Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 30, 2009

The ARt of constancy

Praise......God continually  Hebrews 13:15

In the midst of every legitimate activity your soul can be focused on Me if gratitude and adoration and worship have captured your heart. The soul of a man may be a continual chapel of praise as you learn the art of constancy in loving Me first and foremost.

You frequently emphasize how much you should love Me. But even more important is the constancy of your love, that it be the overflowing grace of your heart continually, so that every waking hour you are truly and literally walking and worshipping in the Spirit.

I guess I would say that this explains why I like to go outside, whether to mow or pull weeds.  Most of the time the tasks are 'no-brainer' so I don't have to really do a lot of thinking, so my thoughts can be purely God thoughts.  That is a special time of communion with God.  He wants our every waking/sleeping moment to be a time when we can commune with him.

Father, show me new ways that I can worship and adore you. In Jesus Name. amen

Yesterday, I did more cleaning, after we ate at noon, I started out for camp. I needed to clean at the church on my way there.  This is the Jr high Free Lutheran Camp.  I always appreciate these people, they are sincere and love Jesus. We have good conversations.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009

Let Him Take the Initiative

Submit yourselves therefore to God James 4:7

Let no selfish motives rule your actions. Be motivated by the love of God, and if you truly are, you can rest assured that whatever you do has the approval of your Father.

You cannot do with joy some of the things that may be permissible for another. You are not free to make your own choices as long as you are surrendered to the Will of God, for when you are yielded to Him it is He who gives the directions. Wait for Him to take the initiative.

What are our motives, is it to please ourselves, or do we really care more about others.  God really has to work in us in this area.  I liked the second paragraph because it is what I feel about life.  There are a lot of things I could do, they are not harmful or anything, but they are also not God's will for my life, so I need to leave them alone.


Yesterday, I was here at home, Gabe came over and sewed on her quilt, we need to get some more fabric, Gabe and I ate in town, maybe the one time this year that I will be able to do that.  Jack took the Suburban to get it fixed and new tires.  It was a good day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28,2009

Conviction and Forgiveness

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  James 5:16

My patience is running out. I have willed and you have resisted me.

You are indulgent when I have called you to rigid discipline. You speak soft words when I would require you to speak the truth.  You interfere with the convicting work of My Holy Spirit when you smooth over confession. I am no a severe God, unmindful of the frailties of human nature; but I am a God of divine love and holiness, and I desire your fellowship, and I long for you to know My joy.

God wants us to stand for our faith, to have convictions and to live them.  It is then that we will know his joy and presence.

Father, show us today, what you would desire for us to change in our relationship with you, and then do the work that makes that possible.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a day at home, I am doing some cleaning inpreparation for company to come at the end of next week.  I mowed lawn in the afternoon, it was a nice day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009

Useless Striving

The servant of the Lord must not strive 2 Timothy 2:24

Be careful that you are fullowing Me, and I will care for all else. Striving is for those who have not yet learned to trust Me. Anxiety is the affliction of the self-possessed. The godly know their heritage and revel in the protection of their Redemeer. For it is in the blood of Jesus that refuge is found for every onslaught of the enemy.

This is quite self explanatory. God desires for us to rest in him, which means we will trust and not be anxious, we are protected by the blood of our redeemer.

Father, help us today to rest in you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

I haven't written for a couple of days, Saturday , Jack, Jerry and I went to Winnie and Delorus 50th anniversary party.  It was help at Winnie and Melissa Johnson farm in a quanset. They served a supper and had a brief program.  we left after that, and I started for camp, in Devils Lake I needed some groceries and noticed I had a very sot tire, I drove to cenex to get some air, and then had to make arrangements to get to camp.  Someone from DL let me use their vehicel.  Jerry and Julie put the other tire on it on Sunday and drove it home and Dad came and got me after I was done at camp.  I guess thinking about this experience and Julie's experience with the airplane, all I can say is even if we don't like those situations, God did supply our need.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009

The Spiritual Senses

The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal  1 Corinthians 12:7

I will surely fill your vessel with a might downpour of My reviving Spirit. I will quicken your senses and you shall hear, speak and discern in the Spirit. You shall verily feel in the same way. For as man has five natural senses, regenerated souls have five spiritual senses, and every alert, healthy believer should have these operating.

The power is given you already. Exercise it and let Me educate you along these lines.

We don't begin to live what God has meant us to experience, it is not his fault, we have not been willing to yield to him and allow him to work in and through us.  We are more concerned with what others will thnk than what God thinks and wants to do in us.  Yield to him, and you will be amazed at what he can do.

