Sunday, March 30, 2008

jerry is 4 years old

Here we see Jerry on the occasion of his fourth birthday.  Our cakes weren't so fancy then, and it doesn't look like we had any company.  I think that grandparents were usually with us for our birthdays.

jerry's birthday

This is Jerry on the occasion of his 1st birthday.  He was just like any other little boy, he probably wanted to dig into his cake.  But I don't remember the occasion

Today we say Happy Birthday to you and you have seen many birthdays since that time.  We love you.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

lunch time

This is a "I Remember" story.  Taking lunch to the field for the men was a very significant part of the day.  I have found a couple of photos that show different periods history.  One is much older than the other.  I also remember sitting by the hay stack eating the lunch together.  It was the haystack that was being made that very day. It wasn't just any old lunch, it was important that it be very special.  Grandma Helen was good at creating lunches, but it also was very time consuming for her.  I think the children enjoyed the trips to the field and being a part of "lunch  time."  They could run around and play.  Grandma Lennie is the driver of the older car.  I am driving the newer car.  Jack is in the car, Glenn to the left, and Oscar to the right.  We also took noon meals, and that was quite a production.

Hot Cross Buns

Julie, this is especially for you.  I made Hot Cross Buns last night.  I know they probably aren't quite like yours.  I didn't have white flour, so they are heavier.  Some of my family turns up their nose to candied fruit, but I can eat them.  Have a great day Mum

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This morning as I was on the treadmill I was thinking....

Yesterday I talked to Julie in Australia and she was asking about things to bring.  It brought to mind when they moved to Australia.  I remember the last day that Jerry went back into his home and took video's.  We waited in the car, I had such a sense of saddness in my heart for him at that moment.  Now we are seeing a reverse as Julie is having to do the same.  I haven't had the experience of leaving my home.  I know you children have said that you would push it in.  But if my life circumstances make it so I have to move to some other place and that house is still there, it will be sad.  Unless ofcourse god works in my heart to know that I need to make a change.

 Father, help us to give our lives and things to you that we are willing to go where you want us to go and to be what you want us to be.

Monday, March 3, 2008


It is 2:57 a.m. and I am writing.  I am home alone, Jack is in Fargo for airplane symposium,  Julie in Grand Forks for a concert, she and Shannon stayed at Jacqui's because the road is terrible. So they didn't go to her house. Brenna and Shaun need to leave really early for Bismarck and they closed I 29 because of the drifting and ice(I think).  Well at 2 a.m. I got a call from Chuck wondering if I had a shovel(he didn't know dad wasn't home) so I drove over to where they were stuck on their road.  Those low vans don't do so good, they get hung up on the driftand the snow was hard.  I took two shovels and put on a lot of clothes,  Chuck and I did the shoveling, but he really didn't have the appropriate clothes,  finally Alice got out and I told her to get in the back of the jeep as there were more clothes.  Frank and Dorothy were along, I don't know where they had been but I think that they had picked up Gabe who had been to the concert that Julie, Shannon, Shaun, Brenna and Alicia had been at.  It is time to say goodnight, maybe the cat and will get some sleep now.  Mom