Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 24, 2011

Yesterday I was at home and got a pile of things ready for the mail.  ate in Hampden and then drove to Devils lake, Maxine Frank's husband passed away and his funeral was in the afternoon, it was a time to do some other errands,too.

I don't know if I have used this devotion, but it seems appropriate...

There seem to be people in my life who have made poor choices, not in my family but around me in the community and they are really hurting and can't seem to get away/out of these choices......

  If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need
but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?
   -- 1 John 3:17

  I love the Bible because it is so gritty with the realities of
real life. In the previous verse, John told these churches that
they should be willing to lay down their lives for each other.
That's pretty good in theory, especially when you don't think it
will ever be necessary. But this verse makes the application of
that principle an every day reality: If there is somebody in your
church in need, then be moved to help them -- that's what laying
down your life is all about!

  Use me, holy and righteous Father, to be your hands and heart in
helping those around me. Give me the generosity and the patience it
takes to be a blessing to those in need who are a part of my church
family, and also those who have not yet come to know Jesus as Lord.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

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