Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009

The Armour of Light

The way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23

No problem confronts you that I cannot resolve. Confess, and I will forgive, and I will extricate you from this situation. I will go with you Myself and make the crooked places straight and we will go on again, together. This time you will wait for My leading.

Wear the armour of the Spirit , and you have My protection. Fear not what others can do to harm you. Fear only your own tendency to act independently.

I think of a couple of things when I read this, first in the past I have sometimes not listened to God's leading, thinking that God would honor my efforts, no way, listen to God first, do God's choice for you.  If you are married it is to be a part of a family, if you are the husband, you were chosen to be the leader in the home, and Christ is leader over you, if you are the wife, you are to follow your husband, to support him, he has been placed in leadership, which sometimes we don't want to acknowledge that God desires them to lead us.  If you are single, then you go directly to God.  So after not following God's leading, I now realize how much I need to wait upon the Lord, and he is faithful.  The part about wearing God's armour and experiencing his protecting.  If we want God's protection or umbrella we must stay in god's will, when we step out from under the umbrella we step out of god's protection.

Father, this is a new day, the choices we made yesterday are in the past, today is a new opportunity for us to be your vessels, help us to listen to you, and th yield to you.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, was a beautiful day, good times of fellowship together, and times of making food.  Last night, Paul give these 8 and 9 year olds an opportunity to ask Jesus into their hearts, they responded.  It was special.  At the bonfire, they also stood boldly to tell us of their decision.  I look at these children and see in them the future of God's kingdon, future counselors and leaders at Bible Camp.  Trusting that each of you had a good day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

Loose the Child

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.   psalm 55:22

The little ones are in My care, you shall not be anxious.  Relay on Me, for the tenderness of My lvoe exceeds that of a mother.

Picture the Lrod Jesus as He took the young children upon His knee. Trustingly place your child in His hands.  They are healing hands, and you may count on Him to bring wholeness and perfection, whether here or in the Father's house.

Your heart is bound to the heart of the child.  Loose the cord of affection lest it break.

When you are a mother, you are always a Mother,  whether they are young or they are old.  You have that Mother bond to them.  There will come a day, when the position reverses and they care for you (Love Me Forever).  Granted there are people who don't experience this, but often they do.  I appreciate each one of you children, I am thankful that you care about me, and demonstrate in it a multitude of ways.  i can't say that I always feel that I was a mother worthy of that kind of care, but you are very gracious to me.  So now for me as a mother of each of you, and to your spouses,  It is hard to see my children hurting,  I can never deny that It doesn't hurt, and it is hard to let go and truly let God take over....It is a process  of trusting God that he knows what is best for you, it is also a time when wisdom says to keep my thoughts to myself.  I love each one of you and desire the best for you.....


Father, I commit into your hands the children that you have given to me, and their spouses, to the grandchildren and their spouses and to the great grandchildren.  My you have your way in their lives, and most of all my you be glorified in them.  In Jesus Name. Amen,\.

I didn't have time to write this morning.  This is a camp of 8-9 year old campers, they are precious and it is a good time.  I was up late last night because I was organizing information for the 3 ring binders about Cando Aseembly of God, and I was also working on another book.  Donna Martinson(Marvin martinsons sister) made a book for her sibblings about their years in country school, she has given us the same info so we can put togethed a book and put it in our history musieum, so I was working on that.  Yesterday on my way here I stopped and saw Erling Graff and his family, they had a birthday party for him, he is 95 years.  He was a wonderful person, and it was good to see his children.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28, 2009

Learn Well and Listen Closely
Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee Isaiah 26:3
No disturbance, either in yourself or in others, can interfere with the moving of My Spirit if you do not focus attention upon it.
Be as a babe in its mother's arms and know that I carry you near to My heart, and this is why you have knowledge of many things not revealed to others. They must find this place for themselves before they can hear My voice. Meanwhile, you are My ambassador to them.
Learn well, and listen closely.

I am blessed by the thought of us being carried close to our heavenly Father just like a babe in the arms of its mother.  We keep trying to move our arms in independence, jsut as we see a small child do, when really we will fare much better if we rest in the Lord.

