. For soon after that we went to Oral Roberts University and there we both heard about the Baptism. I came back to home from ORU and made a poor choice of doing a personal activity(cake decorating class) when God really wanted me in church, the next night at our Methodist church I asked God's forgiveness and I know that was a key choice in my life(putting God first and asking forgiveness when I didn't put God first) That is a long time ago, but from then on I saw God giving me a desire to read his word, and to pray. Many a time I have made a wrong choice, but as I sought God he would show me my mistakes and I would ask for his forgiveness and then we would go on with life. I hope that I haven't bored you with telling this but this was a key time in my life.
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you 1 John 2:27
I have a ministry for you. You have not found it yet because you have been earnestly and in sincerity and with humble heart trying to conform to the patterns of others.
Be not afraid of solitude. You will not lose My touch. You will not miss a blessing. How shall the hand of any other bring you greater joy or clearer insight than I can bring to you Myself?
/This again is a devotion that it is hard to put into words my thoughts and I am sure you will each think I am crazy, but I am sensing that for this season of my life, some of the things I thought were so important, I don't really desire. YOU may not be there, but please be patient with me for feeling this way. Saturday, we were at Senior Center, one of the lady's is using her embroidery sewing machine, I could be using mine, but I don't feel or have any desire to do that. I see other things in my life that were once so important and now I don't desire them either. I know that God is changing my goals and desires in this season of my life. Is there something in your life that you once saw as important that you may not feel so keen about today? God may be changing your direction in life. For the past maybe 10 years or more, I have felt a strong desire to be in ministry, but that is only doing what God wants, and as I have yielded to God, he has been cleaning out my life, but he has also given me opportunities to be used by him. I know that it is God.
Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for your everlasting love for us, We thank you for being so patient with us. Guide our steps this day, show us what you want in our lives, open and closes doors for us and help us to know it is you. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a good day, we had Sunday School and Church. Gene, one of the men is leading us in a video series on Israel. It is really timely in the light of what is actually happening there. We must always remember that God has placed Israel there, they are his chosen people. There are plenty of scriptures that tell about God's provision for them. You all remember the way we set the tables in the basement, there were people on three sides and in a room behind. We have very few children, but I think they to were learning from what we saw. Our pastor is speaking to us about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he puts it in very easy to understand words, ands shares from his own experience. I don't know if you remember my own experience, but this is about it. I have told you about my feeling like I couldn't cope with life, At one time I walked from the garden and prayed for God's help, thinking that I would end up being a mental case the way my life was going. So them comes Halloween night and I am invited to a meeting with a group of Bible School students at the Legion Hall. I was a youth leader in our church, and Betty Boatman would have had children there, she invited me to come. After the Trick and Treating episode I went to the meeting. I don't know if I took you three oldest children with me or not. There I heard youth from this Bible school share their faith, I had never heard that. There was a message by the leader and then a time for prayer. I really wanted to witness to my Father, he was an alcoholic and I knew that only Jesus could change his life. I went for prayer and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that night. God was in the steps in my life. For soon after that we went to Oral Roberts University and there we both heard about the Baptism. I came back to home from ORU and made a poor choice of doing a personal activity(cake decorating class) when God really wanted me in church, the next night at our Methodist church I asked God's forgiveness and I know that was a key choice in my life(putting God first and asking forgiveness when I didn't put God first) That is a long time ago, but from then on I saw God giving me a desire to read his word, and to pray. Many a time I have made a wrong choice, but as I sought God he would show me my mistakes and I would ask for his forgiveness and then we would go on with life. I hope that I haven't bored you with telling this but this was a key time in my life.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Winter at Hampden
christmas memory
I found these lamps in a box which includes decorations that we aren't using but have sentimental value and I have saved them. I gues some time when all of you are here I should get the box down and have you each pick out things you would like to keep. Just a little memory for today.
January 10, 2009
Spiritual Liberty
Go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you.
An entire generation perished because of indecision, for though they were bodily freed, they never wakened to their spiritual liberty; they grieved the spirit of God for forty years and died in the wilderness, never having received the promise (Hebrews 3:15-19)
Bringing you out. My children, is only the beginning. I am preparing a people who shall go in. They shall possess the land. They shall be strong in the Lord, and they shall fulfill My purposes (Joshua 1).
/This is hard to write about, but it says to me: Though I am not Jewish, I wasn't living then, I can not judge them, because how many times has God spoken to me and I didn't listen to him? He may have spoken to me through his word, he may have spoken to me through a message at church by the pastor, or a sunday school teacher or through my parents, my spouse, and he may have spoken to me by a quiet voice in my heart. But did I listen? What would my life have been like if I had listened right away, rather than dragging my feet, or just plain not listening. I would have to say that I am trying harder to be tuned into his voice and listening to him, and then to follow his instructions. Last winter when I couldn't sleep on a Saturday night. Jack was asleep when I started to have this strong thought. You are not cooking at camp. I pushed it away a few times and finally I knew it was God and it was a time of praying and saying yes. That was a really hard one, but the next morning was Sunday and I talked to Martha about it first, and we prayed. When we were at home that day and sitting at the table eating, I told Jack and Julie. Their reply was are you sure, and I was sure. So the next step was to tell Jay and Paula. And we know how the summer was for our family, so I know that it was god. God wants to talke to us about all kinds of things, and if we ask him and allow him, he will guide us in all areas of our lives. He wants to help us make every decision.
