Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

Yesterday we were home, I was getting the cemetery photos on this site and then I made pages with instructions as to where they are located and put them in the genealogy books of our family.  In the afternoon we had coffee with the other seniors.

  Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.
Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
   -- Hebrews 13:7
  What makes a great Christian leader? The Holy Spirit emphasizes
three things in this passage: 1) they teach others the word of God;
2) they live as great examples for others; and 3) they have
observable faith. God puts each of us in positions of influence
with our children, our friends, our work acquaintances, and our
neighbors. What kind of spiritual leadership are we showing them?

  God of all grace and Father of all compassion, please help me to
be a better Christian leader to the people you have put in my
sphere of influence. Empower me to have a life worth imitating. In
Jesus' name I ask this. Amen.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Last stop on the cemetery visit

Grandpa and Grandma Neidlinger are buried near the west entrance of the Storlie Cemetery.  that is where you are to bury us, too.

Then we looked at some of the other graves of family.

Edward and Grace Neidlinger lived on a farm South East of where we live,  Kathleen was a daughter of theirs.  They also had Rosamond and Bill.

This is the head stone for Edward and Grace.  I didn't take photos of Bill and Millie's stones, they are near by.

This is the marker for my grandpa and step grandma.  

This is the stone for my grandmother, Mary Goldsbury O'Brien.  It is hidden by a lilac bush.

This is the stone for a baby which would have been an aunt or uncle to me.  I always thought the baby was buried in the tree's on the farm.

So this ends our Cemetery trip.

More Cemetery photos

We went from Devils Lake on to Fordville.   Grandpa Basky is buried in the cemetery at Fordville, there isn't really a sign out by the road.  We come into Fordville from the west and go over a bridge, we look to the south and past a big brown square house you will see the arch of the cemetery and you drive down by  the house to the cemetery.
His grave is located near the west side of the cemetery.
This is the foot stone.
  Then there is the head stone,

This is the head stone from Grandpa Blasky and in front of it is a new marker that says perpetual care, I am not sure what that means, we saw it by another stone, too.  Grandpa Blasky is buried here because he was on the outs with the Catholic church and they wouldn't bury him in their cemetery.

Then we drove to Conway, I am not sure if I could get there by myself, I don't know the area very well,   We drove out of town to the east by the Potulny farm and angled north, the cemetery is on the right side of the road in the country.  Grandma Blasky and his first wife(the grandma for Jack's cousins, Ione, Arlene and Bev) are buried beside each other in the south section of the cemetery.

Do you remember how she was staying with us that winter when Grandpa and grandma were away, and how she feel in our house, broke her hip and was hospitalized after that?

This is his first wifes stone, but it was difficult to read so I took another photo up close.
Her name was Josephine. There were several other graves that we looked at at this cemetery

This is Jack's great grandpa Michael Blasky's marker, it was difficult to read.


This is Anton Gorecki marker, he would have been Grandma Lucy's Father.

 Lloyd and Evangeline Cost were relatives  that we did see, they were related to Potulny's.

That was the end of our Fordville Cemetery experience

More Cemetery visit at Devils Lake.

After Starkweather we drove to Devils Lake Cemetery,  when you go through the gate with the arch, the first of the graves are to your right near the utility house.
  This would be Rena Aanstad's family.  Lauren was raised by Uncle Ira Neidlinger

This is the head stone for Clarence and Catherine Strong.  She was Grandpa Oscars sister, and he was Grandma Lennie's Brother,  I used to take Janet and Julie with me to visit Caddie while you older children were at piano lessons.  She was a really neat lady.  She would have me thread needles(because she couldn't see to do that) and stick them into her curtain so she could sew during the week.

This is the foot stone for Clarence

Aunt Caddies foot stone.

Mary was the one who came here with her sons to homestead.  She brought her sons and daughters from Indiana.  She lived SW of us on land that Adrian later owned.

Laura Alice is the oldest child of Jonathan and Mary
Mary Bragg is one of Mary Alice daughters.

This is Jack's grandpa's grave.  He and Lennie lived right west of where we live.

Rose was Lew Neidlingers oldest child.  She lived in North Dakota, and it is her relatives that we have met, they came and hunted here in 2010  Her grave is by itself, about three sections to the north of other graves, and in the corner by the road.