Father, help us to rest in your presence in the midst of a world of turmoil, because you have everything in your hands.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yesterday was...well, a busy one.  I went to Kyle Murchie wedding reception in Cando, then to the church to clean.  While there the tornado sirens went off twice,  I didn't feel alarmed, I figured I would just stay in the basement, then I stopped to visit the new family at our church, and then off to Lisa Stinkeoways wedding.  After that I stopped to say hello to Gladys Neidlinger, she is really lonely.  Stopped at Vernon Carlsons, delivered plants and medicine to Frank and Dorothy.  When I got home I was so tired, so off to bed early.  We have had a lot of rain during these couple of days.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009

Our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour. Philippians 3:20

Keep in vital communication with Me.  Loose yourself from the world at every possible point. You can fulfill My purpose only when your channel is completely open and free to Me.  Resist  every hindrance. Yield to Me the deepest place in your consciousness.  Only in this way do I have full control of your life energies. I will preserve them for the Spirit's activity as you abide in the place of communion.
Do not look for any other secret of spiritual power.  There is none.

If we want to be Christ like and have a close relationship with God it will only happen as we keep in a close relationship with God our Father and his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Father, draw me nearer, nearer to thee.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was the end of camp, and it had been a wonderful week.  It is always hard for campers to say good-bye after they have bonded together for the week.  I told Kristi Feldner to Devils Lake to her mom, then drove to Webster to leave Gordon at his home and then Gabe and I drove over to see Frank and Dorothy and then I took Gabe to her house.  By then it had started to rain which continued for some length of time, actually it seems to be raining this morning.  Only one word to describe it "wet"!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009

Learn to Listen

He that refraineth his lips is wise  Proverbs 10:19

When you pray, My child, do not make it a one-way conversation.  Know I am listening, but know also I will respond and will speak to yu if you give Me opportunity.  Prayer is not only of the lips, but of the ear also, for prayer is of the heart, and the heart that has learned to love has learned to listen more than to speak!

When you come to Me in prayer, you ought to come to enjoy Me, not to entertain Me.

I am thinking about conversations we have with people, with our family and with friends.  what is that conversation like?  Do we do all the talking? do we listen?    How will we get to know our friends and family if we don't let them talk to us?  Is God any different?  I wonder if he really likes things so formal?  Do you think he has a sense of humor?  Do we tell others how much we like them and appreciate them, do we thank them when they do something for us?  Is God any different?  Do our conversations with our family consist of us just asking for something (lets hope they don"t)?  Is God any different?  Thank about how you interact with those around you and ask yourself  is God any different?  The key to everything in life is that he wants to have a personal relationship with us and we have to make the choice for that to happen, but  once it does it is up to us to help that "friendship" to grow.

Father,  I desire to know you in new and greater ways, help me to see you as the best friend that I have.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a really great day.  Our noon meal was the left over meal, so we were creative with what we had in the frig.  They really ate, and so this morning we are starting over with new food.  Thankfully there was extra help and the day was good.  The speakers family(7 children) came and sang for us in the evening service.  These young people are being equipted to go and share their faith.  The bonfire was great.  I am blest when I hear the youth share.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25, 2009

As a Lamb Before a Lion

Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.  1 Peter 5:8

All kings of dangers lurk about you. The enemy would rob you of the most sacred blessing. He has no desire to take it except to destroy it. Your power to protect it is no match for his treachery. He lies in wait in the unexpected place, and yo are as a lamb before a lion.

At My feet leave all, and know it is for your ultimate joy. Truly it is not a sacrifice. It will be your salvation.

I think about the dangers that lurk.  To me the greatest danger I see is making my life vulnerable by being tired.  When I am tired I have to watch my actions and what I say.  It is impossible to take back words unwisely spoken, so when I feel tired I like to retreat to my bedroom and take a nap.  Now you may think that sounds strange, but if one is tired, or has not kept in God's word and prayer, we can open ourselves up to things that we will regret.

Yesterday was a beautiful day her at Camp FaHoCha.  The campers were able to do water activities including the bloob.  In the kitchen, Eileen Aafedt and Dawn Pankratz came and helped us, so we could kind of catch up on other things, actually was able to work on church history for a while in the afternoon after I slept.  After the evening service the youth had a talent show, it was awesome,  wonderful piano solos, Gabe played and sang a song she wrote.  We were all impressed with every one.  But it was very late....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009


In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Psalm 56:11

You struggle, My child, when you could as easily rest in My arms. You concern yourself with the actions of others and neglect the only important thing: to abide in Me. he who abides in me has no need to be anxious.

