Monday, June 15, 2009

June 15, 2009

Be My Ally

Come ye yourselves apart....and rest a while Mark 6;31

Do not fear nor resist My voice. when I speak to you, you will know that it is I, the Lord God. As I spoke to Isaiah I will speak to you.

Your busyness wearies Me. Your fretfulness grieves me. I long to take it from you and give you instead the Balm of Gilead. Be My ally. I will endow you with life so dynamic that you will serve Me before you have time to even think about putting forth the effort to do so.

Wow,  I probably really frustrate God, because I don't like to sit and do nothing.  He would often like to do the work for me, maybe that sounds strange, but God is very able and doesn't really need our help.

Father, help us to hear your voice, to do when you want us to do and to wait when you want us to wait.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, after Sunday School and church, Trey and I came to camp, we stopped in Devils lake, and there we picked up a brother and sister who needed a ride.  When I see the parents coming and bringing their children to camp, I am in awe that they would entrust their children in our hands.  They are a precious group of children.  We are thankful today to see the sunshine.  It is fof to start cooking.....