This is the head stone for Oscar and Lennie Neidlinger

This was the end of our visit at the Devils Lake Cemetery.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day trip

We did a rerun of a trip some years ago when we took some of you to the cemeteries
 where your family are buried.  The markers in this blog are of my mom's family and they are buried in the cemetery at Starkweather  Charles and Ida Cissner, are my grandparents.

These are Mavis parents:

This is my parents, they are buried to the back of the lot occupied by the above:

Mom's gravestone is the only one which is getting moss on it in this cemetery.

 made this marker to remember one of Uncle Hoyt's baby's.

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27, 2011

Yesterday was my birthday, it was a good day, I decided to stay at home and do things here.  I sat and read through some history and organized some information, then spent some time outside.  It was a beautiful day.  I was able to burn some trees, etc. plant some flowers.  Jack worked til about 11 p.m. and it is good that he did because today it is really wet.

Body Building

"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament,
 grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

-Ephesians 4:16

His name was Tom. He was a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic in a big bulky wheelchair
who sat next to me in occupational therapy. I can't say I was of much help to him.
I was disgruntled and despondent, angry that I had to clench a pencil between my
 teeth in order to learn how to write.

Tom was different. Although he was more physically limited, his attitude was anything
but handicapped. His bright outlook on life and cheery disposition about mouth-writing
humbled me. There was no way I could keep feeling sorry for myself, especially when
I saw how skilled Tom was with that pencil.

Observing Tom was just the push I needed during those early days of adjusting to
 my wheelchair. If he could handle it, I decided I could, too. Looking back, I thank
God for the victories Tom gained. His perseverance was the best thing he could do
to help me, a fellow patient. And I have scores of mouth-painted renderings to prove

Although Tom died shortly after we left the hospital, he gave new meaning to words
such as inspiration, encouragement, edification, and building up the body.

One of the best things we can do for our brothers and sisters in Christ is to gain
victory in our trials. We affect one another spiritually by what we are and do individually.
And because there is an intimate link between us as believers, your failures affect
others, while your victories inspire and encourage them. You may not feel one with
the Christians around you, but you are one.

Help me to remember that my perseverance and joy will profoundly influence the lives
of others who observe me today. Help me to be a "Tom."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011

Yesterday was a day here at home, dad and I did a lot of lawn mowing, and alter in the day I took some flowers over to Frank and Dorothy and planted them in a planter.  I set out somethings for decorating amongst our flowers, when things get bigger I will try to take a photo for you to see.  I was inspired by Robyn Thompson when i was at their house....

I have been thinking about this song:

Change my heart, O God
make it ever true;
Change my heart, O God,
may I be like you.
You are the Potter, I am the clay;
Mold me and make me,
this is what I pray
Change my heart O god,
make it ever true;
Change my heart, O god may I be like YOu.

Last night Julie and I talked for a bit, she was telling about helping someone clean out their basement before the impending flooding in Bismarck.  We talked about all the things they we have that we really don't need,  the clutter in our house, I guess that inspired me to think about the clutter in our lives..  What is keeping us from being close to God?  What thoughts keep us from thinking about him,  from listening to him.   I am in awe of his goodness, his patience and his grace.  But what I am doing for my part?  Some mornings I get up and play some of these favorite choruses, this is one of them.

Super thoughts from Joni:

The Right Way to Run

"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please
 ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up."

-Romans 15:1-2

My husband, Ken, serves as a track-and-field coordinator for Special Olympics. There
is always band music, colorful banners, and flags everywhere. Scattered across the
infield are teams of mentally handicapped young people.

A few years ago at the games, Ken blew his whistle to signal the contestants for
 the 50-yard dash. A Down's syndrome girl with thick glasses and a short, stocky
 boy in baggy shorts were the first to line up. There was a moment of stillness,
 then a "bang" from the starting gun. Off they sprinted - six contestants bobbing
and weaving down the track.

Suddenly the boy in baggy shorts began running toward his friends in the infield.
Ken blew his whistle to direct him back to the track, but it was no use. At that
 point, the Down's syndrome girl, who was just a few yards from the finish line,
 turned around, ran toward him, and gave him a big hug. Together they got back on
the track and completed the race arm-in-arm, long after the rest of the contestants
had crossed the finish line.

We must run the race not to please ourselves, but to please the Lord. That often
 means taking time to stop and put our arms around a weaker friend who needs to
get back on track.

