Monday, January 5, 2009

January 5, 2009

A Perpetual Fountain of Glory

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.  2 timothy 4:7

Write those things I say to you.  Hold back nothing of all I shall say to you.  For I shall speak to you in the darkness and shall make your way a path of light.  I will cry to you out of the confusion round about, and you shall hear My voice and shall know that which I do.
Look to Me, and I will be your beacon in the night and you will not stumble over the hidden things.

/Personal thoughts:Do you ever have thoughts that you know you are to remember?  Then they slip out of your mind.  I think of my dad who carried a little black book in his pocket, he wrote everything in it.  Appointments, information.  He was known for telling jokes, so he might have written that there, too.  Grandma Helen had lots of 'to do lists"  we found them tucked in everything.  We might still find some tucked in books in the basement.....I have a friend who keeps a note pad by her bed, and there she writes thoughts she might get at night.  We are living in a time when we say, 'we can't remember, we have brain overload.'  We really need to ease the stress by putting information on paper.  That is why I like to do a task, or write a letter right away, so I can clear it out of my mind's 'to do list'.

I believe that the author is saying much more,  God wants to speak to us, Sometimes when we don't know what to do we say, 'I wish God would write it in the sky, so I would know the decision to make".  Sometimes we need to quiet our heart so we can hear his voice.  I feel that if we are married, he wants us to submit to our husband on decisions, granted sometimes we need to go ahead when he isn't around.  Other times when we ask our spouse we should be willing to listen to his/her opinion.

Confusion, there is a lot of it about us, I need to separate myself from all that is around me, to ask for Gods direction and then to wait for him to give it and then to use/apply it.

Father, thank you for this day, for the beginning of school, guide our steps today, help us to listen to you and apply your word to our lives.  In Jesus name.  Amen

I have been thinking about a personal thing I would like to sometimes add to the morning thoughts that I send to you.  I have been focusing on cleaning out clutter in my life.  It is so easy to go and buy another item, when we maybe have several sitting there partially used,  I will use hand lotion as an  example.  Lets try to clean out the clutter in our life, by using up the left overs.  Sometimes I even pour the lotion together and use it.  What things are in your houses that you could eliminate?  what about food in your cupboard, are there items that have been there for a while,  It is so easy to get more, and push things to the back.  Lets, use up the left overs and last years items, when things aren't use able lets get rid of them.  I have been working on that, but I see some more things that I need to focus on this winter.  Some of you are really good at that, but I think we all could focus on 'cleaning out' this winter.  It looks like a good winter to do that.  Guys, that includes you, too.  Odds and ends of automotive things, etc.

Yesterday was a busy day.  It was the first time I was able to do BGMC electronically.  I had to put the power point presentation on the jump drive, take it to church and put it on the computer and into a program that they are using to show the music on the overhead.  It worked.  BGMC has gone electronic!  One of the men in our church has moved to Rolla, and there he met a group of believers.  Some of them are young people who left Heutterite colonies.  Most left a colony in Canada, but one is from Forrest River.  They shared about themselves in our Sunday School class.

Dad and I came home right after church and on the TV was an interview with the son of Hama leader who is fighting over in Israel.  This young man has become a Christian, it was a very good interview,  he gave a lot of thought before he made that decision and he knows that God has called him.  He is living in San Diego and is being helped by a group of believers there.  It is interesting to follow what is happening there, especially in the light of what we have been studying in Bible Study.  /(You might want to check that site)

Have a great day.