Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

Integrity a Sacred Charge
Do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
There is a way that you must go because of faithfulness to Me. All you do, let it be as unto Me. Never do anything as pleasing men, but do all for Me and for My glory. Thus, and only thus, can your heart be kept at peace, and only in this way can you honor Me and bring forth fruit.
Speak of Me often, and all other relationships shall be hallowed.
The integrity of your own heart is your most sacred charge. Guard this with utmost care.

I wonder if we sometimes have problems with sorting out whether we are pleasing God or pleasing man.  How many things do we do just to please those around us, and I mean in Christian circles,too.  What really is important?  What matters to God?  What does he want us to do?  I reflect on my life of having spent to much time pleasing people, doing things for others and neglecting my family.  Forgive me, but I feel a need for us to reflect.  What would God really have us to do?  What is more for our own ego, our own self worth or for God's desires.

Father, Search my heart and lead me in the way you would have me to go.  In Jesus Name.

Yesterday was an interesting day.  First I was writing to some Neidlinger relatives that I have been corresponding with via e-mail and I wanted history I was sending them to be more complete, so I made a few phone calls, and was able to actually reach more relatives.  I think she enjoyed it and now there is another connection.  Dad went on the internet in the evening and located another relative, a part of the family where we didn't know anything.  He found a lady Norma Dillingham, She will be 90 in February, she is the last living child of Lew Neidlingers.  Lew was your dad's grandpa Oscars brother, for a time they lived here and had a farm south of where Dick Anderson's lived.  We knew nothing about this family.  I visited with her and she gave the names and phone numbers of her two sons, and I contacted them, too.  We right now we are working on the Neidlinger history,  didn't plan it but that is the way it is.   In the afternoon Vondal's employee brought us a new washer, a Speed Queen, I hope this last longer than the last one.  So I can wash clothes. 

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