Have you watched a fellow believer get spiritually confused, and yet you've kept
 on going? Jesus doesn't seems as preoccupied with "winning" as we do. The important
thing is how we run the race. And we are called to run it, bearing with the failings
of those who are weak.

Lord, may I run the race to please you ... and to help others.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 24, 2011

Yesterday I was at home and got a pile of things ready for the mail.  ate in Hampden and then drove to Devils lake, Maxine Frank's husband passed away and his funeral was in the afternoon, it was a time to do some other errands,too.

I don't know if I have used this devotion, but it seems appropriate...

There seem to be people in my life who have made poor choices, not in my family but around me in the community and they are really hurting and can't seem to get away/out of these choices......

  If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need
but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
   -- 1 John 3:17

  I love the Bible because it is so gritty with the realities of
real life. In the previous verse, John told these churches that
they should be willing to lay down their lives for each other.
That's pretty good in theory, especially when you don't think it
will ever be necessary. But this verse makes the application of
that principle an every day reality: If there is somebody in your
church in need, then be moved to help them -- that's what laying
down your life is all about!

  Use me, holy and righteous Father, to be your hands and heart in
helping those around me. Give me the generosity and the patience it
takes to be a blessing to those in need who are a part of my church
family, and also those who have not yet come to know Jesus as Lord.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

remember when you were a lot younger Alicia

This is a note that Grandpa found in a book he is reading, It brings back a lot of memories from when alicia and Brenna stayed with us that year.  Grandma

May 24, 2011

Yesterday was a "full" day but it was o.k.  I went to school and finished annual, it is sent, now it is up to the secretary to send a check with the order and they will do the rest.  Several of the staff were there and we had conversations.  Poor Jen was in tears, she was having to take one of her pets to Minot to have it put to sleep, I had not seen her like that.  Then on the Cando to clean the church, and then over to Wolford to visit my friend that I see every spring and fall.  Soon after I got home Dorothy called and asked if we would come over for soup,  Chuck and family were there and it was a good time together.

The world is a mess but Jesus is the answer and we wait expectantly for his return.......

  In faithfulness he [God] will bring forth justice; he will not
falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In
his law the islands will put their hope.
   -- Isaiah 42:3-4

  God will not falter! In a world where justice so seldom
prevails, God is our only real assurance that justice will
ultimately triumph. The hope for all lands and all peoples is for
Jesus to return and bring with him God's truth and justice
Maranatha, come O Lord!

  Righteous and merciful Father, I am sick of the corruption in
our world and the injustice done to good, but powerless, people.
Please send Jesus back soon and bring with him the righteous and
just rule of your Kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

It has been a busy weekend, I don't remember when I last wrote.  There was graduation at Starkweather on Saturday,  Dad came, too.  We drove separately because I needed to visit more places than he wanted to go.  We both went to Katie Loehrs party and then I took a couple of ladies with me to several other places.  Dad also went to Carlys house.  Yesterday, Sunday was a repeat.  After church and Sunday school we headed to Minnewaukan for Miriah's and then to their house, and on to Cando for their open houses.  I came home and took a nap.  It has been raining a lot here, very cloudy today, once I can go outside I am going to pull weeds.

  Boldly and without hindrance he [Paul] preached the kingdom of
God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.
   -- Acts 28:31

  So often, we give excuses why we can't do evangelism. Throughout
his life, Paul shows us how lame our excuses really are! He is
under house arrest and having to support himself, yet he still
manages to get the Gospel out to the lost!

  Loving and Almighty God, forgive my excuses and my fear. Please
make me bold to share your saving truth in the Gospel. May all who
know me also come to know more about Jesus through me! In his
precious name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011

Well this is the day some says the world is coming to the end,  but we are here does that say something  Be ready!! We know the time...
Dad and I got up really early and left for my appointment at Crookston, afterwards we came back and did a few errands and stopped to see Alicia and Jacqui and came home, there was a good a part of the day left so we were able to do some things here, I had gotten garden seeds so I got those planted,  It was a good day.  Today it is wet, so not so nice for graduation.

  Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver
us and forgive our sins for your name's sake.
   -- Psalm 79:9

  I am sure at times that God gets disgusted with our behavior and
our lack of seeking after him. I'm sure there are moments when he
acts to bless us only because we are his people and we wear his
name. But when we cry out, confessing our sins and shortcomings, he
is still our Savior. Even when we are not what we should be, God
can act out of compassion and preserve the glory of his name.