Father, we thank you that you care about everything in our lives, the little details and the big decisions. Help us to realize how much you care about our choices. Father, I pray for Jack and I,each one of our children, their spouses, for the grand children, and spouses and for the great-grandchildren, may all of us be drawn to you to know your voice and listen to it. And then to obey you. In Jesus name.
Yesterday, was a lazy day at home. I started out the day by doing a spiritual gifts inventory(it was something we talked about at Bible Study on Wednesday evening) You can find it at: _ I first read the scriptures that tell about the spiritual gifts Romans 12:3-8, I Corinthians 12:1-32 Corinthians 14, I Peter 4:7-11, I always need to write things down so I can see a visual picture. I didn't do a lot of anything special at home. We had lunch with the Seniors and Dad played a game of pool with them. We went to O'Brien house and brought home some meat. We want to get the deep freeze shut off there.
Go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you.
An entire generation perished because of indecision, for though they were bodily freed, they never wakened to their spiritual liberty; they grieved the spirit of God for forty years and died in the wilderness, never having received the promise (Hebrews 3:15-19)
Bringing you out. My children, is only the beginning. I am preparing a people who shall go in. They shall possess the land. They shall be strong in the Lord, and they shall fulfill My purposes (Joshua 1).
/This is hard to write about, but it says to me: Though I am not Jewish, I wasn't living then, I can not judge them, because how many times has God spoken to me and I didn't listen to him? He may have spoken to me through his word, he may have spoken to me through a message at church by the pastor, or a sunday school teacher or through my parents, my spouse, and he may have spoken to me by a quiet voice in my heart. But did I listen? What would my life have been like if I had listened right away, rather than dragging my feet, or just plain not listening. I would have to say that I am trying harder to be tuned into his voice and listening to him, and then to follow his instructions. Last winter when I couldn't sleep on a Saturday night. Jack was asleep when I started to have this strong thought. You are not cooking at camp. I pushed it away a few times and finally I knew it was God and it was a time of praying and saying yes. That was a really hard one, but the next morning was Sunday and I talked to Martha about it first, and we prayed. When we were at home that day and sitting at the table eating, I told Jack and Julie. Their reply was are you sure, and I was sure. So the next step was to tell Jay and Paula. And we know how the summer was for our family, so I know that it was god. God wants to talke to us about all kinds of things, and if we ask him and allow him, he will guide us in all areas of our lives. He wants to help us make every decision.
Father, we thank you that you care about everything in our lives, the little details and the big decisions. Help us to realize how much you care about our choices. Father, I pray for Jack and I,each one of our children, their spouses, for the grand children, and spouses and for the great-grandchildren, may all of us be drawn to you to know your voice and listen to it. And then to obey you. In Jesus name.
Yesterday, was a lazy day at home. I started out the day by doing a spiritual gifts inventory(it was something we talked about at Bible Study on Wednesday evening) You can find it at: _ I first read the scriptures that tell about the spiritual gifts Romans 12:3-8, I Corinthians 12:1-32 Corinthians 14, I Peter 4:7-11, I always need to write things down so I can see a visual picture. I didn't do a lot of anything special at home. We had lunch with the Seniors and Dad played a game of pool with them. We went to O'Brien house and brought home some meat. We want to get the deep freeze shut off there.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 9, 2009
Pretense Will Not Worship
The Spirit.....will guide you into all truth. John 16:13
Out of much solitude comes a depth of understanding I cannot give to the one who closes himself in with noises to prevent hearing the emptiness of his own soul.
Only prayer furnishes the soul with nourishment, but prayer itself must be born of singleness of heart. Presence will not enter the gate of worship. Better to be a sinner and confess it than to profess purity you do not posses.
Search your heart in the light of My Word. Let the Holy Spirit give insight.
/When I think of what was written by the author and then think of each of you, I suspect that most of you will say, Well I don't understand that, or that doesn't mean anything to me. What is really on your heart to day, or this morning as you go to work, or as you do whatever you are to do today? Are you able to focus on what you need to focus on, or are there challenges and frustrations that are overwhelming you? God cares about whatever your need is, about what ever is happening, and he wants to meet your need. But I think we have allowed so much busyness(or noise) to fill our lives, to put us in a state of confusion that we can't hear from God. I guess that is why I like the ride to school, by myself, no music, time when I can ask for Gods guidance, time when I can pray for you. It is why I am here in this room alone, writing this to you.
