Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

The Last Great Outpouring
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord.
Revelation 1:8
I have truly great things in store for you. I will send a mighty downpour. In the day of the great deluge which is coming, many will come to know the reality of My power.
Surely I will pour out My Spirit, I will reaffirm the veracity of My Word and bring the message of the Gospel of Redemption to many who would otherwise never give heed. I am the alpha and the Omega. Stand firm in Me. Never waver.

God is doing just that, we wouldn't know it if we listen to the world news, but that isn't telling the God side of the story.  People are coming to Christ, including people in places where it is forbidden for them to hear the gospel.  Our roll: occupy til I come.  Keep doing what God has called you to do today.  He may change his plans, but he will tell you when he does, until then continue faithfully doing what he has called you to do this day.

Yesterday, we made the trip back to Rugby to retreve the check book that I had left there.  I am amazed at Gods goodness, first I didn't miss it , so I wasn't upset and second, they were honest and returned it including the debit card.  I asked who had given it but she didn't know so I can't personally thank them.  We spent some time shopping there, it is like a small town version of Walmart, but a lot nicer, Pamida and Alco stores are perfect for the smaller town, and they have everything.  Then we went uptown, we have been looking about getting a sofa and they have a St. Michael's furniture store, like Devils Lake.  Each time I learn new things that are helping us to make a decision.  She sent us with samples so we can put them against our carpet and get the best color choice.  We also found a chair that we like to accompany the sofa.  She asked if we were going to eat, and mentioned the Rocking Relic, just down the street.  It was such a fun place, they have turned an old hardware store into a cafe.  It still has the tin roof, and there are antiques for sale and tastfully arranged around you.  You are sitting at the chrome tables similar to what Grandma O'Brien had in her kitchen, they have an ice cream/soda counter and you can sit at stools up to a counter, there was a lot of Coke advertising and memorabilia, and the sandwiches were named after movie stars from the 50"s  Their menu was soup/or chips  and sandwiches, and ice cream treats.  Food was good and the atmosphere was great.  After that we looked in a couple of other stores and then headed for home.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Visit with Ann

Here we are together in December 2009

December 30, 2009

The Shadow of My Hand
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you;
not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
John 14:27
Peace, My child, is the shadow of My hand. When your soul is at rest, it is because you are consciously aware of My presence. You do not need to seek peace. As you realize My nearness, you will discover that I am there, in the center of your worship; for to seek Me is to desire to worship Me. Finding Me, you have no need to seek peace, for I Myself am your peace.

Thank you for the peace that we have in you, peace that the world can't give us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday we went up to Minot to see Don and Ann.  You know that Lori has had her baby, so I wanted to give Ann a gift for her, and so I decided to fix a basket for her to use in the nursery, I lined it with fabric, and then added a Bible story book for wee ones, so at Rugby I had dad stop and I went and got some items to put in the basket.  We went on to Minot and enjoyed time together, I have a picture I will post of Ann and I together.  We looked in a furniture store at sofa's and then dad looked at cars and we came home.  When we got home he listened to a message on the phone and it said that they had found my check book at Pamida in Rugby and put it in a safe place for us.  I felt really bad about that.  I know that when I came from the store I was concerned because I didn't want to lift anything, and I guess my focus was on that.  I don't know where it got dropped, we need to go back there today.  that is the bad part about getting old, but I am thankful that I hadn't looked for it or wanted to use it or I would have been very upset.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

Integrity a Sacred Charge
Do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
There is a way that you must go because of faithfulness to Me. All you do, let it be as unto Me. Never do anything as pleasing men, but do all for Me and for My glory. Thus, and only thus, can your heart be kept at peace, and only in this way can you honor Me and bring forth fruit.
Speak of Me often, and all other relationships shall be hallowed.
The integrity of your own heart is your most sacred charge. Guard this with utmost care.

I wonder if we sometimes have problems with sorting out whether we are pleasing God or pleasing man.  How many things do we do just to please those around us, and I mean in Christian circles,too.  What really is important?  What matters to God?  What does he want us to do?  I reflect on my life of having spent to much time pleasing people, doing things for others and neglecting my family.  Forgive me, but I feel a need for us to reflect.  What would God really have us to do?  What is more for our own ego, our own self worth or for God's desires.