  Holy and righteous God, our Savior and Abba Father, please
forgive us for our sins, rebellion, failures, and duplicity.
Deliver us, not just from the consequences of our sin, but also
from the mediocrity that permeates our commitment to you. Set fire
to your holy zeal in us to seek your glory and the glory of your
name. You alone, O God, are our Savior! In Jesus' name I pray.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011

Today we wrap up this year of school and   with it go a lot of emotions.   We have worked with these young people for 12-13 years and now they face the real world.....  I stopped to see Frank and Dorothy, Frank was not looking very good.  We had prayed specifically about needs in their lives and when we got there I saw they working on those area, so it was encouraging.  when I sat down with Frank and we had a stimulation conversation than  he seemed better....

No Place for Fear

 So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"

Peter was willing to put it all on the line. He and the other disciples had been straining against the waves and wind all night long when Jesus appeared to them, walking on the water. Wanting to prove his courage to Jesus, he made an amazing statement: "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water" (Matthew 14:28). These were rough seas, and Peter was willing to literally step onto them because He was looking at Jesus. That gave him confidence and courage.

It went well for awhile until Peter started to sink. And why did he sink? Because he took his eyes off Jesus and put them on other things. The Bible tells us, "When he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid" (verse 30).

Circumstances can be frightening. When your boss calls you in and tells you the company has to downsize and they are letting you go, when the doctor calls you with the test results that are not good, when you open that letter from an attorney that says you are being sued, it can scare you. It can devastate you. And it can cause you to take your eyes off Jesus.

Where fear reigns, faith is driven away. But where faith reigns, fear has no place. Faith and fear don't mix. As you bring in faith, fear will walk out the back door. But if you invite fear as a resident in your life, then you will drive faith away.

Peter had faith. He had his eyes on Jesus. He was doing the impossible. But then he started to sink, because he took his eyes off Jesus. In his case, he looked at the wind. In our case, it might be something else. But when we forget God, we will start to sink.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

The countdown is getting closer, the anticipation is there, and we are making pages for the annual.  Yesterday a party for the three teachers who are leaving, then after wards at home, a nap and supper and outside to mow and clean in flower bed.  it was a beautiful evening.

  Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of
my lips.
   -- Psalm 141:3

  How important is our speech? Jesus said it revealed what was
going on in our hearts. Proverbs repeatedly tells us that our words
can wound or heal. The apostle Paul tells us to speak only what
will benefit those who hear us. In light of these Scriptures, this
prayer of David is very appropriate. Only God can help us tame the
tongue and use its power to bless. Let's invite him into our world
of speech and ask him to take control of it as he does our hearts!

  Most holy and righteous Father, I don't want my language to ever
betray you or wound your children. Please help me redeem my speech
and use it to glorify you, bless your children, and speak of
salvation to those who do not know your Son. In the name of Jesus I
pray. Amen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

So today is Norwegian Day, I remember that years ago we use to have a parade in Hampden and Jacqui and Sheila would ride horse in the parade.  Times have changed.....
It is a busy time at school,  my focus is on annual stuff,  everyone is trying to finish up and really not much is being done.  We could just as soon goo home.  I cleaned church and came home, we spent time outside, it was a beautiful  day

  If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need
but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
   -- 1 John 3:17

  I love the Bible because it is so gritty with the realities of
real life. In the previous verse, John told these churches that
they should be willing to lay down their lives for each other.
That's pretty good in theory, especially when you don't think it
will ever be necessary. But this verse makes the application of
that principle an every day reality: If there is somebody in your
church in need, then be moved to help them -- that's what laying
down your life is all about!

  Use me, holy and righteous Father, to be your hands and heart in
helping those around me. Give me the generosity and the patience it
takes to be a blessing to those in need who are a part of my church
family, and also those who have not yet come to know Jesus as Lord.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011

We had a great time together in South Dakota, it was good to see family and to be together.  Congratulations Cody

The most wonderful thing is having a Saviour that is risen and waiting for us.

I'll Be Back

"'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This
same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same
way you have seen him go into heaven.'"