Father, we give you this day, show us what is hindering us from hearing from you, We know you are talking to each one of us, maybe for some you are going to have to really shout for us to hear, but you will. Help us to listen to the still small voice within each of us, that is drawing us to you. May we hear from you this day and sense your presence. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a good day, after school I helped the student from Taiwan with his studies. We had worked the last period of the day but didn't have everything done, and he has a General Business project that must be completed by the end of today. I am working at cutting some blocks for a quilt. I really want to get rid of fabric in this house.
The Spirit.....will guide you into all truth. John 16:13
Out of much solitude comes a depth of understanding I cannot give to the one who closes himself in with noises to prevent hearing the emptiness of his own soul.
Only prayer furnishes the soul with nourishment, but prayer itself must be born of singleness of heart. Presence will not enter the gate of worship. Better to be a sinner and confess it than to profess purity you do not posses.
Search your heart in the light of My Word. Let the Holy Spirit give insight.
/When I think of what was written by the author and then think of each of you, I suspect that most of you will say, Well I don't understand that, or that doesn't mean anything to me. What is really on your heart to day, or this morning as you go to work, or as you do whatever you are to do today? Are you able to focus on what you need to focus on, or are there challenges and frustrations that are overwhelming you? God cares about whatever your need is, about what ever is happening, and he wants to meet your need. But I think we have allowed so much busyness(or noise) to fill our lives, to put us in a state of confusion that we can't hear from God. I guess that is why I like the ride to school, by myself, no music, time when I can ask for Gods guidance, time when I can pray for you. It is why I am here in this room alone, writing this to you.
Father, we give you this day, show us what is hindering us from hearing from you, We know you are talking to each one of us, maybe for some you are going to have to really shout for us to hear, but you will. Help us to listen to the still small voice within each of us, that is drawing us to you. May we hear from you this day and sense your presence. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday was a good day, after school I helped the student from Taiwan with his studies. We had worked the last period of the day but didn't have everything done, and he has a General Business project that must be completed by the end of today. I am working at cutting some blocks for a quilt. I really want to get rid of fabric in this house.
January 10, 2009
Spiritual Liberty
Go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you Joshua 1:11
An entire generation perished because of indecision, for though they were bodily freed, they never wakened to their spiritual liberty; they grieved the spirit of God for forty years and died in the wilderness, never having received the promise (Hebrews 3:15-19)
Bringing you out, My children, is only the beginning. I am preparing a people who shall go in. They shall possess the land. They shall be strong in the Lord, and they shall fulfill My purposes (Joshua1).
/What does God want to set you free from? Is there something in your life that is holding you back. When I experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit about 40 years ago, I was really struggling in my life. I had asked Jesus into my heart, but I wasn't living the way God wanted me to live. I have only one remembrance that is walking from my garden crying out to God for help. My life was a mess even as a Christian. I had allowed a lot of things to control me and I was miserable. I don't remember how long before my heart cry and God's response, but he did hear and answer..... It happened on a halloween night. I had taken the children 'tricks or treating' in Hampden. I was a youth worker in our church and one of the families invited me to hear a group of Bible School students at the Legion Hall. So after going with the children I went to the Hall, I don't remember if I took them with me or not. There I heard students testify to the things that God was doing in their lives. It was wonderful and new to me. Remember my dad was an alcoholic and that was one of the things that was completely destroying me(I often felt that I would end up in a mental hospital if my life didn't change, I couldn't cope with what was happening to me). After the young people testified, the leader spoke. In the end he asked if you desire power to witness to come for prayer. I wanted to tell my dad about Jesus and didn't know how or wasn't brave enough to do that. So I went for prayer and God met me that night. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my walk with Jesus. The verses John 8:32,36 became key verses in my life They are: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I said it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and it truly was, God opened up my heart to him, in the years that have followed God has been setting me free and continues to do just that. He gave me a hunger for his word and a desire to pray, granted he has allowed plenty of things to happen in my life, but at each turn and challenge he has been there to meet me.......So, where are you today, is there something in your life that is troubling you, God wants to meet you and set you free.
Yesterday was a school day. Ken had all of his work done before the last hour, that was good for him and good for me. I am glad it was Friday, I was tired and rested after school. I had several phone calls in the evening. Gary and Shirley are friends from Dad's college days and I talked to them. Gary has MS and their lives are difficult.
Go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you Joshua 1:11
An entire generation perished because of indecision, for though they were bodily freed, they never wakened to their spiritual liberty; they grieved the spirit of God for forty years and died in the wilderness, never having received the promise (Hebrews 3:15-19)
Bringing you out, My children, is only the beginning. I am preparing a people who shall go in. They shall possess the land. They shall be strong in the Lord, and they shall fulfill My purposes (Joshua1).