Father, Search my heart and lead me in the way you would have me to go.  In Jesus Name.

Yesterday was an interesting day.  First I was writing to some Neidlinger relatives that I have been corresponding with via e-mail and I wanted history I was sending them to be more complete, so I made a few phone calls, and was able to actually reach more relatives.  I think she enjoyed it and now there is another connection.  Dad went on the internet in the evening and located another relative, a part of the family where we didn't know anything.  He found a lady Norma Dillingham, She will be 90 in February, she is the last living child of Lew Neidlingers.  Lew was your dad's grandpa Oscars brother, for a time they lived here and had a farm south of where Dick Anderson's lived.  We knew nothing about this family.  I visited with her and she gave the names and phone numbers of her two sons, and I contacted them, too.  We right now we are working on the Neidlinger history,  didn't plan it but that is the way it is.   In the afternoon Vondal's employee brought us a new washer, a Speed Queen, I hope this last longer than the last one.  So I can wash clothes. 

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28, 2009 about the funeral

I feel like I should write about this funeral.  Dad didn't know him and only went with me because I am not driving yet. Dad dropped me off at the door and I waited inside for him to come.  Jim Berg came as I was waiting and Jim is really hurting.  The accident happened on his farm and he is the one who found him. Jim said to me how he felt that he had had a heart attack because he made no effort to drop the fall.  He didn't put out his arms   He said two families are hurting.  Gordon had spent his whole life working for farmers.  Ken and Sandy Weaver were on their way to see their children when they got word and they came back home.  He had worked for them for 8 years, He had worked for Jim about 11 years.  His Dad and Marilyn Morstad were brother and sister, but I don't think that the families were close.  Morstads were there but didn't come in with the relatives.  By the time the funeral started the church was full.  Maureen Bertsch sang, the first was a contemporary song to a tape and the second was 'The Old Rugged Cross"  Pastor Rob can speak from the heart because he buried his son on a December 23, and he used that in his talk.  But also about seeing our loved ones in heaven.  After wards it took a while for the church to clear and we weren't staying for lunch so we were able to go out the side door.  When we got to the entry to get our coats, there was Jim Berg, Gene Braathen and Diane Evan's brother John Uhlencamp.  Jim found him and tried to lift him but he was heavy and strong and he just couldn't do it.  He had fallend down between two steel bins. It was a time of talking and I was glad we were there and dad could be a part of the dialogue.

December 28, 2009

Counsel with Me
God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see,
and ears that they should not hear.
Romans 11:8
Be not disturbed by evildoers. They are in My hand to do as I please, even as are the righteous. All is under My control, Stand upon My word, and let your only support be your faith in Me.
What goes on in the lives of others need not distress you. I will deal with them. Walk in Me. Counsel with Me, and look to Me alone for your direction and your encouragement.

Stop looking at what others have or do, keep your eyes and focus on what God has called you to do or how he has called you to live.  That is what really matters.

Yesterday we did not have church, in the end we probably could have, but most of the people are away with families.  Julie left before noon and we are thankful for her safe trip home.  We rested then went to Starkweather for Gordon Evans funeral and after wards to Devils Lake.  The cat needed food and we took items to Dakota Boys Ranch, looked at sofa's at St. Michaels and then got groceries, ate in Devils Lake and went home.  It was a good day.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dece,ber 27, 2009

On Not Resisting Evil
Resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek,
turn to him the other also.
Matthew 5:39
My wisdom will come to you, My child, when you become quiet. anxiety places the soul in stress. The strivings of your own heart will be as out of harmony with My Spirit as the evil you wish to combat. This is why the Scripture says, "Resist not evil."
You cannot correct the crooked path of another, but you can let Me show you how to make a straight path of your own. Never fear the darkness....avoid it.

The strivings of your heart.  God is waiting for us to be quiet before him and to wait for him.  Not so easy is it?  I have been used to taking care of the problems around the house, not asking Dad because he 'grumbles' so now when I can't lift, it isn't easy for me, and it is hard for me to ask for help and of course we are having problems, the washer is leaking, in the past I would just move it and deal with it myself, now I can't.  then the issue with the faucet.  That is another story.  I don't like to ask for help from anyone who is going to complain so I try to take care of things myself.  How does this fit into your lives?  What things are you impatient about, what things do you strive for that maybe it isn't God's choice for you to strive?  I don't think I am alone in this.

