Spiritual Liberty
Go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you.
An entire generation perished because of indecision, for though they were bodily freed, they never wakened to their spiritual liberty; they grieved the spirit of God for forty years and died in the wilderness, never having received the promise (Hebrews 3:15-19)
Bringing you out. My children, is only the beginning. I am preparing a people who shall go in. They shall possess the land. They shall be strong in the Lord, and they shall fulfill My purposes (Joshua 1).
/This is hard to write about, but it says to me: Though I am not Jewish, I wasn't living then, I can not judge them, because how many times has God spoken to me and I didn't listen to him? He may have spoken to me through his word, he may have spoken to me through a message at church by the pastor, or a sunday school teacher or through my parents, my spouse, and he may have spoken to me by a quiet voice in my heart. But did I listen? What would my life have been like if I had listened right away, rather than dragging my feet, or just plain not listening. I would have to say that I am trying harder to be tuned into his voice and listening to him, and then to follow his instructions. Last winter when I couldn't sleep on a Saturday night. Jack was asleep when I started to have this strong thought. You are not cooking at camp. I pushed it away a few times and finally I knew it was God and it was a time of praying and saying yes. That was a really hard one, but the next morning was Sunday and I talked to Martha about it first, and we prayed. When we were at home that day and sitting at the table eating, I told Jack and Julie. Their reply was are you sure, and I was sure. So the next step was to tell Jay and Paula. And we know how the summer was for our family, so I know that it was god. God wants to talke to us about all kinds of things, and if we ask him and allow him, he will guide us in all areas of our lives. He wants to help us make every decision.
Father, we thank you that you care about everything in our lives, the little details and the big decisions. Help us to realize how much you care about our choices. Father, I pray for Jack and I,each one of our children, their spouses, for the grand children, and spouses and for the great-grandchildren, may all of us be drawn to you to know your voice and listen to it. And then to obey you. In Jesus name.
Yesterday, was a lazy day at home. I started out the day by doing a spiritual gifts inventory(it was something we talked about at Bible Study on Wednesday evening) You can find it at: _www.buildingchurch.net/g2s.htm _ I first read the scriptures that tell about the spiritual gifts Romans 12:3-8, I Corinthians 12:1-32 Corinthians 14, I Peter 4:7-11, I always need to write things down so I can see a visual picture. I didn't do a lot of anything special at home. We had lunch with the Seniors and Dad played a game of pool with them. We went to O'Brien house and brought home some meat. We want to get the deep freeze shut off there.