Father, make yourself real to each of us and show us how you want to work in our lives.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, I sorted photos from camp, wrote notes of thank you to volunteers that helped me, cleaned the church, and that is about it.  Dad is working with his haying project.

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009

Rivers of Living Water

When the poor and needy seek water...I, the Lord, will hear them...I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the mdst of the valleys.  Isaiah 41:17-18

In the moment that you lift your voice to cry out to Me, then shall My glory gather you up. Yes, I shall wrap you in the garments of joy, and My presence shall be your great reward. Lift your eyes to Mine. Lift your voice to Me in praise; in this way a fountain shall be opened within you, and you will drink of its refreshing waters.

Wow, what encouraging thoughts, that as we draw near to God, he will meet us there.

Father, we commit this day into your hands, draw us nearer to you oh Lord.  In Jeusu Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I came home, going by Nekoma to take a counselor home, and then bringing Gabe to her house.  I enjoyed the evening, sitting out in the flower beds.  I have a persistent weed.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

Thy God Forever

But the very hears of your head are all numbered

Behold, I am Thy god forever. I am with thee. In the time of trouble, I will be thy strong defense, and in the hour of need, I am thy sure habitation.

Mine eye is ever watchful and I shall undertake for thee according to My glorious riches. Is it not written: "the very heairs of your head are all numbered"? Surely My love for thee is altered by no external circumstances.

My love is constant. Hold to this one thing as the needle holds to the pole.

It is so encourage to know that God is with me whatever/whereever and he knows and cares about everything that happens to me.

Yesterday the campers went home, but the staff stayed, they had a good time together doing all the things they had done this summer, playing games, going in the water.  At 6, we ate together.  Kyle Murchie's parents came and helped with cooking, on this evening they get fed royally, it was a good meal and a really large number of staff were able to be there.  The evening starts with a time of encouragement by the leadership staff, more food, and then a worship time, Jay speaks to the staff and then we had a bonfire.  it was a really beatiful night, you guessed, it was really late.  Some have gone home, some are leaving shortly and most should be gone by noon.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22, 2009


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Give your full strength to the conflict. think of nothing else. Only concentration brings results. Lo, the enemy is concentrating against you to destroy you.

Gird on your armor, for the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and against spiritual forces of darkness intruding into sacred places. I am at your side to help you.

If we could only grasp what God is saying, and realize that the things that come against us, or trying to destroy us, but if we are truly focused on God's will for our lives, we could see that God is walking right there beside us desiring to help us through this experience.  Remember, low I am with you always, I will never leave you or forcake you...God desires to help you through what ever crisis you are experiencing, Have you asked him for help?

Today, this group of campers go home, last night at the bonfire, they verbalized what God had done in their lives at this camp,  God touched them,  there were decisions for christ, and recommitments, too.  They are beautiful children in Gods sight.  Today they go home and we prepare for counselor debriefing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009

Comfort in Affliction

Seek my face; in their affliction they will seek me early. Hosea 5:15

Has not My hand fashioned for you many signs and wonders? Have I not ministered to you in miraculous ways? Will you not, then trust Me now in this new emergency, even as you have trusted Me in the past?

Lean hard upon Me, for I bring you through to new victories, and restoration shall follow what seems now to be a wind of destruction. Draw upon the resources of My grace. Heaven rejoices when you go through trials with a singing spirit.


Reflecting on challenges of the past, and how God has met us and our needs, he will do the same again, because he has promised to supply our every need.  When we grumble and complain we only make it more difficult for him to help us.  We can think of how we feel when someone complains to us.  Do we like it? Does he like it? NO!  A happy attitude about life is what he desires, the problems will resolve, whether we are happy or grumbling, they will just be a lot more pleasant to experience if we are happy.

This camp is usually a fun experience, there are new people and we get to know each other, one of the ladies was raised on the mission field, as was her husband(Venzuala) the other lady, lives in Minneapolis, and her husband teaches Dakota at the University of Minnesota,  She is white he is Native American  Little Isaiah came to me last night, he is missing his parents.  We will see how he is today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009

The Healing Pool

An angel went down....into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first...stepped in was made whole.  John 5:4

Whenever you are in any kind of trouble, know that My Spirit in the midst is like the angel who stirred the Pool of Bethesda and made it a place of healing. Disturbances which give every appearance of being natural become infused with divine purposes if your soul is allowed to lie in My hand. I Myself touch circumstances and add the power of the miraculous.

Can you see God's hand in the everyday events in your lives?  God is a part of them, whether you realize it or not?