Yesterday we were here and in the afternoon we were over at Jerry's and I played some games with the children.  Hope that you all had a good day.

Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25, 2009

The Cross in the Star
The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory,
the glory oas of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
The Cross, My child, is My symbol of Christmas. Wise men followed the star, but it was the Savior whom they sought.  Wrapped that holy night in swaddling clothes was My perfect gift to mankind. Cradled in the arms of Mary lay the only hope of human salvation. Shepherds were drawn to worship Him by the love that flowed through Him as He became the channel for redeeming grace.

I am thinking of the role that the cross as in the star.  I recently read about a child that had gone to see a nativity scene, and nearby there was a cross with Jesus on it, so when he drew, he drew that for his picture, and was reprimanded for doing so.  The human has lost touch with the reality of Christmas.   A little child shall lead them.....  Today the babe is so innocent of  the reality of what truly is taking place.

Father, help us to keep our eyes on you and our hearts open to what you are saying to us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

I think you all know what we did yesterday, cookies with Linda in town, and supper with Jerry and his family here with us.  It is fun to see the children, Alona enjoyed a little doll set that she got, and the boys got a set of building blocks that were magnetic, they were having fun with that.  I have already read the book I was give, it was a really good Christmas story.  Trusting that you are all in where you are safe, I can hear the wind blowing so I know I won't be going very far today.  Merry Christmas to all of you.  We love you.

Christmas together here at the farm.

What was important to you this Christmas?

being with your family

what you gave/received

Greetings to our family.  Julie Ann brought her camera so we could get some memories.  Here we are together, Julie Ruth is the photographer so she is the one that isn't on the photo.   We enjoyed a delicious meal together.  I had  Julie help with a mac and cheese dish and Jack helped with squash, Julie brought lasagna, salad, and several dessert items,  they were delicious. 

After we ate,  Jackson was the reader for the Christmas story.  He is a very good reader. 

We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, I think that Jesse lead in that. Julie had made the cupcakes.   

After we were all done, Alona wanted to play the piano, Julie had Jesse and Alona help her play a song.  They did very well.  It was a good time together.  Merry Christmas to all of you.

I don't know how the poll thing attached, but I couldn't get rid of it so I just left it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24, 2009

Desire Holiness
For sin shall not have dominion over you;
for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 6;14
You should never abandon your desire for holiness because of your failures. You judge yourself incurably sinful. I see you as potentially pure. When you can look upon your own soul with compassion, you will know that My spirit has worked a work of grace in your heart, and you shall be lifted above despair. You shall have a song of praise on your lips and a shout of victory in your heart.

God is constantly searching our heart  and by the power of the Holy Spirit showing us what in our lives doesn't meet up with his standards.  Is there anything he is speaking to you about?  It is a journey to help us grow into his likeness.  it isn't about anything we can do, but only as we yield to the Holy Spirit will we be changed into his likeness.

Father, search my heart and show me all that you would like me to be.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday we were here at home, we did go and mail letters in town and saw a few people.  Linda had goodies out in the post office and there was opportunity to visit.  Julie got home after noon, and it is good to have times to visit with her.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23, 2009

A Consuming Desire
If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ
Galatians 1:10
If I lay not My hand upon you in punishment, come near. Look into My eyes. Dare to draw close to My heart. You will know surely My desire and purpose for you and shall grieve more that you have displeased Me than that you may have forfeited some personal gain or blessing. You will not view your spiritual walk as a challenge to be a successful Christian in the eyes of others, but will have a consuming desire to please Me.

Father, thank you for putting that desire in my heart, it is you and only you that can give me that desire to please you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, was like others, naps writing on cards.  We went to town and I ate part of a dumpling.  in the evening we drove over by Starkweather to see the display at the Connor farm.  They do an awesome job.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009

Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark,
the whole shall be full of light
Luke 11;25-26
I am grieved by your hardness of heart and inattention. Open rebellion usually brings immediate punishment. Inattention can be even more destructive to the soul, because it often goes unnoticed and unrepented, and is a secret, unexposed sin.
Cast it out in Jesus' Name, and refuse the robber who would take your dearest treasure; your singleness of heart in your love for Me.