When you are moving out of My divine will, you have unrest. Abiding brings confiding, for to know Me is to tust Me, trust brings peace.


The closer we stay to God, the less the problems around us will be a problem, because when we are near to God we will know what his desire is for us.


Father, draw me nearer, nearer to you.  help me to be so close to you that we can hear you speak and know your voice. In Jesus Name.


Yesterday, lots of cooking and food, but they liked what we prepared and that is good.   The bloob is in place and it was used.  We got a bit of a storm in the morning, with some hail, but then the sun came out and it was a great day.  We have great opportunities in the kitchen to talk together and to also pray together.  The speaker is continuing to share with the young people how to share their faith.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23, 2009

Ionospheric christian Living

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. Galatians 5:1


Stay in the flexibility of the spirit. Live in the faith realm, and let your thoughts soar freely in the open skies of faith, where the things not yet seen become real to you. Call it ionospheric Christian living, if you wish.  it will free you from bondages to people. It will not give you an independent nor rebellious feeling toward others, but will liberate you so that you will no longer feel the need to struggle against these hindrances.

When the spirit sets us free, we are free indeed,  this is a favorite concept in my life, because I have seen God do it many times in me, and it is what the author is refering to in the above thoughts.  I need to be available to be God's vessel, but yet not bound by traditions, and rituals, etc.  I do personally feel that I have met people that were so into the idea of freedom that they wouldn't be/ weren't willing to be consistent and responsibile because they wanted to only be led by the spirit.  They wouldn't commit themselves to a task because it might not be the 'spirits leading'.

Father, give me wisdom to know when you are speaking to me, and to discern when I am being drawn away from you by the world.  In Jeusu Name.  amen.

Yesterday we had sunshine, and they actually were able to get the blob into the lake, that should make the youth happy.  Our speaker is a teacher, and he is speaking to the youth about sharing their faith, I feel that he has studied under the ministry of Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort, though I haven't had opportunity to ask him.  he is speaking in their style.



Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009

Be Much with Me

Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not Luke 12:40

Set the watch in the nightime; yes, rise and pray, and do not let that hour come upon you unaware.

For the time is short; yes, the storm is gathering fast. Can you not discern the events that are currently shaping up in the affairs of men, and be as keen to observe their portent?  Let My Spirit pervade your spirit, and you shall be more influenced by Me than by the world around you. Be much with Me.

She is speaking so much about  signs of the times, but when I reflect that she origanally wrote maybe thirty years ago.  So if she thought that then, and we see what we are seeing today,  will we in 10-20 years still be saying the same thing?  what will life be like here,if our country has survived?  It really only says one thing,  get your house in order, what are your priorities?  Are you ready for Jesus to come?

Father, speak to us, and search our hearts, what are our priorities, what is most important to us, do we really care about anyone else besides ourselves?  Show us the heart of our life and our very being, Speak to us and draw us to your side.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, Jack and I went to church at Lakewood Park bible camp, it was a good service, afterwards we went and ate at DQ and then I went to get groceries and drove to Webster to get Gordon Rader for camp.  There are quite a few here from Starkweather school.  The speaker is a teacher at Larimore, it is obvious he has a heart for ministry.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

I wasn't able to send a devotion this morning, just not the time, etc.  but I have ben thinking about the day and decided that since it is Father's Day, I would express my feelings about the day.  As a Christian, I have a relationship with my heavenly Father because I chose to invite Jesus to be my Savior and Lord.  So I have this relationship with God, who we referr to as "Our Father."   What do you think of when you think of Our Father?  what do you feel about your father?  When we talk to children about loving God and compare it to their earthly Father, we have problems because maybe the earthly Father didn't display a very good example of father to the child.  I have in the past written to you who are dad's and grandpa's of the children that are special in my life.  I am thankful for you and the part that you have in raising my grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

I challenge you to think about the image you portray to your children.  This doesn't exempt you mom's either,  what kind of an image do you portray to your  children and grandchildren?  I am challenged in my life about the example that I make, too.  I know in the past I don't really feel I did such a great job, so I am thankful that you still care about me inspite of it.