-Acts 1:11

"It's one of the rules of the church nursery," my friend with three little girls
 told me. "When you drop off your child, always tell them you'll come back. And
then by all means, come back! It's the only way they'll accept being in the nursery."

What would it be like for us if the angel on the Mount of Olives had said, "Jesus
has gone" and nothing more? What if Jesus had said "I'm going to prepare a place
 for you, but you'll have to get there on your own"? I know what I would do. I would
give up hope. I'd be like a child in the nursery standing alone in the middle of
 toys and books, staring at the door that once framed my mother. And I'd cry. Not
whimpers but bawling screams of pain and panic. There are few things more frightening
to a child than being left alone without hope that Mom and Dad will return. For
the child, life has ended.

But Jesus is coming back, He told me so. I need not spend my days in tears or pain.
I can enjoy the fellowship of others who are also expecting His return. And I can
tell others about Jesus, friends who wonder why they came into this world in the
 first place.

He's gone, but He's coming back. I know. Daddy told me so. And that makes all the

Lord, You've promised us. You promised that You'd come back for us. It's been so
 long, Lord. When will it be? Please remind me often of Your promise because I need
to enjoy fellowship with others of like mind, and I need to reach others who don't
know about the promise of Your return.

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13, 2011

Yesterday was an interesting day, we had the photographer come and take photos for the annual, all went well til we came to speech photo,  they wanted to do a pyramid, except that the girls were tops that when they lay are revealing, so she took the photo and when she got done I told them to stand up and we would take a photo for the annual.  They were a bit torked and asked why I was disgusted by that time and said I wasn't putting in a photo with there boobs hanging out.  Now I wish someone would come to me and ask me about it.  I don't think there was a problem with the staff and not with some of the students.  I don't really appreciate having to look at cleavage with our teen girls, and some of them think that is the way to go.  Other wise a good day, had a lengthy conversation with my sister, they are having real bad water issues at Williston, so she won't be able to come this weekend.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

-Isaiah 41:10

God always uses such intimate language when He relates to us. He paints warm images
of sheltering us under His wings, holding us in the palm of His hand, or drawing
 us close to His breast. He's so personal with us, why shouldn't we be with Him?

Yet when we affirm Christ as our personal Savior, we often talk more about Christianity
than about Jesus. We distance ourselves from our Lord, relating to Him in detached
and objective terms. Describing Jesus becomes an exercise in discussing "the Christian
experience," or "the Christian walk." We are more relaxed talking over doctrines
 and church traditions rather than about Christ as a person.

If we're embarrassed to talk openly about our love for Him, perhaps it's because
 we feel we so often fail Him. Maybe we fear total surrender to Him because of what
may happen if we let go and love. Ah, but "There is no fear in love. But perfect
 love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment" (1 John 4:18).

The words of 1 John 4:19 are so intimate: "We love because he first loved us." If
you desire to be free of fear, memorize and meditate on portions of Scripture that
describe God's love and your need. Read parts of John's gospel to hear the heartbeat
of Christ just hours before the cross ... read Psalm 51 to grasp the bitterness
of sin ... then enjoy the Song of Songs to find the warm and intimate language of

Oh, Jesus thank You for being so personal with me. That You should be so intimate
with me pulls at my heart. I love You, Jesus.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

I survived yesterday, actually I only had to fix breakfast, another gal came and did lunch and we all survived.  I made a small amount of oatmeal and that all went.  Otherwise a usual day, visited with Frank and Dorothy for a while, I don't think Frank is feeling very good.  They go to the Dr. today.  The sun came out later in the day and I did pull some weeds in the flower beds.

Knowing His Name

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them
on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the
road, when you lie down and when you get up."

-Deuteronomy 6:6-7

My husband and I have only been, uh ... you know, Christians a short time. But we've
been reading the ... the Bible more and learning about, uh, the Lord." As I listened
on the phone, I could tell that God was taking this woman, who had gone to church
all her life, to a new spiritual dimension.

She's uncomfortable using spiritual terms right now, but all that will change as
 she talks more about her Savior at home and when she goes throughout her day, when
she gets up in the morning and when she retires at night. Talking about Jesus ...
makes it easier to talk about Him!

In fact, I'm looking forward to the time when she will be able to confidently say
the name of her Lord. For, "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you,
 Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you" (Psalm 9:10). Until then, I'm praying
that she will make a new habit of talking about the Lord Jesus freely and openly
 during the course of her day. It's the best way to feel at home with His name.