Father, help us to see you in the simple acts fo our lives, and then help us to acknowledge the role you have in our lives.  In Jesus name. amen

Yesterday, after church and Sunday School and our usual pizza and DQ I went and got Isaiah for camp, his parents have a very difficult time letting him go, we got groceries for camp and then stopped to see ann and her family at the lake cabin.  Afterwards we drove on to camp.  It will be a good week.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18, 2009

No Compromise!

Come out from among them, and be separate. 2 Corinthians 6:17

There are ways to witness without compromising, but there is no way to compromise and at the same time effectively witness. "Come out from among them, and be separate."  Those who seek the light will be drawn out into the light. Those who remain in the darkness do so because they prefer the darkness and to go back into darkness yourself, hoping to save them, will result in giving the evil one the opportunity to assail your own soul.

You cannot have both--light and darkness.

Amen, I think this is self-exclamatory.  Forget trying to go into the pit to rescue, you'll just get caught.  Sin is sin, when we play with it we get burned. We have a choice, do we truly want to live for Jesus, which means choosing to live in the light.  The further away we get from the light the closer we get to the fire of hell.  Where do you want to be?

Yesterday was the end of another week of camp, it was a wonderful week, campers made good choices, I brought Dani Rader and Gabe home.  Gabe and I stopped to see Frank and Dorothy.  He had had a really bad morning.  When I got home Dad had mowed some lawn so I finished that. He was actually mowing hay with the sickle mower, it was a really beautiful evening, I enjoyed being outside.

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17, 2009

Message 19 of 20





Fri, 17 Jul 2009 02:00:01 -0500


Today's Verse : John 17:18


   "As you [God] sent me [Jesus] into the world, I have sent them
into the world."
    -- John 17:18
   We are not here by accident! God has a purpose and plan for us.
Jesus has sent us into the world to touch it with his redemptive
love and make a positive impact on it for him.
   O LORD God Almighty, please give me wisdom and courage to see
your will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
It is early in the morning of the last day of camp, I came down 
but forgot the devotion book, and so I am sharing with you from
a different source, I found these thoughts encouraging. I also
read from a friend of yours Jacqui, her thoughts were also very
encouraging.  Dad called and I started to talk to him when a sick
little girl and counselor came in the office.  I went to get the
nurses keys, but in the end we gave her sprite from the snack shack
 and prayed with her.  I have wanted to talk to her, she is Vivian
Currie's greatgranddaughter.  This was my opportunity.  She is from
Munich and Vivian has another greatgranddaughter here, too.  I told
her how special Vivian was to me.  I will be taking two home from camp.
Trusting that this will be a good day in each of  your lives. Be thankful
for God's care.  I asked about the news last night.  Dad said a
child had died in a  grainbin down near where Gary and Shirley live.  
such a heartache, and each day, we do not know what we will face, 
take this day and make the most of it.  I love each of you.


Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have just come from the bonfire, it is late, but I did want to tell all of you that our plans for tomorrow are chagned.  They scheduled Dad for tomorrow, but then won't let him have it done because he is on plavex, so it is changed til July 31,  I know he was disappointed and frustrated, but in the midst of what he said, he said there must be a reason.  I didn't have any thing to say to him at the time, but did appreciate his saying what he did say.  Later I was walking and thought about my own experience this winter, of the two trys it took for me to get  scheduled for my surgery.  The first time it was frustrating to go all the way to Crookston, for them to say that they couldn't find anything,  But that day on the way home, we saw Frank and his family and then, I had a visit with Barb Klein, who was dealing with a lot of obstacles in her life,  When I left Grand Forks I was o.k  with the day, eventually I did get a Dr., actually the one recommended and it did happen. so pray for us, as we wait up on the Lord for his time. 

Julie Ruth, I appreciate you comments about "will of god'  I can pray in the morning for God to guide even that day, and by the end of the day, everything is changed, and it is still God's will, it isn't about me, it is about God.    Thank you.

Good night to all of you.  Mom                    

July 16, 2009

Withdraw Your Foot

Where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. Proverbs 26:20

Robbed of privacy, friendship is destroyed. There is a degree of reserve to which each soul has birthright, and which if relinquished to the curiosity of the impudent, leaves him stripped of the riches of his soul and robbed of his selfrespect.

The riches of friendship are placed in the hands of those who prove themselves trustworthy. The ignorant will rob a nest of its eggs. The wise wait patiently for the sound of baby birds. He who steals the eggs deprives himself of this pleasure.


