There Is Always An Alternative
And he said, Take....thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there. Genesis 22:2
No price is too great to pay for the proper care of that which I have given you. Never regard lightly that which is precious in My sight. There is always an alternative to the life of relinquishment, but it is lean and barren. That which is most precious needs to be offered up to me continually.
My grace is as a beacon. It shall light on all that is now obscure.
/When I reflect on the authors thoughts, I wonder if there are sacrifices that God would have me to give to him. It was a really great price what God called him to give, when he asked him to give his son, and he went and he prepared his son to sacrifice him. Sometimes, God might just be looking to see if I am willing to truly give something to him. In recent years, I have felt God's directions to give to him things(could be real items, but it could be things that I desire to do)as I listen and obey, he does respond in loving kindness. The author also speaks of a life that is lean and barren, which is what happens when I don't give to God what he desires in my life.
Granted most of you are much younger and certainly not on the same page of life that I am on, but is there something in your life that God might be asking you to give to him? Sometimes God takes something, but gives us something better in place. He knows what is best in our lives.
Father, we thank you that you are all knowing and all loving, and you have our best interests at heart. Today, we ask that you would guide our steps and direct our paths, help us to sense your presence and to know your will. Father, make that known so real, that we are willing to listen and obey. In Jesus name. Amen
Personal note-We enjoyed the day at home, it didn't really storm here, but any drifting fills in the roads. I focused on cleaning in the computer room, though I have a way to go, We were in senior center for lunch and there we watched a video of Orland Dahl and his parents. They were related to Gladys Boatman and lived out on a farm, very frugal people, their farm was simple and not nice like what we see today. Orland was very musical and someone had gone there and they videoed him playing instruments. It was done in 1984.
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