Thank you for the part that you have in my life. 

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009

Fresh Anointing

He that doeth the will of god abideth for ever. 1 John 2:17

Service to Me by the will of the flesh is temporal,

     but the doing of the will of God is eternal.

And this is the will of God, that he be about the Father's business--

                 that ye work the works of Him that hath called thee.

Leave all else to Me.

Seek the fresh anointing

     and I will do the rest.


What is God's will for your life and mine?  Sometimes I think we get more bent on how that translates monetarily than spiritually.  God is looking for a people that will truly love him. and How do we show that?  For me it is people.  I remember going to Creative Impressions and applying one time after Julie was leaving there. Janelle told me to spend a day at the computer and see if I liked it.  I did and by later in the day(beside the fact that I didn't have the skills that I have now) I knew it wasn't for me.  A computer wasn't people, it didn't have a heart and soul and I couldn't share the love of Jesus with it, so I left. 

Yesterday, was a good day, the campers were able to be out in the water and do a variety of activities ther and they ended the day with a bonfire.  Jack and I met Jim and Marva in Devils Lake for a time of visiting together.    

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

Prepare Your Garments

She should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.  Revelations 19:8

The day is at hand, and the Day Star riseth even now. You may not see Me yet, but I am only just beneath the rim of the horizon, and you shall behold Me shortly in all My glory. How ought you to rise and make yourself ready! How you should put your house in order and prepare your garmnets!  Your garments shall be of fine linen, for it is the righteousness of the saints.

Am I ready to meet Jesus?  He is just beyond the horizon and he is coming soon to receive us, the events in the world suggest that his coming is soon and it would seem the events are happening quickly.  God's timing is right, and he is in control.  We rejoice for our redemption draweth nigh!

Yesterday was a good day, the children are very good eaters.  In the evening after the service the speaker showed a couple of short clips from a video that tells about his 3 nephews who were killed by a drunk driver.  They were in their teens, their family has used this happening in their lives to tell others about their relationship with God.  The video had more to it and I borrowed it and watched it in my room, it also tells about a family who lost three daughters  and how God is using it in their lives and for them to tell others about Jesus.  So it was late when I went to bed and this was  night I couldn't go to sleep.  So I may go and rest this morning....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009

By Silence Ye Rob Me of My glory

Whosoever...shall be ashamed of me and of my words...of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed.  Mark 8:38


By words a man may sin against Me, but by silence do ye rob

Me of My Glory.

And know this: as ye testify of Me

before men,

I will surely plead thy cause.

But if you are ashamed of Me before men, I will be ashamed of you

before the Father.

We can speak against God or we can speak for him.  The speaker last night talked about how people will recognize that there is a God, but when it comes to Jesus that is a different story.  They don't all know how to handle him.  How many times have we had an opportunity to speak a word for our Lord and we didn't?  Do those times of omission cause us to ask for his help to be a more willing vessel?

Yesterday was a usual day, we have more help in the kitchen so it is a lot easier, and amazing that during their time outdoors and by the water, the sun comes out for that period and warms it up and then it seems to get cloudy again, so pray for sunshine.  I think that Trey is having a good time.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16, 2009

Perspective and Depth

Teach me good judgment and knowledge.  Psalm 119:66

You need perspective and depth.  this never comes from public converse, but from private communion.  You seek to learn from others, but I long to tell you things I may never be able to tell them.  There are truths I wish to give you.  You may never be asked to share them with any other person.  They may be just for you--or they may be for people you have never seen as yet.

Are relationship with God is as personal as we desire to allow it to be.  I appreciated the authors thoughts, because, only God can speak to our inter heart.  That is the reason that I don't feel I can tell you what to do, even when you ask my opinion because i do not know what God is doing in your life, or what he is speaking nto your heart.  You alone must listen to his voice.  You alone can respond to god's directing.

Father, help us to listen to you when you speak.  help us to identify your voice in our life.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, was a busy day, we didn't have a lot of help but others came and it will be o.k.  It is a time of a lot of cooking, we changed our menu for evening.   They really like knephla soup. I watched Trey out in one of the boats,  He is making some new friends, The sun was out during that time. In the evening, he sits himself right up in the front row by the speaker.  I am sewing Julie some curtains and I was able to sew a couple of times yesterday.  I have the sewing machine down where I stay.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009

Be My Ally

Come ye yourselves apart....and rest a while Mark 6;31

Do not fear nor resist My voice. when I speak to you, you will know that it is I, the Lord God. As I spoke to Isaiah I will speak to you.