This is a very different passage.  Maybe a bit hard to give thoughts about.  but to me it speaks of  respect for a person, for their privacy, it seems to me to be speaking of the opposite of gossip. 

Yesterday was a really cool day, the sky looks clear this morning, but it is quite early.  Darcy our speaker this week, uses puppets, and presents the gospel in a very easy to understand way.  At the end of each service she allows time for the children to respond and they do, we are seeing children set free from a lot of hurts.  God brings to this camp children with needs, and he meets them here.  They are really good eaters, too.  Today is the day we use the left overs, We have little left, so we can create some very good new dishes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15, 2009

The spirit of Life

Greater works than these shall he do John 14:12

My Spirit is the Spirit of Life, and I am in thee and upon thee that thou shouldst not be barren nor unfruitful; and whomsoever thou touchest in faith shall feel My quickening power.

Life shall rise out of death; yea, Eternal Life out of spiritual death. Is this not even greater than My servant Lazarus?

For I said, "Greater works than I do shall ye do, because I go unto my Father."

Thank you Father, for your spirit, it is only through your spirit that our lives are fruitful for you.  It is nothing that we can do ourselves, only as we yield to you will we see fruit/results in our lives.  Amen

It has been cool/cloudy/and at times rain/then it is nice again.  We are having a good week.  We were short of help in the kitchen, we are thankful for the new people who have come to help.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14, 2009

True Dedication

Search me, O god and know my heart Psalm 139:23

I am calling you aside into a walk of Faith. There is no self-denial possible without full surrender. There are forms of self-punishment that cloak themselves in the robes of dedication but are really false expressions and not true piety. Only I can lay upon you a true spirit of humility and dedication. Only My love can motivate a genuine selfsacrifice

Do not deceive yourself. Let Me try your motives and probe the depths of your heart. My intention is to bless you, not to cause you unnecessary suffering.

God desires to do a work in our lives, to change us into the kind of person he can use, and one who has a love for him.  It isn't about us , it is about Him.  When someone comments on my cooking at camp, I tell them, it really isn't me, I can't take credit for the results, he has had to do the work in me to make it possible.  He deservies the credit and the praise.   What in your life is God desiring to change? Well, he is never done, we are a work in progress, and will be until the day we stand face to face before him. 

Father, thank you for this day, it is your day and we are your vessels,  Help us to be willing to walk where you ahve placed us and to do what you have given for us to do.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, the weather was cool,  we continued with cooking.  We are short of staff in the kitchen, it will be better today.  Staff and some campers came and set the tables for us while we made pizza.  I don't want a lot of left overs, so we have been focusing on the amounts and amazingly it is turning out without a lot of left overs.


Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

Eternal Values

For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2 Timothy 1:12

Every motion in your life becomes impregnated with sublime significance as you are wholly dedicated to Me. All of time becomes charged with eternal values as it is consecrated and given to Me.

I am encouraged by that verse and reminded that as I pray for you and committ you to him, he will do take care of you.  His hand is upon your life and mine, and the more we desire to know him and be guided by him, he  desires to be and do that in our lives.

Yesterday, Arianna shared her testimony of living for God, she is originally from Dominican Republic, last year she was a student at Trinity and this summer she is at Lakewood Park Bible camp.  She really likes Alona, so she got her a color book and colored a couple of the pictures for Alona, she was disappointed that Alona wasn't in church to see her.  Arianna is returning to the family she has been living with, she will still be with us this next Sunday.  Michael had a different kind of message, his thoughts had been about marriage, since he had a wedding that week.  His thoughts had to do with being faithful unto death.  I picked up Dani Rader on my way to camp, she is excited about being at camp.  I am not able to see the e-mail, so if you want to tell me something you will need to add it to this.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

Maintain Constancy

For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

Do not grieve, My child. You have need of nothing. Hold Me close to your heart, and I will satisfy every longing. Allow Me to comfort you, and you will find yourself reaching out less and less to others for support and solace.

Maintain a constancy in devotion, and I will be pleased and will do all manner of wonderful things in your behalf. I will cause blessings to be heaped upon you. You will be increased abundantly in the riches of the kingdom.

What is the longing of your heart? what is the need you feel this morning? do you long to be nearer,  nearer to thee oh Lord?  God desires for you to experience that.  Christians are being attacked in their homes and families, God is desiring that we be drawn closer to him, we need to be close or we won't be able to hear his voice.  He desires to take you in the hollow of his hands and minister to the need that you have.