Some Christians have an awkward time bringing up the subject of Christ during dinner
table conversations or while driving in the car. We reserve discussion about spiritual
things for church or Bible study, often failing to bring Him into our everyday moments.
But remember, talking about Jesus ... does make it easier to talk about Him!

Make me more bold, Lord Jesus, to speak openly about You. For this will not only
 glorify Your name but will encourage other Christians who may be more timid than
I. I love the name of Jesus!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11, 2011

Say a prayer for me, the cook at school is sick and I have been called to atleast start the day in the kitchen,  so I need to get on the road.


"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on
 my holy days, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord's holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking
idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord."

-Isaiah 58:13-14

Memorizing Scripture, especially paragraphs of Scripture, sounds so time-consuming.
Little wonder people say, "I can't ... where will I find the time?"

The best time to invest in memorizing Scripture is the time that already belongs
 to the Lord. The Lord's Day is a twenty-four hour period set aside for you to spend
specifically on spiritual objectives. How does God ask you to spend your time on
 His holy day? He simply asks that you do not do as you please, or go your own way,
pursuing your own pleasures; He asks you to find delight in honoring Him on His
special day.

When is the best time to meditate on what you've memorized? Rehearsing God's Word
is a great way to close out the evening. After all, God established that our day
 should begin in the evening anyway ... "and the evening and the morning were the
first day." This was how the Sabbath day was observed, and for good reasons. The
 last important thoughts on our minds in the evening remain in our subconscious
throughout the night and unconsciously set our mental attitudes for the day.

When we go to sleep meditating on Scriptures we've memorized, we follow the advice
of Psalm 63:6, "On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of
the night."

Lord of the Sabbath, I want to look at Your day as ... Yours! Forgive me when I
crowd Your day with my goals. Yes, I do have time to memorize and meditate, and
I will remember that this is the Lord's Day.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

esterday was a very full day at school.  Secretary was absent, so I got asked to do a copying job for her, making 6 manuals, that were atleast 2 inches thick each.  Then annual, several teachers were sick, one left before end of the day and I took her place.  Alice asked me if I would take Gabie to community concert, so we got home about 10:30  I awoke to thunder this morning....


"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares
the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than
your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"

-Isaiah 55:8-9

There's hardly a Christian who doesn't wish his thought life were more pure. After
all, the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all our... mind.
Memorizing God's Word is the best way to rebuild your thoughts. Committing portions
of Scripture to memory is like thinking God's thoughts after Him. When we think
that way, our mind can't help but be elevated.

Also, memorizing large portions of Scripture gives us insight into understanding
 the very thought structures of our Lord. Through memorizing, we can appreciate
the way God thinks! And that, more than anything else, will heighten our thought
 life to a pure level.

There is a story told of a family living on the edge of a desert who were amazed
 to see that flowers had sprouted in the salty sand behind their home. No one could
figure out how that happened, since they had tried for months to grow vegetables
 and flowers. The mystery was solved when someone realized the mother had been throwing
her dishwater out the back door every day. After many months and many dishpans of
water, the salt was washed out of the sand. That's why flowers were able to grow.

As we soak our minds with Scripture, old and impure thoughts will be washed away.
New thoughts-God's thoughts-will find a home in our mind.

I want to think Your thoughts, Lord, and fill my mind with Your ideas. Help me to
elevate my thinking toward Your level as You lead me deeper into Your Word. And
show me today what thoughts of Yours that You would have me memorize.

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  we had services with the Christian Fellowship Church and it was a good time.  After getting our usual pizza we came home, I rested for a while and then went to see the homeschoolers play.  They did a very good job and I also got to communicate with Paula and Miranda about food at camp.  Thank you for the Mother's Day calls.  It was a good day.  May this encourage you.......

A Learning Experience

"The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words promote instruction."

-Proverbs 16:21

I'm a quadriplegic, but I used to drive a van (it didn't have a steering wheel,
but that's another story). One time I cruised into the drive-thru lane of a fast-food
restaurant to order hamburgers and Cokes. After I gave my order over the intercom,
I explained that the boy at the window would have to help me since I was disabled.
No problem.

