Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee.  Psalm 139:12

Do not let your heart be discouraged.  I am nearer you than ever in the past.  I have brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.
You do not need always to see My face to know I am near.  You may touch My face to know I am near.  You may touch My hand by faith in moments when it is too dark to see anything.  My Spirit is everywhere...even in the darkness.

/Sometimes we feel like, we are all alone, and then some little thing happens and we know it was God.  Have you had any special blessings to you, that you know it was God?  Think about it, you have.  Sometimes I feel a special blessing because of something someone says,  They have no idea how it blest me, but it did.  Sometimes it is something I see God doing in your lives,  You might not see it as anything special, but I see it as God, blessing you. When I am reading God's word, sometimes it is tempting to maybe not read a verse, because we don't think it will be important, wait, that is probably where God wants to bless us, keep reading.  Sometimes we are doing very 'unspiritual things' and something special happens and we know it is God.  Yesterday in a study hall I was blest to hear a student talk about world events, he is a very  neat young man, but I don't anticipate that he has ever read a Bible, and yet his insite  was quite revealing. It was encouraging.
I like the thought about 'I brought you up to a place of constancy, and I will hold you firm regardless of what you are feeling.'  I am thankful that God isn't like me, he is constant, he is there always.  It isn't dependent on how I feel.  I am sure you have heard those comments about the Husband and Wife in the car who no longer sit right beside each other.  Husband saying, I didn't move away,  Well God hasn't moved away either, he is right there waiting for us to come to him.  His hands are outstretched to meet what ever need we have today.  He would say to us 'Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:28-30

Father, We commit this day into your hands, Help us to seek you for the things in our lives that seem to overwhelm us, things that we feel we are powerless to do,  We thank you that you care, that you are right there desiring to meet our needs.  Thank you Father for meeting our needs for this day.  We commit this day into your hands.  In Jesus name.  amen

Yesterday, was a school day, it was very cold, and when I went to school the visibility was terrible.  It is the beginning of a new semester, and we have a class schedule that has changed, so I am not sure where I will be, but we will get it figured out.  I went to Cando and cleaned church, set up a display for Nicaragua service on Sunday and then came home.  It feels good to get inside, and after I ate,  I shared some history writing that I had been reading in a book about Webster.  It was a good day.

Sorry that I got mixed up on dates yesterday and also repeated some events that I had written about in earlier writings, you can see what happens as we get older  Mom