Father, we love you, and we thank you for being ever present in time of need, we thank you for being our everything, Help us today to be drawn to you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I needed to do somethings right here in the house.  I thought that Dad was going to Vic Pintar's wedding, but he decided to not go, so he took their gift to Larry and Ione, I went to the Swanson wedding, it was at Lakewood Park Bible Camp, not a large crowd, but apleasant experience, and then a reception over at Leed's.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

I Shall Gather My People

The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God 1 Peter 4:17

Today is the day of salvation (see 2 Corinthians 6:2), and again: "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found" (Isaiah 55:6), for the night comes.

Lift your eyes to the clouds, for the heavens are filled with glory. Yes, He comes with ten thousand of His saints. Lift your hearts, for you will not be afraid of those things that are coming to pass upon the earth. For I shall gather My people to Myself; and the flames will not touch them.

God is shaking and stiring, because as a family of God we have become indifferent and careless about our relationship with God, the only way he can get our attention is by shaking our lives and all that is around us.  The people that touch my life, whether family, or friends, are experiencing challenges that seem overwhelming, but in the midst of all that is happening, God is a loving God, he does care about what is happening for you,  and he is calling you to draw nigh unto  him.The only peace we can have in the midst of the storms is the peace that we experience in God.

Father,show me how you want my life to experience peace, and how you want me to demonstrate peace to those about me.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, camp was over for this group of campers.  There had been this one camper who I may have mentioned before, he actually spoke in the last chapel service telling the others to live for God.  He will go back to a community which up to now has rejected him.  If you think, pray for Michael that the changes God is making in his life will change the attitudes of others around him.  I drove home by Sheyenne, the ditches are full of babys breathe, it is so beautiful.  I remember when Janet got married. Ina and I drove to SD for her wedding, and we had babys breathe in the car, it isn't relaly very fragrant.

The ride by Sheyenne is different than here, there are streams, and hills, and trees, then I drove by Minnewaukan, and actually stopped to see Robyn Thompson, we visited for a bit, and I got to see her flowers, they were very nice, I cleaned the church, and after we ate, I finished the mowing.  Dad probably better stay off the mower til we get the kidney stone think fixed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, 2009

Eternal Destiny of the Present Moment

Be thou an example of the believers.  1 Timothy 4:12

It is not appointed to you to know the future. It is enough that we should walk together in love and trust. No doubts need mar your peace. Rest in the knowledge that My ways are perfect and My grace is all-sufficient. My help is adequate, no matter what may befall you.

Live in the awareness of the eternal destiny of the present moment. To be unduly occupied with matters of the future is to your own disadvantage. So much is waiting to be done.

We get too preoccupied with the future, what we think we should be doing.  Come on, we may never live to see the future.  What if this was the last day of your life?  How would you live it?  what would you say to your loved ones?  We really don't appreciate our loved ones, atleast if we do it doesn't seem to be evident by our thoughts and actions.

Sometimes when I say goodbye to your Dad, or when I drive away, or when he drives away, I think, that could be the last time we see each other, or when he leaves the house in the morning, I like to go to him at the door and let him know how special he is, I wouldn't want to live the rest of my life remembering that our last moment together we were fighting or bitter and angry with each other.  Something like the verse that says 'don't let the sun go down on your wrath"  I think of the multitude of stories about people who wouldn't or couldn't bring themselves to tell their loved ones that 'they were sorry'  the bitterness that eventually controls their hearts and poisons their lives.  God doesn't desire it to be that way.


Father, show me my heart, help me to allow you to search it and lead me in the way you would have me to go.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yesterday, we have what we call a left over meal, but we try to do it in such a way, that they don't realize that it is left overs, I left right after we had them served at noon and drove to Lakota, met Dad there and road with him to Grand Forks.  He saw the Dr. and made arrangements for procedure next Friday.  Then we ate with John, Jacqui and Tessa and Dad drove back to Lakota.  They were still in chapel when I got here, so I stayed in kitchen and started organizing for this mornings brunch.  I have a lady who is about 80 that is helping, she was right there with me as we made preparations.  Afterwards I went to the bonfire,  This has been a week of challenges amongst the campers, but the bonfire told a different story,  Boys and girls who had been touched by God.  It was a really great evening, but late.  We rejoice that the sun is shining.  Have a great day.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009


Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. 1 Peter 4:12

Through much tribulation I am bringing My chosen to perfection. Be not amazed when challenges present themselves. I am building your fortitude, and the day will come when you will be grateful for every lesson learned in the school of affliction.