Your busyness wearies Me. Your fretfulness grieves me. I long to take it from you and give you instead the Balm of Gilead. Be My ally. I will endow you with life so dynamic that you will serve Me before you have time to even think about putting forth the effort to do so.

Wow,  I probably really frustrate God, because I don't like to sit and do nothing.  He would often like to do the work for me, maybe that sounds strange, but God is very able and doesn't really need our help.

Father, help us to hear your voice, to do when you want us to do and to wait when you want us to wait.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, after Sunday School and church, Trey and I came to camp, we stopped in Devils lake, and there we picked up a brother and sister who needed a ride.  When I see the parents coming and bringing their children to camp, I am in awe that they would entrust their children in our hands.  They are a precious group of children.  We are thankful today to see the sunshine.  It is fof to start cooking.....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 14, 2009

/Immediate obedience
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19
When I give you guidance and you are persuaded in your own mind of My leading, ever ponder your decision. There is but one possible reply and that is "Yes, Lord." Then simply do My bidding, and do it immediately.
Delayed obedience is nearly always disobedience, because along with the procrastination there is deliberation followed by rationalization, and by the time decision finally evolves into action, your own will is in control.

/ It is a good choice to obey right away, when we put it off it is so easy to never do it.  We miss God's blessings when we do that.  As I wrote this, I could think of something in my life right now that God is speaking to me, that I haven't acted on yet.  It is much easier to obey God right away.

Yesterday I drove to South Dakota to get Trey for Bible Camp, it was a long day, I stopped in Jamestown for a while, and when I got to Trey's house I took a nap and the ride back went o.k.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 13, 2009

/Here am I ' send me.  Isaiah 6:8
Lo, the message is Mine, but I have need of those who will speak it without alteration and without any attempt to please men.
The seeds of the Word have long since dried up and died in many a prayerless life. I need those who will speak it again and send it out afresh in the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit. The Word must be spoken through those who are spiritually alive, otherwise it loses its power to produce new life.

An anointed Tongue
The Lord.....sent them two and two before his face into every city and place. whither he himself would come Luke 10:1
I have called you to a special ministry, and it cannot be carried out properly without My full blessing.
Let Me anoint your tongue,and you shall speak with divine authority and never again will you say. "I am a weak and inadequate vessel." I shall put words into your heart and speak them forth from your lips, and hearts shall burn as the message goes out./

These are the two devotions for yesterday and today, because I wasn't able to do devotions yesterday.  Both are very good.  God wants us to speak the word, just as he has given it to us, and to not change its content aor purpose.  What we do needs God's blessing for it to be effective.  It is not about us or anything we say or do, it is about God.

Yesterday, Friday, was the day to make muffins and serve them by 8 a.m. so I was trying to get them ready, when I took a call from Poland.  A girl on staff has been going to Poland, and now someone is coming to our camp from there, she was to go to Minneapolis yesterday to meet her.  The call said that flight was going to change.  I found Kim and waited for his return call, which was about an hour wait.  So she shared with us how she got involved in helping a church in Poland.  Actually her church here has now become involved with that church, too.  They went as a team and did construction work on the church there, she goes and helps with camps for them.  After dinner, I drove to Cando, and then on to Hampden to get oil changed on car.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009

Speak the Word of Faith

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2

Learn to speak the word of faith and knowledge as I put it in your mouth. Doors will be opened in this simple fashion, and entrance given to hearts that would otherwise have remained closed to the gospel.  Once the door is open you may plant the seed of faith and it will spring forth into eternal life.

Go to the tender, the needy, the brokenhearted, and the suffering.  I shall minister in love and compassion, and I shall use you as My mouthpiece.