/What does God want to set you free from? Is there something in your life that is holding you back. When I experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit about 40 years ago, I was really struggling in my life. I had asked Jesus into my heart, but I wasn't living the way God wanted me to live. I have only one remembrance that is walking from my garden crying out to God for help. My life was a mess even as a Christian. I had allowed a lot of things to control me and I was miserable. I don't remember how long before my heart cry and God's response, but he did hear and answer..... It happened on a halloween night. I had taken the children 'tricks or treating' in Hampden. I was a youth worker in our church and one of the families invited me to hear a group of Bible School students at the Legion Hall. So after going with the children I went to the Hall, I don't remember if I took them with me or not. There I heard students testify to the things that God was doing in their lives. It was wonderful and new to me. Remember my dad was an alcoholic and that was one of the things that was completely destroying me(I often felt that I would end up in a mental hospital if my life didn't change, I couldn't cope with what was happening to me). After the young people testified, the leader spoke. In the end he asked if you desire power to witness to come for prayer. I wanted to tell my dad about Jesus and didn't know how or wasn't brave enough to do that. So I went for prayer and God met me that night. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my walk with Jesus. The verses John 8:32,36 became key verses in my life They are: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I said it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and it truly was, God opened up my heart to him, in the years that have followed God has been setting me free and continues to do just that. He gave me a hunger for his word and a desire to pray, granted he has allowed plenty of things to happen in my life, but at each turn and challenge he has been there to meet me.......So, where are you today, is there something in your life that is troubling you, God wants to meet you and set you free.
Yesterday was a school day. Ken had all of his work done before the last hour, that was good for him and good for me. I am glad it was Friday, I was tired and rested after school. I had several phone calls in the evening. Gary and Shirley are friends from Dad's college days and I talked to them. Gary has MS and their lives are difficult.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
January 8, 2009
I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go Isaiah 38:17
No event in your life is a mistake. I will use every circumstance to enrich your ministry and perfect your soul. You shall go because I have eed of you, and minister in the full power of your calling.
I shall thrust you forth. The opening of doors is My responsibility; but the preparation of your soul is your own responsibility.
If you would be ready when the time comes, be diligent and follow My guidance.
My personal thoughts: What ever is happening to you, God is in it, the problems the frustrations, the good things, God is in it. God is desiring to change us and sometimes, it is very painful. We don't like what is happening, we don't like pain. But if we would look to him he will show us what he is doing. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. All things, is God in what is happening for you today, something you don't like. Seek God, ask him to show you what he desires in your life, I feel that he in his own loving caring way, will show you. Sometimes now when something happens that I don't understand, but as I seek God, a still small voice inside tells me, This is for your benefin, thank me for what I am doing.
Father, we give you this day, it is your day, and we are your vessels, guide our steps and direct our path, minister to the needs of each one, may they feel your presence and sense that you are truly guiding their steps, help them to thank you for what they are experiencing even if they don't want to thank you. Draw them to you. In Jesus name.
Personal note-Yesterday was another day of school. I feel badly for little Jesse who got sick at school, we trust that he is better today. After school I went to Cando and cleaned the church. I called Gladys Neidlinger and told her I would bring food, so I went and ate with her. Just as with each of you, I brought the photos from Christmas and showed her the photos. She showed me a photo of Terry and Joy Roppel. Joy was Dick and Judy's daughter. Then I went to Gene Dick's house for bible study. Ciara Klein brought a power point presentation about spiritual gifts, there were quite a few of us there, and we had a lot of discussion about what she showed us. Ciara is a really special girl, that I have know since she was really little, and she is growing up to be a gem.
Today is a special day, Happy Birthday Julie, I remember when you were born Julie, a very cold night. Grandma Helen came to stay with the rest of the children. I think it is when Janet showed Grandma the matches. I remember praying that you would come quickly and you did. But what I really remember is that when I first learned that I was expecting again. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about another baby, because Janet was little and we were enjoying her. I remember praying at the alter of the Methodist church, asking God to forgive me of my attitude, and he truly did forgive me, and you have been a blessing in our lives, just like each one of you children.
Father, we pray that you would bless Julie's day, that you would help her to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That she would see your fruit in her life and that you would meet her needs just as your word tells us that you will supply our every need according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen
I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go Isaiah 38:17
No event in your life is a mistake. I will use every circumstance to enrich your ministry and perfect your soul. You shall go because I have eed of you, and minister in the full power of your calling.
I shall thrust you forth. The opening of doors is My responsibility; but the preparation of your soul is your own responsibility.
If you would be ready when the time comes, be diligent and follow My guidance.
My personal thoughts: What ever is happening to you, God is in it, the problems the frustrations, the good things, God is in it. God is desiring to change us and sometimes, it is very painful. We don't like what is happening, we don't like pain. But if we would look to him he will show us what he is doing. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. All things, is God in what is happening for you today, something you don't like. Seek God, ask him to show you what he desires in your life, I feel that he in his own loving caring way, will show you. Sometimes now when something happens that I don't understand, but as I seek God, a still small voice inside tells me, This is for your benefin, thank me for what I am doing.