I feel like we need to be so careful of things that should we say 'we get by with'  things that aren't dealt with in our lives.  When we see the people who are being exposed for unfaithfulness, lying, stealing, whatever.  They didn't start out doing major things, they started out as small things, which were not dealt with in their lives.  We right within this family have issues to deal with, think about your own life.  Are there areas that you are more vulnerable to?  Areas where you need to be more careful with your life?  What may be difficult for one person, may not be any problem with another.  But we need to be careful that we don't look down on someone else for where they fall, because we each have areas where we can easily fall.  I feel that is why we are seeing the public figures being exposed  for what they are doing.  That is God exposing and there will be a lot more of it.  We need to live our lives holy, completely committed to our heavenly Father, that only happens as we read God's word and pray and daily seek his will for us.

Yesterday we were here at home, I rested a few times and wrote a few letters. It was a good day.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21, 2009

I am Everywhere
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils;
freely ye have received, freely give
Matthew 10:8
Never flounder on the rocks of indecision. The call of My heart to you is for your utter abandon to the waters of My will. I am everywhere. Think not that any man can shut Me out. Wherever you go you bear the Wind of the Spirit. It shall bring new life into any situation. It shall breathe upon the dead, and they shall live. It shall touch the one who has completely given up with a ray of new courage.

Yesterday we did go to church, I just sat and enjoyed Sunday School, I had arranged for someone else to take my class.  After church we were invited to a home for dinner, and it was  a good time together.  resting and tv for the rest of the day.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009

Victory in Adversity
We know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose
Romans 8:28

Whenever you experience pain, know that I am knocking at the door of your heart.
nothing should be of any real concern to you except your relationship to Me and a right attitude toward others.  Life brings unpleasant circumstances, but I say unto you, I am in the midst, causing all experiences, both pleasant and otherwise to harmonize for your blessing and growth.  I give you victory while in the throes of adversity.

Yesterday, I took two long naps, and finished reading a really good book, I put letters in a basket and this is a good time to sort through them, also watched way more tv than I am used to watching.  It was a good day.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009

Stay Pliable in My hand
I am come that they may have life, and....have it moe abundantly.
John 10:10
Be quick to obey. Regardless of the cost. You will always be amply repaid for any sacrifice with an abundance of blessing.  There will always be an easier way open to you, one that will seem more reasonable, involving less risk.  I ahve calculated the risk to test and develop your faith as well as your obedience, and in the choosing process, I give you an opportunity to prove your lvoe for Me.
Be sensitive to My Spirit.

Dad and I got home yesterday in the afternoon,  just wanted to let you know that we are here, i will be resting a lot.  Love to all of you.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009

The Rod and the Look
Peter remembered the word of the Lord....Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. and Peter went out, and wept bitterly.
Luke 22:61-62
As you come into a closer relationship with Me and the maturity of the walk of the true Bride, I deal with you as a husband who gently remonstrates with his wife, impressing upon her his thoughts and wishes, often with only a look . Just to draw near Me in a time of failure brings to the sensitive, loving spirit deeper suffering than was ever brought to a disobedient child by the chastening rod.

Oh God,s lvoe and grace and caring presence and how much he wants us to be close to him.

I didn't think I would be able to write this morning, but I am scheduled to be at the hospital at 11 so I am still here and we will be leaving in a few minutes.  I have focused on sending as many e-mails with Christmas letter in them so I don't have to mail,  Have a great day, I want you all to know how very special you are to me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

A Crucial Hour
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man.
Luke 21:36
Watch for the signs of My soon-coming. No concern lies more heavily on My heart than the preparation of My chosen ones for the ingathering. Not only do you need to prepare your own hearts, but I would use you to warn and help others.
This is no time for apathy. There has been no more crucial hour in all man's history.

This is such conformation for what I felt God wanted me to put in our Christmas letter,  I have really strong feelings in me, that nothing really matters other than being prepared for what lies ahead.

Yesterday, another day of school, and I spent time helping students complete assignments so everything will be done before I leave today.  I went to Cando and cleaned the church and  stopped to see Matt and Mavis briefly and then came home. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009

Exalt His Name
In the beginning...the Word was with God...
All things were made by him
John 1:1,3
Let none tell you My Son is as others; low, He is the Son of God, yes, He is God the Son. Exalt His Name and rejoice in His majesty; for the heavens were fashioned by His hand, and man is His creation. What man of all earth's personages can lay claim to any such power of creation?
Yes, His works alone shall proclaim His power and deity. Man cannot extinguish the light of His glorious works.