I then drove up to the delivery window, stuck out my arm, and asked the boy to take
the ten dollar bill that was folded in my arm splint. That was no problem, either.
As another server was bagging my order, I asked him to place my change in it as
well. Both boys looked at each other, a little confused, and so I smiled and slowly
repeated my instructions.

Both servers got the message, and they even wrapped the change in a napkin before
they dropped it into the bag with the food. They handed me my order, but I had to
ask, "Could you please lean out of your window a bit more and wedge the bag right
here between me and the van door?" Both boys looked at each other again. "Remember?
I can't use my hands" I smiled.

"Oh yeah," they laughed and proceeded to reach over and fasten the package securely
between my wheelchair and the door. They waved as I drove off. And I smiled back
 knowing those two boys would now have a new appreciation for disabled people. What
could have been an awkward, embarrassing situation turned out to be fun.

Today, take a complicated situation and with time, patience, and a smile turn it
 into something positive ... for you and for others.

Lord, when I ask others to do something today, help my words to be pleasant. For
 Your sake, may my instructions be a blessing to others.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

Today is Mother's Day and instead of writing anything else, I have been thinking about my role as a mother, about each of you who are either Mother's or Aunts and how you can effect someone else's life.  I have been thinking about my mom and how she felt about being a mom.  It is an honorable place to be.  But today I want to just tell you, you are each special whether daughters or son, whether children or grandchildren.  I feel blest to be able to share my life with you.  

Father, today I pray that you would bless each one of our children and spouses,grandchildren and spouses, and great grandchildren.  May they realize your great love for them and may it be real in their lives.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 7, 2011

Yesterday was school, but it is so obvious that we are all ready for vacation, again a work day on the annual, there may be few students, but there are diligent workers, I spend the hour getting the info to them so they can complete the pages.  After school I was outside, burning the ditches and in the yard, but dad has been, too.  So we are getting ready for summer.  We went and got the vehicle he drove to Park River when he got the airplane.

  Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits --
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases ....
   -- Psalm 103:2-3

  Our God is an awesome God. He not only defines and defeats sin;
he delivers us from the consequences of sin by forgiving our sins
and purifying us. True healing means more than just curing a sick
body -- and we praise God for the times he has done that in our
lives. No, true healing means to forgive and deliver us from what
breaks our spirits and makes our souls and bodies unhealthy. Only
God offers this "benefit" as part of his retirement package!

  How can I sufficiently praise you, Abba Father, for your mercy
and grace that has forgiven, pardoned, and cleansed me of my sin.
Help me never to forget the joy of being forgiven and included in
your family. Thank you for your salvation. In Jesus' name I praise
you. Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

Yesterday, we went through the whole annual to see where we needed to make corrections.  After school I went to see Frank and Dorothy for a little while, because I didn't have to show the O'Brien house they found another.  Then I came home and we ate and Mary and Ione went with me to the program at school.  DJ's Music and Becky's speech gave a recital, it was very good.  Remember the days of state music contests?  It is this weekend in Minot.

I am reading a very good book about a little boy who had a death experience and he tells his family about heaven.......


"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful
with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your
master's happiness!"

-Matthew 25:21

Pain and problems do one more thing.  If in our trials we are faithful, suffering
wins us rich rewards in heaven. It's not so much that the resurrection will be wonderful
in spite of all our pain-it will be wonderful because of it.

My wheelchair, unpleasant as it may be, is what God uses to dislocate my stubborn
resentment and dislodge my self-centered attitudes. My wheelchair even forces me
 to be more faithful to Him. The more faithful I am to Him, the more rewards are
 stored up in heaven. Earthly sufferings don't simply aid us today: They will serve
us in eternity.

Oh, to hear my Master say on that resurrection morning, "Well done good and faithful
servant! You have been faithful in trusting through the trials ... in obeying despite
the hardship ... in believing through the doubts. Now come and share your Master's

Join me, will You? Yield to God's method of operating, His plan in your suffering.
Allow your suffering to get you ready for the hereafter, permit it to prepare you
to meet God, use it to build eternal rewards ... then the hope of complete spiritual,
emotional, mental, and physical resurrection will throb in your heart with vibrancy.

And then, maybe after a short while in eternity, you and I will enjoy a game of
tennis on the courts of heaven.

