Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24, 2009

/The Central Object
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.  John 4:14

You shall hunger forever if you do not learn to feed on Me. Your thirst shall never be quenched except you drink of the Spirit and partake of the Christ life.  No mortal shall bless you thus.
Your heart shall rejoice when I am the central object of your affection.  Dedication brings pure rapture when the desire is wholly fixed upon Me!  My Name alone, when breathed in adoration, lifts the weariest heart from despair and fills the seeking soul with exhilaration.
Have you ever had times when you feel anxious, frustrated, unsettled, maybe it causes you to want to eat, and eat some more, for some it causes them to want to do other things?  God wants us to rest in him.  I can only speak for myself, as I reflect back on my life, things, truly they were just things, and I thought they were so important.  They were out  perspective in my life.  God is having to show me a lot of what is important and what isn't.  When someone we love dies, or a family is hurting, we start to think, well what really is important?

  Father, draw us to you, help us to put you in the right place in our lives.  Help us to put you in the center of all that we do.    Do that work in us that brings us to that place.  Guide our steps today, and especially for our family traveling home from Florida.  Meet their needs.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Yesterday, the student I work with went to spend the weekend with a family in Devils lake who also have a student.  He will have a good time with them.  I called them to get a zipper so I can fix his sweat shirt.  After school I went to Cando to clean the church and later some of the ladies came and we packed mesh bags with toiletries for the ladies in Nicaragua.  It was a good time together.  This morning we had an early call saying that Wrights  had missed their flight out of Florida, so their plans are changed.....

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