Who is God wanting us to speak to?  Granted it may be to someone out in the world.  But more than likely it is to someone in our family or someone with whom we work.  I have been feeling in recent years, that works of condemnation and correction don't really help anyone certainly not the one they are directed to or at, and I don't even feel they help us.  Everyone one needs words of encouragement, including our spouses and our children.  When we speak otherwise, we only hurt their spirit.  and those hurts inflict irreparable damage.  Think about it, what kind go words do you like to hear?  I don't think you really like to have someone cut you down/ or criticize you?  So do those you love like it either?  We need to build people up and encourage them.  help their confidence grow so that they can be more christ like.  Maybe there is someone you will encounter today, it may be a family member, or it maybe someone you encounter out in the business world, the check out girl, the gas station attendant.  They may not have had a kind word said to them today, how about if you be the one to change that.

Father, thank you for this day, thank you for sunshine that warms our hearts and than you for the privilege that we each have to make someone elses day, a better day to be alive.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday was a good day. Dawn Pankratz came and helped in the kitchen, so after dinner and a nap, Carol Backstrom and I planted the rest of the flowers and it looks really nice.  The service in the evening was again really good.  There are  5 students from our high school here at camp and God is really working in their lives.  It is a blessing to see them respond to God calling them to serve.  We topped off the evening with the annual teen talent show.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009


If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother....whom he hath seen, how can he love god whom he hath not seen?  1 John 4:20

I am shaping you in the furnace of affliction that I may set My seal upon you and display in you My own identity. I desire that you be one with Me in all I have purposed. My heart is grieved when those who profess to be My  children neglect their intercessory prayer life. Can you love god while ignoring the need of your brother?

Who do people want to see us or the God who lives in us?  We know the answer but sometimes it isn't so easy for it to happen that way.  So god has to do things in our lives to shape us into the creation that he can use.  Thank God today for the work he is doing in your life.  I know it isn't a good idea to look back, but if you did look back are there somethings that have been your life experiences that you are glad are done experiencing?

Thank you Father for this new day, a day when we can thank you that the past is done and we can look forward, Father, help us to experience new experiences and to realize that your hand is in them.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, we got the call for plants, so I drove over right after we ate at noon to get plants.  I was tired on the way so I stopped and slept for a few minutes, I always get quite a flew plants from her for myself, too.  Last evening I started planting.  The ladies made a cake in the crock pot, we are making enough so we can serve to campers, it looks really special, I will have to share the recipe with the rest of you.



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009


Study to shew thyself approved unto God...rightly dividing the word of truth  2 Timothy 2:15

My child, I would speak to you as to a disciple.  What is in your hand?  Would you attempt to do a work with a broken instrument? You desire to serve Me in many ways. Have you carefully prepared? Or do you expect Me to overrule your lack of wisdom?  Lo, I say unto you, preparation is your own responsibility.  Certainly I will help you in it, but I am not glorified through a vessel that is careless concerning its condition.


Do we get careless and lazy about the way we handle our lives?  You know what ever you are doing 'is unto the Lord'  he deserves our best,  our family deserves our best,  are we giving our best? to our family first, and then to others? Do you feel like you fail in all of that?  I do, but God is faithful and he does care about what happens to us.  So we can come back and keep trying.

I did get to write to you last night, so there isn't really anything new to add, I have been sorting the photos and information that LaNita bolton gave to me, some really good photos, etc.  It is really cloudy this morning, but isn't raining.  We are going to serve biscuits and gravy for breakfast, lasagna for dinner and soup and sandwiches for supper.  I have really good help and it is a fun experience.  I am thankful for the afternoon nap.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009

A yielded spirit

Only the voice of the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 27:10

Unless you move in obedience, all your other actions and your knowledge will be misdirected and unfruitful.  Know my will, and do it. I have revealed it to you and I am constantly seeking to guide you in myriad ways.  Your self-will blots out My divine directives. Before the sound of My voice registers on your consciousness, you drown it out with the objections of an unyielded spirit.  You will never move freely in My hightest purpose unless you constantly offer up to Me a yielded, broken, self-renouncing vessel.

We will never be happy until we yield to what God is speaking to us, sometimes we aren't willing to get into a place to even desire/ or listen to his voice.  We have a speaker this week who from the first night has zerod in on our relationship with our Lord and savior, and we are all being touched as we listen.  Touched also as we see youth yielding to God.