Master, I want to hear You say to me, "Well done! I know that's only possible if
 I persevere through my trials by Your grace. Help me to be faithful in these few
things today. Help me to look forward to greater things in eternity.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011

Yesterday was another busy day at school, much to do to finish out the year.  Working on annual pages, we have only about 6 students in the class, some are such diligent workers and others are not.  After school I went to Cando and cleaned church, visited with Jay and Illa Mae and Matt and Mavis,  Matt and Mavis are having some plumbing issues and really just need to get a plumber to fix the problem.  Bible study and then came home.

More of Heaven

"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with
 immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death has been swallowed
up in victory.'"

-1 Corinthians 15:54

Suffering gets us ready for the resurrection.

Broken necks, broken homes, and broken hearts crush our hopes that earthly things
can satisfy. Only the promise of immortality can truly move our eyes from this world.
The glorious day when "death will be swallowed up in victory" becomes our passion
as we realize, once and for all, that earth can never meet our deepest longings.

Suffering also prepares us to meet God when we get to heaven. Suppose you never
knew pain. No stained reputation. No bruised feelings. No sore back, twisted ankle,
or decayed molars. How could you appreciate the scarred hands with which Christ
will greet you? What if no one had ever offended you deeply? How could you adequately
express your gratitude when you approach the Man of Sorrows, who was acquainted
with grief?

When you meet Jesus face-to-face, your hardships will have given you a taste of
what He went through to purchase the promise of your resurrection. And your loyalty
to Him in your sufferings will give you something concrete to offer in return. For
what other proof could you bring of your love if this life left you totally unscarred?

I praise you, Sovereign Lord, that You use suffering to prepare me for heaven. Help
me to live today with the promise of the resurrection before me, giving me a reason
to thank You in the midst of my pain. Keep me from complaining and grumbling. For
on the day that I stand before Jesus, I want to offer Him proof of my love and faithfulness.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

Yesterday was another busy day with annual pages, but the students are doing a great job. After school I made a quick trip to Devils Lake and picked up a history project that someone there had added info to.  Then home and really didn't do much.  We got a phone call from Allison Schonauer Hofstad about someone needing a place to live, they will come to the O'Brien house on Thursday after school.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

I had a busy day yesterday, we are really working on the annual so my spare time is focused on getting the photos to the right pages and then helping the students find photos, just a lot of activity in the room the first hour, the rest of the day I try to update everything so we are ready for this morning.  They are wonderful students.  Then later in the morning we found out a student I was suppose to be watching at stolen a staff cell phone, they caught him on their camera.  Actually i was covering for another teacher and helping another student, so I don't really remember whether I saw him or not, he tends to wander a lot, and so now he is suspended til Friday, and then can not leave a class room.  He is doing very poor work, and won't pass his grade.  After school we went to a meeting about the closing of our post office, it was a pre meeting to prepare for when a team comes to see us next week.

I am thinking of some of the struggles we are facing, that God cares about every little thing in our lives, but he wants us to put him first and he will meet our needs, or atleast show us what he is doing in our lives.......

His Eye is on the Sparrow

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from the will of your Father."

-Matthew 10:29

English sparrows. They're worth barely a penny, Jesus said so. Yet of the world's
nine thousand bird species, Jesus singled out the least-noticed and most insignificant
of birds to make a point.

If God takes time to keep tabs on every sparrow-who it is, where it's going, whether
or not its needs are being met- then surely He keeps special tabs on you. Intimately.
Personally. And with every detail in mind.

The Bible may point to eagles to underscore courage and power, and it may talk about
doves as symbols of peace and contentment. But God's Word reserves sparrows to teach
a lesson about trust. Just as God tenderly cares for a tiny bird, even making note
of when it is harmed, or when it falls to the ground, He gently reminds you that
 He is worthy of your greatest trust, your deepest confidence.

How do you approach God today? Maybe you feel like a ragamuffin house sparrow clinging
to an empty birdfeeder with no one to care. Stop and remember the facts behind Matthew
10:29. God does care. He notices.

Try trusting the Lord today as would a sparrow. No questions asked. No fears that
He won't come through. Relax in the protection and provision of your great God.

Father, it's astounding to think that with so many things to care for, You have
a heart for people the world considers small and insignificant. Forgive me for not
believing that You not only notice but intimately care for every detail of my life.
Help me today to believe You for the small things. May I see every detail as an
opportunity to trust You.