What lessons are you experiencing that you don't like?  Are you allowing God to do in you what he wants, to make you into his image?  What do you think his image is like?  Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control these are examples of fruit of the Spirit of God, I believe that god is like that and he wants to see that in us.  Do we see this happening in our lives?  If we don't, why not?  Do we really want to experience what it takes to be Christ like?  Are we willing to give up our selfish ways to be this and to put the welfare of those we love over ourselves?  Maybe we should ask, do we love those around us, our spouses, our children, our co-workers, etc.?  I mean REALLY love them, are we willing to put their best interest before ours?


I may have given this illustration before, but Maxine Frank was the person in the extension office when I started working in 4-H.  Maxine, was a kind, caring person, and she would praise every 4-Her for everything that they did.  I have been hearing condemnation against people around me, not here at camp, by in other places.  My question is: what would happen if we spoke kindly about those around us?  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?  who are we to judge and criticize, when we have a log in our own eye?  It is kind words that will change the world, We are shaping our children and our spouses, and our neighbors by what we say about them, and to them.  Julie Ruth, has often said to me after we eat, "that was another culinary masterpiece"  it was her way of saying thank you, and it was encouraging.  What could we say to those around us, like our family to encourage them?  It is so easy to put on a good front, when we aren't really doing it at home, Our family deserves the best,  they deserve to come home to a haven and be treated the best possible. It is our responsibility to make that happen.  but first we will have to examine our lives and search our heart and ask ourselves, what can I do to make my place a haven to live in, not by beautiful things and beautifully decorated rooms, but by the beauty of a loving, caring heart, one who truly cares about their family and those about them.  You know LOVE  is the only thing that will change the world or another person,  nothing else will do it.  We will have to purpose in our hearts that we want to love, and if we ask God he will help us.

It looks this morning like we had rain in the night, but I didn't hear it.  It was another day of a lot of cooking, I have a new recipe for you Alicia, something we tried here at camp.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8, 2009

Bread Upon the Water

Cast thy bread upon the waters;for thou shalt find it after many days.  Ecclesiastes 11:1

Do not be afraid to follow Me, nor draw back in doubt. I will provide all that you lack, and I will pave the way for you with My bounty.

You will rejoice with exceeding joy, and your joy shall be shared by angels. They walk beside you and guard  your way. Never limit Me. I will take you through, though cliffs should rise before you. There will always be a provision, and in My mercy I will see that you find it.


What ever we are facing, God wants to provide.  We tend to think only about providing for our financial needs, but God isn't limited to that, he wants to provide for every need, whatever it may be.

Father, what is my need at this moment,?  what do I need? Help me to be willing to come to you and acknowledge that I need your help, You are just waiting for me to come.  In Jesus Name. Amen.


I wasn't able to come to the computer this morning, the door was locked.  Three campers went home yesterday, that might have had something to do with the door being locked.  It wa a good day.  They eat well.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009

An Uncomplaining Heart

Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth....he woundeth, and his hands make whole. Job 5;17-18

Bear joyfully My rod of correction. Know that while I minister to you, you are being prepared to minister to others. Make no mistake, there cannot be one without the other. Your attitudes need the disciplining of the Holy Spirit. Rest in Me in the quiet place and give Me an uncomplaining heart. I will fill it with My Grace. When I see that you are ready to do it, I will make My will inescapable.

All I can say is thank you God for disciplining me, I t isn't something I enjoy and it will be ungoing as long as I live,  It is only as I yield to God disciplining me will     anything ever change in my life. I reflect on some areas of discipline and the multitude of times I had to go through it before I seemed to have really understood   what God is trying to say to me.  I guess the whole thing of my listening to my husband is the one that has had the greatest effect for me.  I remember the night I called jacqui and we talked, I was sitting in the bathroom, praying.  Dad had not wanted the last exchange student and I didn't listen to him, It just doesn't work to not listen to your husband, God put him there to be the head of your home for a reason.   Anyway after a fall and winter of much frustration, and it finally came to a point where all I could do is pray, I needed to talk to someone and I called jacqui really late at night, and we talked and prayed.  I felt peace and we did give it to God,  It wasn't long before another family was found for her, but more important was what God was doing in my heart.    I see people going through experiences, people that I meet here at camp, etc.  I am reminded of the verse  2 Corinthians 1:3-4  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  so are you experiencing something, that you need the encouragement of someone else, or is there someone in your life that needs the encouragement that you can give?