We would like it to be sunny but we don't always get what we want, actually we are thankful that during the day it hasn't been raining, our focus was on preparing for for the campers.  I am writing this late at night because i wasn't able to get onto the internet.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

/The Importance of Time and Kindness
Walk in love, a Christ also hath loved us Ephesians 5:2

Time is of supreme importance. Let Me help you know what is worthy of attention and what is not; otherwise you might be tempted to eliminate the things I most desire you to do.  Having a schedule will help you. but remember that kindness is more indicative of spiritual fervor than all your efficiency in work. Never let your words of righteousness crowd out the little acts of thoughtfulness.  The labors of the hands must never take precedence over the gentle expressions of a compassionate heart.
It is so easy to allow 'works' to be our only way of showing kindness, we are so bent on working out our salvation with fear and trembling.  But we some how miss the role of being genuinely caring.  Caring about others over ourselves.  We tend to be so self centered and selfish about ourselves and what is happening around us.  We miss the role God wants us to have in life, we miss the joy of just plain caring about others.

Yesterday, we were here at home, it was really cool outside, so I spent most of the day indoors, later near time to eat supper I went out and dug up my garden and did plant a few seeds.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6, 2009

/Heaven Is Your Portion
Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11

Only the courageous discover My riches. Faint heart will content himself with what his eye beholds. The Spirit in you is wiser and will gladly fling aside all material blessings to lay hold on eternal life. The Spirit is not enticed by the glitter of gold nor tempted to desert heavenly vision in favor of temporal blessings.
What is attracting us/or should we say distracting us?  What is priority in our lives?  Are we really interested in being God's vessel?  And what does that mean?  Are we willing to be content where God has placed us?  Do we recognize that where we are is where God wants us to be?

Father, give us clarity in our walk with you, help us to embrace the concepts that you desire to show us.  Then Father, help us to yield to them.  In  Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I was at camp til after we ate at noon, then I drove to Starkweather to see the children's Bible School Program, After that I went to Cando and cleaned the church for this weekend.  Stopped and saw Harley and Lavon Perich.  In the evening I went with Jerry's family to get a piano in Starkweather.  The end of the day.

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009


My God shall supply all your need. Philippians 4:19

My promises wait their fulfillment in the lives of My children. So much I would give, so little is received. Why live so beggarly when the riches of heaven are yours for the asking? Having learned to receive from Me, you will find it easy to give to all others, for you shall have no fear of lack, and no need to guard your supply. Having found the source you shall never want.

Walking in the freedom of My abundance, lookin to Me for all things.

Initially, we think of God supplying our financial needs, but really there are a multitude of other needs that he is waiting to supply.  Needs that might be far more important in our lives.

Father, do I truly need this day, speak into my heart of that need.  Cause me to seek you about that need and to trust you to supply it.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was an other day of cooking, of other staff working out by the water, things are looking really quite good.  Later in the day I cleaned in the flower beds, and late at night they were finishing a bathroom.   

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4, 2009

The Father's House

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life Psalm 27:4

In My Father's house are many mansions, and there is a place for you.  My child, Look not for a place int he world. Your place is in the Father's house.

You are not of the world, even as I was not of the world.  The spirit is nourished only by the eternal, and in prayer the soul breathes the atmosphere of heaven.

When I started writing this I thought of Grandma Helen, she used to say she would be satisified with a simple little cottage.  We sing a song about our Mansion over the hill top, so if the expectations of this life haven't satisified us, God has a greater place prepared for us, our focus needs to be on being satisfied with what God gives us and preparing for the live he is going to give us.  Our life here is small and insignificant compared to eternity.Are we satisified with the life we have?  Are we satisfied with where he has placed us?  Do we realize that he can take what seems insignificant and use it and make some thing great of it?  I was listening to the message from our church on Sunday, a new family has moved to Cando, they are missionaries, and Michael had him share about his life on Sunday.  He is a demonstration of God taking a life that was truly a mess and chainging it into a life that is being used to God's glory. 


Yesterday, more camp preparations, they were out in the lake getting the swimming area ready, the water is extremely cold.  I tried some new foods on our small group, and in the evening enjoyed being outside in the flower beds, getting them ready for the flowers we will be planting.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3, 2009

Press On

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Philippians 3:14

You have crossed a bridge. Reach not back. Move on ahead and press into the fullness of all I have prepared fro you.  It is waiting for you to step forward and receive. Do not tary and do not question, neither allow doubts to enter your mind. Your heart may cry out and rebel, but if you will turn to Me in those moments, I will give you My peace. I send you no place except as I have gone before.

