This is the guest room. The day we came to Janet's house, Russ had found this furniture in the granary. It was used by his parents in the 1960's I have seen this furniture. My mom didn't have a real bedroom set, but she painted and antiqued the furniture that she had to look like this. We used this piece and the head board in the guest room. The lamps are one that I brought. i think that they belonged to Grandma Helen. The dresser scarf was given to Janet by Grandma O'Brien. Each of you children received a similar package. You can see the bed reflected in the window. Trey is using the dresser in his room.
This was Grandma Helen's cedar chest. Janet has had it for a long time. Grandma Helen had tried refinishing the lid and so it doesn't look so great, so we put a rug on it. It is handy for us to set our suitcases on when we stay with them.
This is the bed, it was given to her, and is really a very comfortable bed. The quilt is one that my mom made for me, we put a dust skirt around it and I want to make pillow shams. The curtains are lace, and this room also has shelves above. The little round table was Grandma O'Briens, I think she got it from her friend Millie Neidlinger. Janet has painted room in a nice ice green,