Father, we give you this day, it is your day, and we are your vessels, guide our steps and direct our path, minister to the needs of each one, may they feel your presence and sense that you are truly guiding their steps, help them to thank you for what they are experiencing even if they don't want to thank you. Draw them to you. In Jesus name.
Personal note-Yesterday was another day of school. I feel badly for little Jesse who got sick at school, we trust that he is better today. After school I went to Cando and cleaned the church. I called Gladys Neidlinger and told her I would bring food, so I went and ate with her. Just as with each of you, I brought the photos from Christmas and showed her the photos. She showed me a photo of Terry and Joy Roppel. Joy was Dick and Judy's daughter. Then I went to Gene Dick's house for bible study. Ciara Klein brought a power point presentation about spiritual gifts, there were quite a few of us there, and we had a lot of discussion about what she showed us. Ciara is a really special girl, that I have know since she was really little, and she is growing up to be a gem.
Today is a special day, Happy Birthday Julie, I remember when you were born Julie, a very cold night. Grandma Helen came to stay with the rest of the children. I think it is when Janet showed Grandma the matches. I remember praying that you would come quickly and you did. But what I really remember is that when I first learned that I was expecting again. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about another baby, because Janet was little and we were enjoying her. I remember praying at the alter of the Methodist church, asking God to forgive me of my attitude, and he truly did forgive me, and you have been a blessing in our lives, just like each one of you children.
Father, we pray that you would bless Julie's day, that you would help her to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That she would see your fruit in her life and that you would meet her needs just as your word tells us that you will supply our every need according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
January 7, 2009
Boundless Joy
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7
Know in your heart that your vessel has been formed for the purpose of shedding abroad the glory of God, and the Spirit ministers in you to the end that this may be accomplished. Lo, I stand at your side to help, and you shall never need to rely on your own strength or wisdom. As long as you bless and honor Me, the rivers of life shall flow forth and your joy shall be boundless.
/As I reread those thoughts I am reminded that God made each of us as individuals and non of us are alike, he broke the mold after each birth. We were each made to be a vessel of honor, honor to God our Father. God made you with your special abilities and talents, your special desires. That is probably why we don't really understand each other and why we function as we do. But let us take the person that God has made in us and use that life to be all that we can. Yesterday I was reading a book written by the man who leads Compassion. Compassion is an organization that encourages people to sponsor children in other countries. He explains that children are born into these situations have a very defeated attitude and they don't believe they can be anything of value. It is a story of a lady, a teacher who sponsored a child in Kenya. He would write to her, but he always expressed that he was a nobody, she would reply that he was a somebody, and that he could do good. He was finally so encouraged that he started to think positive of himself. He found that his talent was in running, first to be the best runner in his class of 5, then in his school, his town and then his country. He went to the Olympics and there he earned a silver medal. She actually watched him on TV. On his way him, he went by her country, England, he went to her cottage, There he stooped to enter her humble home, and met this elderly lady in her wheel chair. He wanted to give her his medal because he couldn't have done it without her. I was very touched by that story, and was reading it in the study hall(4 students) so I read it to them. I hope that they are touched and challenged, and today I challenge each of you, who can you encourage today? don't forget that first God gave you maybe a spouse and children, co-workers, parents, customers. God wants to use us. Maybe you are the one who feels defeated......
Father in Heaven, we come to you this day. We ask you to place in our heart the seed of encouragement, Father, that first we would be encouraged to be and do all we can, Father help us to see ourselves the way you see us, help us to see that we are in Christ Jesus a person of worth. Father, help us to be sensitive to those about us, who do you want us to encourage today, and when we do, may we feel your presence encouraging us in our inter being. Thank for hearing and answering us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, It was a normal day at school. I help Ken from Taiwan, and was there after school helping him get his studies done, I stopped by the center in Hampden and hung a map. It is from 1911, and I had matted and framed it. I stopped at Julie Ann's for a bit and actually Jerry walked over in the evening. I am cutting out quilt blocks, I really desire to put an end to some fabric.
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7
Know in your heart that your vessel has been formed for the purpose of shedding abroad the glory of God, and the Spirit ministers in you to the end that this may be accomplished. Lo, I stand at your side to help, and you shall never need to rely on your own strength or wisdom. As long as you bless and honor Me, the rivers of life shall flow forth and your joy shall be boundless.
/As I reread those thoughts I am reminded that God made each of us as individuals and non of us are alike, he broke the mold after each birth. We were each made to be a vessel of honor, honor to God our Father. God made you with your special abilities and talents, your special desires. That is probably why we don't really understand each other and why we function as we do. But let us take the person that God has made in us and use that life to be all that we can. Yesterday I was reading a book written by the man who leads Compassion. Compassion is an organization that encourages people to sponsor children in other countries. He explains that children are born into these situations have a very defeated attitude and they don't believe they can be anything of value. It is a story of a lady, a teacher who sponsored a child in Kenya. He would write to her, but he always expressed that he was a nobody, she would reply that he was a somebody, and that he could do good. He was finally so encouraged that he started to think positive of himself. He found that his talent was in running, first to be the best runner in his class of 5, then in his school, his town and then his country. He went to the Olympics and there he earned a silver medal. She actually watched him on TV. On his way him, he went by her country, England, he went to her cottage, There he stooped to enter her humble home, and met this elderly lady in her wheel chair. He wanted to give her his medal because he couldn't have done it without her. I was very touched by that story, and was reading it in the study hall(4 students) so I read it to them. I hope that they are touched and challenged, and today I challenge each of you, who can you encourage today? don't forget that first God gave you maybe a spouse and children, co-workers, parents, customers. God wants to use us. Maybe you are the one who feels defeated......