Yesterday was Sunday School and church and we heard from the jarrett family who have come to live at Cando but do mission work in Ukraine, Alaska, and now in Cameroon.  They had enough money for two tickets but yesterday the offering was $2400. and so mow their teenage daughter Clara can go with them. It was a very encouraging presentation and we are also helping them put together school supplies to take to the deaf school.  After church and a lunch of pizza.  Jack and I sat with Arnold and Glady's Fluge(Julie's violin teacher) and we also visited with Wayne and Tammy, then we went to Special Delivery/Silver Strings concert.  We came home and later when Naomi got home we went over and Naomi cut my hair, she does the best hair cuts.  Later in the evening we realized we were out of gas, so the house is a bit cool this morning.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Mighty Triumph
he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me,
hath everlasting life.
John 5:24
The present conflict shall be counted trivial in the light of the mighty triumph that is to come.  For they shall stand before Me to be judged: but he that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed already from death into life. These who believe shall reign with Me, yea, they shall judge both men and angels. Make this present moment one of victory in Me.

We have a choice, it is to believe or not believe, to be prepared for his return or not prepared.  It is as simple as that.  When we see what is happening, yes, it may not be a fun time, but if we have chosen to follow and walk closely and are prepared it will be o.k.  God has promised us that he will never leave us or forsake us.

Father, help us to see our need to follow closely beside you this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, we were at home.  i was cleaning, did some cooking and after dinner we both took naps, we got to town late for Sr. lunch, but those there stayed and visited for a long time, it was a good day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12, 2009

Hidden Resources
We glory in tribulations also: Knowing that tribulation worketh patience
Romans 5:3
Accept the trials of life as they come, and look for the good in each. Only in this way can you advance and grow in stature.  It is only through the power of My Spirit within you that you shall be able to tap hidden resources that have power to sustain you above yourself.  Therefore you are not dependent upon nor limited by the level of your own strength of character, but you may rise above it and lift your own actions up into My divine pattern for you.

I don't know if this speaks to you, but it does to me, the things that I face and would rather not, are things that God wants to use in my life to change me into what he wants me to be.

Father help me to be a yielded vessel.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I drove one of the vehicles and took students to the vo tec in Devils Lake.  The group that I was with made cookies and bars,  After school I went to visit a new friend, she came here with her boyfriend and they live south of Starkweather and he is the janitor at school.  She is an artist and I enjoy a lot of the same things that she enjoys.  Also stopped to see Frank and Dorothy, he had been in the hospital and I didn't know it til the night before.

Trusting that you will have a good day, today.

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11, 2009

The Power of Holiness
Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1 John 4:4
The devil does not seek to destroy the vile person so much as the holy one.  All hell trembles when God's prophet takes command in the Name of Jesus over evil powers. This is the man who is hated by the adversary. I will give My servant power to stand, and he shall know that his own soul is being preserved by the very power of holiness within him, which is My own Spirit, the true objective of the enemy.

When things may not seem to be going right, keep your eyes on Jesus, he is truly your protection and my protection.  When you come into a situation of danger, speak the name of Jesus, but then we also need to be praying and reading God's work, to be tuned into God.

Father, today help us to hear your voice and be listening to you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, another day of school, we made plans for today's trip to the vo tec with the foods and medical students.  After school I went to Devils Lake and took items to the Salvation Army,  Then did errands and stopped to see Edna Simon on the way home.

Be in prayer for Gregg and Alicia who were driving to twin cities last night and are to see a Dr. today.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62
Out of every disappointment there is to be gleaned some treasure. The enemy would whisper "all is lost". I say to you, much can be gained.
Refuse the temptation to brood over what is gone. It has passed into the area of My sovereignty. The present challenge requires your undivided attention.
Give no time to dark thoughts. Depression undermines the vigor of the soul.