Father, thank you for giving us your word as a guide, help us to apply it to today, Show us Father, what you desire for us to do, are we to be the encourager or do we need encouragement?  In Jesus Name. Amen

This is a big camp, and obviously God wants to do great things, because we are having a lot of challenges.  So pray for staff and campers.  Yesterday in dining hall, I noticed two campers who were suppose to be doing dishes, were hassling each other, I got one of the staff and made them aware of it.  But after it was settled, I felt most a burden for the staff who were responsible for the two girls,and went to them to encourage them, and to let them know we would be praying for them.  When it came to the service, God moved, and I thank God for 12-13 year olds who are turning to Jesus.  I have wonderful staff, two from Poland, and one who is in her 80's plus several others,  I need to go now for our prayer time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009

You are Violating My Will

We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 15:1


My Child, you are not where I would have you be. How can I be pleased with you? "Love," it is written, "seeketh not her own." But you have been pursuing your own ends, and this to Me is folly. What you desire may be beautiful and good and may constitute nothing that is harmful in itself; all the same, yu are violating My will and marring My pattern.

Some things that seem soo good to us may not seem good to God. 

Father, help me to know whether something is pleasing to you or not.  In Jesus Name. amen.


Yesterday, I woke up really early and got somethings done, and when I talked to Dad he said he wasn't going to church so I went early to do somethings there that I didn't ahve done.  flowers, church bulletin, etc.  I had 8 children for sunday School.  There weren't very many adults so they didn't have class, and there were visitors for church.  Ciera did a body worship song, and Galen told about missions trip and showed pictures, and told us how they used the money. The girls spoke briefly and then the service was over.  I went home to be with dad and from there to camp.  Thankfully I have a lot of help and it will go o.k.  I just went to find a counselor because there are some new people here from Poland.  Exciting day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009

I must have Overcomers

The life which I now live....I live by the faith of the Son of God  Galatians 2:20

You have faith in Me but faith without works is dead. I must have overcomers through whom I may overcome. There is an enemy to be contested and defeated. My new life will become yours in direct proportion to your success in emptying your heart of self-will.

I know you cannot do this for yourself; but you must will it to be done.  and as you will it, I will work with you and within you to bring it to pass.

More of thee and less of me 

Yesterday, I got a call from your Dad, he was to go to Grand Forks, so I went to Cando and got him and we drove to Grand Forks.  The town was so quiet and the hospital so dead, but they gave him very good care.  They put in a stint, because the shocking equipment is only there on one day, so he will have to go back for that.  We got home about 8:30 and I think he is doing o.k.



Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4, 2009

Be Not Negligent

Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee. 2 Timothy 1:6

Be not negligent concerning the gift I have given you. Do not allow it to become dormant. Be up and about your Father's business. Let nothing else claim priority over this.

You shall suffer loss, and not you alone but multitudes of others, if indolence overtakes you. My people are searching for food, and the pastures are sparse. There is need for the provision of nourishment. Yes, My Body must be fed and cared for and supplied the necessary nutriments for health and growth.

What do we need to be physically health?  Nutricious food  What do we need to be spiritually healthy?  truly nutrition from God's word, nothing can take the place of really reading the word of God, not the words of man through book or hearing or seeing.  Yes they may be great but they do not compare to really getting into the word, it is the pure wholesome thing.

I wrote you last night with details about the day, no new news this morning, I will got to Cando later this morning to see how Dad is doing.  NDTC is not working, so I can't receiv e-mails.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009

The economy of the Kingdom

With the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6:38

Bring Me all the tithes, and I will open the gates of heaven and pour down upon you a fourfold blessing. Yes, I will bless you in the grace of giving, and I will bless you with joy.  You shall open the door of ministry for My servants, and you shall partake of the fruits that will come as a result.

You will never give to Me and become the poorer for it. In exchange for yur small gifts, you shall be given My boundless riches.

We are blest  as we give, whether it is  finances(which we usually think of), or time or love or like it says 'a cup of cold water'.  What ever we give, God does bless us and I feel like we have been blest in a multitude of ways.  I am thankful for each one of you children, spouses, grandchildren and their spouses and great grandchildren.  I appreciate each of you.