Father in Heaven, we come to you this day. We ask you to place in our heart the seed of encouragement, Father, that first we would be encouraged to be and do all we can, Father help us to see ourselves the way you see us, help us to see that we are in Christ Jesus a person of worth. Father, help us to be sensitive to those about us, who do you want us to encourage today, and when we do, may we feel your presence encouraging us in our inter being. Thank for hearing and answering us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, It was a normal day at school. I help Ken from Taiwan, and was there after school helping him get his studies done, I stopped by the center in Hampden and hung a map. It is from 1911, and I had matted and framed it. I stopped at Julie Ann's for a bit and actually Jerry walked over in the evening. I am cutting out quilt blocks, I really desire to put an end to some fabric.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
january 6, 2009
Only Yield the Vessel
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
Be obedient to the still, small voice. It will engage your soul in devotion. It will give you direction. I will revive and enlighten your own spirit and imbue your soul with divine love.
I am in your midst, dwelling deep within your being. You need not search for Me any further away than your own heart. The flowing forth of My spirit shall move through you and speak through you. Only yield your vessel. He is your victory.
/When I reflect on these thoughts, I am reminded of where I need to focus, It is so easy to get caught in the outside circumstances and let me control how I feel, rather than keeping my eyes and, my thoughts, and my heart on Jesus. I was reading something yesterday about confessing what God's word says. That is what I need to do. What would God want to say to us today? What would God want us to confess today? And my God shall supply your every need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus...I am the Lord thy God which healeth thee......For thee and thy household shall be saved..... What is your need today? What verses would God like to speak into your heart?I have a book _Praying God's Will for my son/daughter_, it is meant to take scripture and pray it for our family. We need to be praying God's word for our family and ourselves.
Father, we have been entrusted with lives right in our homes, Only you can truly meet their needs. We pray that you would supply their every need according to your riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Help us heavenly father to focus on you, show us what you want to do in our lives. Help us to hear your still small voice, and help us to listen when you speak to us. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, I was the teacher for Maureen Bertsch. She was at Audrey Vang's funeral. They were neighbors at the lake, I remember Audrey from Vang's jewelry. We always went there and she was truly the guiding force of that store. It was a good day. She has some students that require a lot of speaking too, they really like to taddle. It was really cold, so we played indoors, and I had recess duty so we played a game called 7 up in a class room. I didn't do much at home. Dad and I watched some about Armageddon in the evening. It was actually made in 2003 and it talks about Bible Codes. That is something new to me. They did plow our roads.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
Be obedient to the still, small voice. It will engage your soul in devotion. It will give you direction. I will revive and enlighten your own spirit and imbue your soul with divine love.
I am in your midst, dwelling deep within your being. You need not search for Me any further away than your own heart. The flowing forth of My spirit shall move through you and speak through you. Only yield your vessel. He is your victory.
/When I reflect on these thoughts, I am reminded of where I need to focus, It is so easy to get caught in the outside circumstances and let me control how I feel, rather than keeping my eyes and, my thoughts, and my heart on Jesus. I was reading something yesterday about confessing what God's word says. That is what I need to do. What would God want to say to us today? What would God want us to confess today? And my God shall supply your every need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus...I am the Lord thy God which healeth thee......For thee and thy household shall be saved..... What is your need today? What verses would God like to speak into your heart?I have a book _Praying God's Will for my son/daughter_, it is meant to take scripture and pray it for our family. We need to be praying God's word for our family and ourselves.
Father, we have been entrusted with lives right in our homes, Only you can truly meet their needs. We pray that you would supply their every need according to your riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Help us heavenly father to focus on you, show us what you want to do in our lives. Help us to hear your still small voice, and help us to listen when you speak to us. In Jesus name. Amen
Yesterday, I was the teacher for Maureen Bertsch. She was at Audrey Vang's funeral. They were neighbors at the lake, I remember Audrey from Vang's jewelry. We always went there and she was truly the guiding force of that store. It was a good day. She has some students that require a lot of speaking too, they really like to taddle. It was really cold, so we played indoors, and I had recess duty so we played a game called 7 up in a class room. I didn't do much at home. Dad and I watched some about Armageddon in the evening. It was actually made in 2003 and it talks about Bible Codes. That is something new to me. They did plow our roads.