I remember after my Mom died, it was a difficult time, mostly because there was conflict with my sister.  It was difficult, but all I know is that God did a great work in my life, to help me not focus on what was and had been happening to me.  I just know it was "God" and I did experience deliverance, because had I dwelt on what had happened it would have destroyed me.  Is there something in our lives today that is keeping us from moving forward, maybe it is something that we are thinking about that doesn't want to let go, that keeps us bound.  That is not God, we can't do anything about those past mistakes, Ask God for forgiveness and move on.  If you can't seem to get the victory, get someone to pray with you about the problem.

Father, thankyou for this new day, this new opportunity to live our lives for you, help us to focus on this day, not on yesterday or tomorrow, because we can't change yesterday and we don't know about tomorrow.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was the day for the elementary school program so after school I went to Cando and cleaned the church, also visited Doris and Kenny Pollestad in their "new home"  and then came back to the school.  Jack came for the program but I didn't see him til afterwards,  Julie was their with the children, also Alona's great grandmother, and social worker and Berta Soper who is with Path/adoption agency.  They did really well.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009

Inner Communion
whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them.
Mark 6:11
When I place upon your ministry the seal of Mine approval it shall no longer be important to you whether or not you are accepted by any other.
We are co-laborers together--I and you and the Father. Keep a strong awareness of this identification. You will lose the anointing if you allow anyone to enter and distract. Stay in the holy place of inner communion and I will break forth through your vessel.

Father help us to keep our focus on you this day, and not get distracted by petty situations that are of no value.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday Dad and I were in Grand Forks, I had pre-op appointment for surgery next week.  We ate lunch with Alicia and Jacqui and did a bit of shopping.  It was dark by the time we got home, as we came up the driveway we were meet by the little lights that are around our house it was a very peaceful scene.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

Exercise Faith
They went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them
Mark 16:20
Exercise your faith, knowing that i will give you the right words and will fill them with the power of My Spirit, and they shall be used by Me to bring salvation and deliverance. Be not detained by self-doubt. Rely on Me, and do not regard your own limitations as a liability.
I will manifest through you in a mighty way if you will only give Me the opportunity. Be My mouthpiece, and I will supply the words and the message.

How is God wanting you to exercise faith?  What in your life are you depending on rather than depending on God?

Yesterday was quite a day.  I knew I was going to help some students with a baking project, but one didn't show, though I helped the two students who are on IEP's  then at noon, we had a lot of excitement, something happened to Jeanette Stinkeoway, I am not sure what, but I came down the hall and here was Starkweathers EMT's walking her down the hall.  So I went to the kitchen and helped get the food put away and the dishes washed.  I have really appreciated Becky Kingsley this year, she always steps up and helps for each situation.  She brought her English class, 7th graders and they helped and I got a couple of students from my study hall, and we did get everything in order.  They took Jeanette to the hospital and I don't know any more.  It was an evening of bookwork and sewing, and it was o.k.  Today I go to Grand Forks for pre-op appointment appointment is at 11.

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

Love ye your enemies....Be ye therefore merciful,
as your Father also is merciful.
Luke 6;35-36
Mercy is the extension of My grace. Whenever you show mercy to another, you express My love. I rejoice in forgiveness. I do not give grudgingly. You have been told to give cheerfully of your substance; now I say unto you, do the same in the Spirit. Do not question and do not delay.
Deal justly, but in patience and understanding, and add not evil upon evil. As I have given to you, so likewise do you to others.

Help me Father, to be a vessel that is gracious and patient with those about me.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday was Sunday School and Church and then after a nap I went to Cando.  We ate soup and sandwiches together and Ross made homemade ice cream, we went caroling at the homes and to some of our shut ins.  It was a good day, but I was tired by the end of it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

I Control the Winds
Guide our feet into the way of peace.
Luke 1:79
My child, do not be dismayed by any calamity that befalls you. Never doubt my care. Never question My dealings. I am leading you by the narrowness of the way. It is often a difficult and precipitous path; but I would assure you of My hand of protection.
Put your life in My hands, and it will be for you a place of peace and of spiritual comfort. So long as you abide in this place, I will control the rains that fall upon you and the winds that blow.

Wow, do you trust God to lead your life in just this way?  Are you willing to let him lead the reins of your life?  He wants to lead each of us, sometimes what we think is right, he has to show us there is a different plan.

Father, we commit this day into your hands and trust you to guide our steps and direct our paths, help us to be focused on others rather than ourselves.