This is the end of a different day.  Dad came home from breakfast with the guys in town and told me he didn't feel good, he thought it was a kidney stone,so if he says he doesn't feel good, it must be bad.  We drove to Cando, he went to the emergency room, and at the same time an ambulance arrived with a heart situation, but in due time they were wheeling him to a room and I followed, He had been given something for pain but it wasn't helping, they eventually did a test with a die and he came back and seemed to want to sleep, he was getting an IV.  I left to do a couple of errands, I couldn't get what I needed in Cando, so I drove to Devils Lake.  When I came back to the hospital they said that he had felt that he was going to throwup and it was dry heaves, they gave him something for that and he was sleeping.  I left and went to Audi to see their talent show(it was a part of their 125 year celebration that is happening).  It was really good, last 2 hours, I went back to the hospital, he seemed to be kind of sleepy but wanted me to tell him what was happening.  I went down to see Harley Perich, Lavonn was there and Lottie came to get Lavonn, she suggested that the three of us eat together.  When I stopped by Jack's room, they had given him some supper but he didn't feel like eating.  I came home and have been outside.  The light in the basement didn't work, so I decided to get a flashlight, everything is standing in water, so I got it set up and I hope that I can get the water down tonight.  I don't want to go in there with electrical things standing in water, I need to somehow get the light going so I can see down there.  So that is today.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2, 2009

The Disciplines of Freedom
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
O My people, I bring you out of bondage as rapidly as you are able to cope with freedom. Hold fast in the liberty wherein I have set you free and allow not anyone to bring you back into subjection.
All sin is binding. In Christ is freedom, because in Him is holiness. The world with its desires passes away, but he who chooses to do the will of God will live forever.

I appreciate these thoughts, and remember times in my life when God has set me free from bondage.  I think of John 8:32,36  Then you will know the truth, and truth will set you free...So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  Is there something in your life that has you in bondage?  God doesn't want it that way, he wants to set us free.  We need to come to him asking in faith for deliverance.  Sometimes it is desirable to have some one pray with you and be accountable to them.  When God sets us free we need to fill that freedom with God(word and prayer) otherwise we can find ourselves slipping back into bondage again.  It is a beautiful thing to see/realize that God has set us free from something.  and realize the peace that we have in Christ.

Yesterday was a very interesting day!!!!  First I took the Isums back to Langdon, I was concerned that we weren't going to get there in time and I needed to be there by 10:30 to pick up Julie Ann's Azure Foods order.  On the way to Langdon I realized they seemed to have some issues with trying to transfer money to a daughter in Virginia.  I left them at the motel and they would call us to be sure that we had the house ready for them.  I got home before noon and after we ate.  Jack and I went to the O'Brien house, I vacumned and Jack got the water going, we racked off a lot of the grass and cleaned up around the house so It looked o.k.  I got water in town for them and came home, to hear from dad that they had found someplace in Nekoma to stay, so an afternoon of work for nothing.  I spent time pulling weeds and using Jerry's weed eater, so the yard looks good.  Long Day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

The Centrifugal Power of the Holy Spirit
Walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:4

All kinds of contrivances will seek to throw you off balance. The centrifugal power of the Holy Spirit within you is ever seeking to draw you and keep you in the perfect divine pattern and form. Do not resist it. Rather, resist the pull of the external forces. It is the world, the flesh, and the devil which influence toward destruction and ugliness.
Only the divine Spirit of God--nothing else--can preserve your soul and life in the beauty of purity and the expression of grace.

We need to listen to the spirit of God which dwells within us.  It came to us at the time we chose to follow Christ, and increased in relationship when we yielded to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, but for it to be built up in us, we need to pray/pray in the spirit and read the word of God, then we will know the spirit and identify when the spirit is speaking to us. Oh how much we need to be in tune to the spirit.  I would have to say that some of the most focused times in my life happen when I am riding in the car by myself, sitting outside in the flower bed, going for a walk....times like that when I am alone.  Also in a worship service as we worship together, and not necessarily when someone is speaking.

Father, thank you for sending your son to die for us, and then your Holy Spirit to guide us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was interesting.  It was the end of a short came for little 8 and 9 year olds, I took Tiffany a counselor to meet her mother at Lakota and then I drove to Michigan to leave some art at the gallery for Julie.  I had an interesting visit with Paul and Jan Steffan from Edmore who were working there that day.  I came home and started planting the flowers that I had bought at the Plant Ranch on my way home.  I also picked strawberries from the patch by the back door... After we ate, dad and I went and mowed the yard at the O'Brien house.  It had gotten so high that Dad had cut and raked and baled the grass.  Robert got that and then we could mow.   When I came back I was planting more flowers when we got a phone call.  There was a family that was going to stay in the O'Brien house, but at the last decided to not stay, so we didn't turing on the water.  Here they were in Langdon, they had had a flat tire adn were riding on the spare, and to room they thought they were getting wasn't in Langdon but in Walhala, so they wondered about the house, I told them they could stay with us, but they had already driven a long way on the spare, so in the end we went and got them, I am making a trip back for JUlie Ann this morning so I will take them back to Langdon then.  Pray that we can get the water to work when we try to start it, because they want to stay there.