Monday, January 5, 2009
January 5, 2009
A Perpetual Fountain of Glory
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 timothy 4:7
Write those things I say to you. Hold back nothing of all I shall say to you. For I shall speak to you in the darkness and shall make your way a path of light. I will cry to you out of the confusion round about, and you shall hear My voice and shall know that which I do.
Look to Me, and I will be your beacon in the night and you will not stumble over the hidden things.
/Personal thoughts:Do you ever have thoughts that you know you are to remember? Then they slip out of your mind. I think of my dad who carried a little black book in his pocket, he wrote everything in it. Appointments, information. He was known for telling jokes, so he might have written that there, too. Grandma Helen had lots of 'to do lists" we found them tucked in everything. We might still find some tucked in books in the basement.....I have a friend who keeps a note pad by her bed, and there she writes thoughts she might get at night. We are living in a time when we say, 'we can't remember, we have brain overload.' We really need to ease the stress by putting information on paper. That is why I like to do a task, or write a letter right away, so I can clear it out of my mind's 'to do list'.
I believe that the author is saying much more, God wants to speak to us, Sometimes when we don't know what to do we say, 'I wish God would write it in the sky, so I would know the decision to make". Sometimes we need to quiet our heart so we can hear his voice. I feel that if we are married, he wants us to submit to our husband on decisions, granted sometimes we need to go ahead when he isn't around. Other times when we ask our spouse we should be willing to listen to his/her opinion.
Confusion, there is a lot of it about us, I need to separate myself from all that is around me, to ask for Gods direction and then to wait for him to give it and then to use/apply it.
Father, thank you for this day, for the beginning of school, guide our steps today, help us to listen to you and apply your word to our lives. In Jesus name. Amen
I have been thinking about a personal thing I would like to sometimes add to the morning thoughts that I send to you. I have been focusing on cleaning out clutter in my life. It is so easy to go and buy another item, when we maybe have several sitting there partially used, I will use hand lotion as an example. Lets try to clean out the clutter in our life, by using up the left overs. Sometimes I even pour the lotion together and use it. What things are in your houses that you could eliminate? what about food in your cupboard, are there items that have been there for a while, It is so easy to get more, and push things to the back. Lets, use up the left overs and last years items, when things aren't use able lets get rid of them. I have been working on that, but I see some more things that I need to focus on this winter. Some of you are really good at that, but I think we all could focus on 'cleaning out' this winter. It looks like a good winter to do that. Guys, that includes you, too. Odds and ends of automotive things, etc.
Yesterday was a busy day. It was the first time I was able to do BGMC electronically. I had to put the power point presentation on the jump drive, take it to church and put it on the computer and into a program that they are using to show the music on the overhead. It worked. BGMC has gone electronic! One of the men in our church has moved to Rolla, and there he met a group of believers. Some of them are young people who left Heutterite colonies. Most left a colony in Canada, but one is from Forrest River. They shared about themselves in our Sunday School class.
Dad and I came home right after church and on the TV was an interview with the son of Hama leader who is fighting over in Israel. This young man has become a Christian, it was a very good interview, he gave a lot of thought before he made that decision and he knows that God has called him. He is living in San Diego and is being helped by a group of believers there. It is interesting to follow what is happening there, especially in the light of what we have been studying in Bible Study. /(You might want to check that site)
Have a great day.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 timothy 4:7
Write those things I say to you. Hold back nothing of all I shall say to you. For I shall speak to you in the darkness and shall make your way a path of light. I will cry to you out of the confusion round about, and you shall hear My voice and shall know that which I do.
Look to Me, and I will be your beacon in the night and you will not stumble over the hidden things.
/Personal thoughts:Do you ever have thoughts that you know you are to remember? Then they slip out of your mind. I think of my dad who carried a little black book in his pocket, he wrote everything in it. Appointments, information. He was known for telling jokes, so he might have written that there, too. Grandma Helen had lots of 'to do lists" we found them tucked in everything. We might still find some tucked in books in the basement.....I have a friend who keeps a note pad by her bed, and there she writes thoughts she might get at night. We are living in a time when we say, 'we can't remember, we have brain overload.' We really need to ease the stress by putting information on paper. That is why I like to do a task, or write a letter right away, so I can clear it out of my mind's 'to do list'.
I believe that the author is saying much more, God wants to speak to us, Sometimes when we don't know what to do we say, 'I wish God would write it in the sky, so I would know the decision to make". Sometimes we need to quiet our heart so we can hear his voice. I feel that if we are married, he wants us to submit to our husband on decisions, granted sometimes we need to go ahead when he isn't around. Other times when we ask our spouse we should be willing to listen to his/her opinion.
Confusion, there is a lot of it about us, I need to separate myself from all that is around me, to ask for Gods direction and then to wait for him to give it and then to use/apply it.
