Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009

The Armour of Light

The way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23

No problem confronts you that I cannot resolve. Confess, and I will forgive, and I will extricate you from this situation. I will go with you Myself and make the crooked places straight and we will go on again, together. This time you will wait for My leading.

Wear the armour of the Spirit , and you have My protection. Fear not what others can do to harm you. Fear only your own tendency to act independently.

I think of a couple of things when I read this, first in the past I have sometimes not listened to God's leading, thinking that God would honor my efforts, no way, listen to God first, do God's choice for you.  If you are married it is to be a part of a family, if you are the husband, you were chosen to be the leader in the home, and Christ is leader over you, if you are the wife, you are to follow your husband, to support him, he has been placed in leadership, which sometimes we don't want to acknowledge that God desires them to lead us.  If you are single, then you go directly to God.  So after not following God's leading, I now realize how much I need to wait upon the Lord, and he is faithful.  The part about wearing God's armour and experiencing his protecting.  If we want God's protection or umbrella we must stay in god's will, when we step out from under the umbrella we step out of god's protection.

Father, this is a new day, the choices we made yesterday are in the past, today is a new opportunity for us to be your vessels, help us to listen to you, and th yield to you.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, was a beautiful day, good times of fellowship together, and times of making food.  Last night, Paul give these 8 and 9 year olds an opportunity to ask Jesus into their hearts, they responded.  It was special.  At the bonfire, they also stood boldly to tell us of their decision.  I look at these children and see in them the future of God's kingdon, future counselors and leaders at Bible Camp.  Trusting that each of you had a good day.

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