We could think of examples from the bible, liked Sodom and Gomorrah,  when his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, or we could think of examples in our own lives, what has happened that we have had to go on, and step into new experiences that we did not want to experience, but God is there, he is desiring to lead us and guide us.  Maybe there are things happening today that we question, but we only see this little part of our lives, and God sees the big picture, he is calling us to faithfully  walk through this small portion, and as we faithfully do that, he will take us the next step......


Yesterday, after lunch, I rode with Paula to Devils Lake, to get some supplies, it was 5:30 when we were starting back to Devils Lake, and I needed to make fry bread, it happened and we celebrated Darica's 11th birthday.  Trusting that you each had a great day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

No Separation

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, Revelation 2:11


He has stretched forth His mighty hand

And has smitten the waters.He has made me to pass through dry-shod. Hallelujah!

          For there will be no more sea.

There will be no more separation!

He has removed every barrier, He has bridged the gulf.

          He has drawn me unto Himself, yes into Himself.


God is the only one who is able to bridge the gap between us and him and he used his son Jesus to do that.  We have some times seen the example of two separate cliffs and we are on one and God on the other, and we want to come to him and the only way is the cross that becomes a bridge to God.  Jesus is that Cross.    God is our peace, and that peace is Jesus.  For all the things that we can suffer/experience  Jesus is the only way to peace.  We might try a lot of things, but until we come to the place that we are willing to rest in God's arms we will never experience peace.  On the width, the depth , the breadth of God's love for us.  but it is the Spirit of God that reveals that love to us.  We are like a struggling child who doesn't want to give in to our directions, we kick and fight what God wants to do in us and we make that much harder for us.....

Father, thank you for being so patient with us, thank you for standing by us when we are so undeserving.  Thank you for grace.  We give you this day and all that you desire to do in us.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, should have been the first week of camp, but since only 6 campers had signed to come, they will come to the second camp for that age.  We came together at 9 a.m. for breakfast and devotions, and then each one started separate jobs to help prepare us for the rest of the summer.  The family who were scheduled to come and speak came anyway, and it is a good time for everyone.  They are helping and each is encouraging the other.  It was Darica's birthday on Sunday, she is now 11, tonight we are celebrating with her.  Naomi came out and brought her gifts, and spent time with us.  She trimmed my hair, which I really appreciated.  Later in the evening we watched a video by a Christian comedian, it was o.k. but you all know I am not to focused on humor.  In the morning I was mixing buns for lunch, and Jacen, their son was having a really serious conversation with me, when I got done I thought hum I wonder if I put yeast in them, so I added some then, they worked.  He is about 9 years, or near that, and we had a really good conversation.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

Unquestioning Trust

Trusting in the Lord with all thine heart.  Proverbs 3:5

You need My blessing more than you need the help of all others combined. How often have I asked you to follow Me?  I look to see you following and instead I see you standing still and reckoning--or worse, fainting by the wayside.

It is your total commitment for which I wait. It is your unquestioning trust for which I yearn. It is your love flowing in utter simplicity which alone opens your channel to receive My mercies.

You can turn your burdens into blessings by giving Me everything.

To my family, we are living in a time and the events that are happening, indicate according to God's word that end is near, now that could still take a long time to happen, but we know that our redemption draweth nigh,  God is desiring us to draw closer to him, to yield to him, to listen to him, to follow him and the desires that he has for us.  He will do what it takes to back us against the wall to submit to him.  We have a choice to be a willing vessel or to be forced.  What is your choice?  How often are we not willing to listen to his voice when he speaks to us?  Can you recognize his voice?  Has he been quietly speaking to you?  Have you been willing to listen?  When I say this, I say it to myself also.  what is important to us?  Or should I say is it really important, atleast in God's sight?

Someone I appreciate is having family problems, I don't know what that entails, and it isn't my business to know, but when I watch around me and see families having issues, I am reminded of the role of support that I need to have for the one God gave me as a husband.  Yesterday we were able to have a time together, we did a little road trip and drove out by the lake, we saw the role that water is having in their lives.  Granted there are some beautiful homes, etc.  but I wouldn't want to deal with some of the issues that some of them have.  This week we will be doing more in the way of preparations.