Father, thank you for this day, for the beginning of school, guide our steps today, help us to listen to you and apply your word to our lives. In Jesus name. Amen
I have been thinking about a personal thing I would like to sometimes add to the morning thoughts that I send to you. I have been focusing on cleaning out clutter in my life. It is so easy to go and buy another item, when we maybe have several sitting there partially used, I will use hand lotion as an example. Lets try to clean out the clutter in our life, by using up the left overs. Sometimes I even pour the lotion together and use it. What things are in your houses that you could eliminate? what about food in your cupboard, are there items that have been there for a while, It is so easy to get more, and push things to the back. Lets, use up the left overs and last years items, when things aren't use able lets get rid of them. I have been working on that, but I see some more things that I need to focus on this winter. Some of you are really good at that, but I think we all could focus on 'cleaning out' this winter. It looks like a good winter to do that. Guys, that includes you, too. Odds and ends of automotive things, etc.
Yesterday was a busy day. It was the first time I was able to do BGMC electronically. I had to put the power point presentation on the jump drive, take it to church and put it on the computer and into a program that they are using to show the music on the overhead. It worked. BGMC has gone electronic! One of the men in our church has moved to Rolla, and there he met a group of believers. Some of them are young people who left Heutterite colonies. Most left a colony in Canada, but one is from Forrest River. They shared about themselves in our Sunday School class.
Dad and I came home right after church and on the TV was an interview with the son of Hama leader who is fighting over in Israel. This young man has become a Christian, it was a very good interview, he gave a lot of thought before he made that decision and he knows that God has called him. He is living in San Diego and is being helped by a group of believers there. It is interesting to follow what is happening there, especially in the light of what we have been studying in Bible Study. /(You might want to check that site)
Have a great day.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
January 4,2009
There Is Always An Alternative
And he said, Take....thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there. Genesis 22:2
No price is too great to pay for the proper care of that which I have given you. Never regard lightly that which is precious in My sight. There is always an alternative to the life of relinquishment, but it is lean and barren. That which is most precious needs to be offered up to me continually.
My grace is as a beacon. It shall light on all that is now obscure.
/When I reflect on the authors thoughts, I wonder if there are sacrifices that God would have me to give to him. It was a really great price what God called him to give, when he asked him to give his son, and he went and he prepared his son to sacrifice him. Sometimes, God might just be looking to see if I am willing to truly give something to him. In recent years, I have felt God's directions to give to him things(could be real items, but it could be things that I desire to do)as I listen and obey, he does respond in loving kindness. The author also speaks of a life that is lean and barren, which is what happens when I don't give to God what he desires in my life.
Granted most of you are much younger and certainly not on the same page of life that I am on, but is there something in your life that God might be asking you to give to him? Sometimes God takes something, but gives us something better in place. He knows what is best in our lives.
Father, we thank you that you are all knowing and all loving, and you have our best interests at heart. Today, we ask that you would guide our steps and direct our paths, help us to sense your presence and to know your will. Father, make that known so real, that we are willing to listen and obey. In Jesus name. Amen
Personal note-We enjoyed the day at home, it didn't really storm here, but any drifting fills in the roads. I focused on cleaning in the computer room, though I have a way to go, We were in senior center for lunch and there we watched a video of Orland Dahl and his parents. They were related to Gladys Boatman and lived out on a farm, very frugal people, their farm was simple and not nice like what we see today. Orland was very musical and someone had gone there and they videoed him playing instruments. It was done in 1984.
And he said, Take....thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there. Genesis 22:2
No price is too great to pay for the proper care of that which I have given you. Never regard lightly that which is precious in My sight. There is always an alternative to the life of relinquishment, but it is lean and barren. That which is most precious needs to be offered up to me continually.
My grace is as a beacon. It shall light on all that is now obscure.
/When I reflect on the authors thoughts, I wonder if there are sacrifices that God would have me to give to him. It was a really great price what God called him to give, when he asked him to give his son, and he went and he prepared his son to sacrifice him. Sometimes, God might just be looking to see if I am willing to truly give something to him. In recent years, I have felt God's directions to give to him things(could be real items, but it could be things that I desire to do)as I listen and obey, he does respond in loving kindness. The author also speaks of a life that is lean and barren, which is what happens when I don't give to God what he desires in my life.
Granted most of you are much younger and certainly not on the same page of life that I am on, but is there something in your life that God might be asking you to give to him? Sometimes God takes something, but gives us something better in place. He knows what is best in our lives.
Father, we thank you that you are all knowing and all loving, and you have our best interests at heart. Today, we ask that you would guide our steps and direct our paths, help us to sense your presence and to know your will. Father, make that known so real, that we are willing to listen and obey. In Jesus name. Amen
Personal note-We enjoyed the day at home, it didn't really storm here, but any drifting fills in the roads. I focused on cleaning in the computer room, though I have a way to go, We were in senior center for lunch and there we watched a video of Orland Dahl and his parents. They were related to Gladys Boatman and lived out on a farm, very frugal people, their farm was simple and not nice like what we see today. Orland was very musical and someone had gone there and they videoed him playing instruments. It was done in 1984.
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