Yesterday, I was home all day, again trying to clean, throw and organize what I keep.  I was at Jerry's house with the three children while Jerry and Julie were at a Christmas party for his job.  I took two books with me, Jackson is a good reader and could read them, and Jesse did a good job of reading, too.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

Safety in God's Will
If any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth
John 9:31

My will is not a place, but a condition. You will discover blessing in every place, and any place, if your spirit is in tune with Me.
I direct every motion of your life, as the ocean bears a ship. Your will and intelligence may be at the helm, but divine providence and sovereignty are stronger forces.
Move on steadily, and know that the waters that carry you are the waters of My love and My kindness, and I will keep you on the right course.

Thank you Father that I can trust you to guide my steps and direct my path, all I have to do live in you.  Thank you for how you show me that your plans are better than my plans and your ways than my ways.

Yesterday after school Dad met me at the school and we took care of more business at Devils Lake.  Today I look forward to the time at home.

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4, 2009

What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8
Be obedient to My commands so shall I bless you. Let me guide you: thus shall you know the right path. Follow always the call of the Spirit. All who listen shall hear. Move with the flexibility of a yielded will. Mercies are laid up in store for the humble.
Gentleness of spirit brings overcoming power. It is not the strong will, but the yielded will that is blessed in My sight.

Are willing to be yielded, to someone elses will instead of our own, I know I tend to think that my thoughts are right, but as time goes I see that another way might be better.  Can I accept it as God's will and way and that his choices is better than mine.

Father, speak into our hearts peace, your peace, help us to relax where we are and accept what you have for us at this time in our life.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, it was a good day at school, after school Dad met me and we went into Cando for business.  When we got in the office.  my nose started running, and kept on til I went to bed early.  I am still sewing on DJ's throw for the students, but I only got part of what I should have done last night and went to bed early.  There is another day.....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Be Deaf to the Cry of the Crowd
Then he passing through the midst of them went his way.
Luke 4:30
The moment you set your spiritual eye upon the goal I have given you, the bondage of people is broken.  You will be able as Jesus was, to pass through the midst of them and be freed to be about your Father's business. Do not allow yourself to be trapped by the multitude. Your own higher vision will free you, and there is a path in the Spirit, if you walk in it, where there is free motion.

Father, thank you for these encouraging words, help us to hear from you and follow your leading, that leading may be to be a committed mom, or grandma, father, or grandpa to be a faithful and caring wife or husband, or to do an ordinary job with God's desires in mind.  Help me to hear what you are calling me to do.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

School and Bible Study with cleaning church in between.  A good day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009

Put Off the Self Life
if you know these things, happy are ye if ye do them
John 13:17
Be aware of My presence. Your receptivity is dulled by undue involvement in unimportant pastimes. I need your full attention, yes, I need complete dedication.
I am calling all My chosen to put off the self life and to walk in the Spirit. This is not a new message. It was the message of the apostles (and ) Jesus. It was also the message of the Psalms and Proverbs, insofar as they emphasize uncompromising loyalty to the truth, and outward actions that are consistent with inward convictions.

So what stands between us and God?  What are we allowing to be more important than our relationship with God?  For each of us it may be something different, but I think it is safe to say that it is an issue for each of us.  It is a growing process to see how this happens in our lives, and a growing process to be willing to put Christ first in what we do.

Yesterday, winter truly arrived, it will be a White Christmas.  The snow was generous, I think we were prepared for it.  I came home after school and after a nap I cooked and sewed and I even got inspired and put up decorations and tree for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Call of the Turtledove
When Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb;
and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost
Luke 1:41
There is the sound of the turtledove echoing throughout the land. It is the voice of the bridegroom calling His Bride. It is the call of love, and those who truly love Him will respond. In a world filled with noises, they will hear Him.
Like Elizabeth when she was greeted by Mary. The response was an inner, involuntary response to the nearness of the Christ.
Anticipate Me. Watch for Me Your heart shall hear.

Are you hearing his voice?  Is he calling to you?  he is, but the key is what are we doing with what he is saying to us.

Father, help us to be quiet before you and hear what you are saying to us. In Jesus Name. Amen.

We are back in school, it was a good day,  The weather was still nice out so I put more things away and put out the new solar lights.  Dad is putting machinery away and getting prepared for winter.