Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Sustaining Strength
The Lord stood by me and gave me strength
to proclaim the message fully.
2 Timothy 4:17 RSV

When seen through God's eyes,
      earthly troubles diminish,
and we're given new strength
       to face and to finish,
Life's daily tasks as they come along,
       If we but pray for strength to keep us strong.

Father, give me strength to face this day, that is all I ask, help me to be your vessel in all I do today.  In Jesus Name.

Yesterday, Dad was in Bismarck, I had a DAR meeting in the morning and ate lunch with Edna Simon, In the afternoon I came to Sr. Center and visited with people there.  Stopped at Jerry's  I am looking for an old camera with flash bulbs, but must not have kept such, Jodi wants to show students at school.  Dad got home soon after I did.  He had had a good time.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27, 2010

Secret Prayer
Pray to your Father who is in secret;
and your Father who sees in secret will reward you
Matthew 6:6 RSV

There's no need at all
For impressive prayer,
For the minute we seek God,
He is already there!

It is not about words and more words, it is about a sincere heart, and a simple cry out to God.  He is there waiting for us.

Yesterday was the last day of school for the week and I am ready to be at home. Dad is gone to Bismarck for men's retreat.  My friend Mary Ann and her daughter Rose came over after school for a visit. After they left I got a call from a cousin's son, he actually lives in Germany and is a helicopter mechanic.  They have Iceland horses.  He was in US for training and went to see his mother Lois, she will be 94 in a couple of weeks.  It was a very interesting conversation.  He is interested in genealogy and feels that he can find where my Mom's father came from in Germany.

So that was the day, hope that yours was a good day.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

Just Trust!
We know that in all things God works for the good

of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose
Romans 8:28 NIV

Our Father in heaven
Always knows what is best,
and if you trust in His wisdom,
Your life will be blessed.

His wisdom is sure a lot better than mine.  My choices aren't always the best, I suspect that yours aren't either, some times as we look back on our choices we can only think, why did I do that?  Can we learn from our choices?  Are we willing to allow God to change us?  At this time of the year as I sort through slips and records for income tax, somethimes I think, why did I buy that, or why did I spend for that.  And now as I am looking at fabric sitting there I am thinking, if I didn't have it I wouldn't have these feelings that I need to sew it.  Choices,  are they good or not so good?

Father we give you this day, give us some insight on the choices you want us to make this day, help us to hear your voice and guide our steps.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was  a school day, spent time here at home resting, eating and sewing and maybe even a bit of cleaning.  It was a good day.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

Life's Garden

Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone,
The flowers appear on the earth, the time of
singing has come, and the voice of the
turtledove is heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 RSV

Life's lovely garden
Would be sweeter by far
If all who passed through it
Were as nice as you are.

If only we could and would look at our world in this way.  So sadly there is so much of disgust around us, sin keeps cropping up its ugly face and with it a lot of disgusting things.  But we have a choice to focus on what is good or to focus on what is bad.  Help us to look for the good about us, maybe in the smile on someones face today, or maybe we should be the one to do the blessing and smile at someone else who seems to need it.....

Father, help me to be your vessel to bless someones day.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, school, cleaned church, saw Matt and Mavis and then Bible study.  Mavis seems to have a lot of not so good days.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010

Down with Pride
We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ
1 Corinthians 10:5 NLV

Take me and break me and make me,
        dear God, just what You want me to be.
Give me the strength to accept what You send
        and eyes with the vision to see
All the small, arrogant ways that I have
        and the vain little things that I do.
Make me aware that I'm often concerned
        more with myself than with You.

We are so self centered, to much of our life is about ourselves, what is most needful for me?  That isn't where it is at......  It is about being God's vessel and being willing to be spent by him.....Father, here I am again today, take my life and let it be more of thee and less of me. 

Yesterday was another day of school, I stopped to visit Frank and Dorothy.  He was running a bit of fever which is not good.....came home and we ate and I did some sewing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

Everlasting Ally
Lo, I am with you always,
even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20 KJV

Remember me, God? I come every day
Just to talk with You, Lord,
       and to learn how to pray.
You make me feel welcome,
      You reach out Your hand.
I need never explain, for You understand.

I was thinking about when we come to God in prayer, is it a one sided conversation?  I was reflecting on this poem and what it is like when we talk to a friend, we have so much to say, are we like that with God, do we allow him to get a word in edgewise, do we take time to listen to what he is saying?  or do we keep telling him our story, goodness, he has already heard it.

Father, today is a new day, we come to you again, we need your help, your directions, help us focus on this day, help us to listen to you, and to allow you to speak to us.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, school, Munich came to Starkweather for a pep rally, the girls went to the regional tourney, I guess they haven't been there for 6 years, but they lost, so now it is the boys tournament, and then we are done.  I came home and took a nap and after supper did some sewing.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get all the fabric sewed so I don't have any more scraps.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

Have patience
Now the God of patience and consolation
grant you to be likeminded one toward
another according to Christ Jesus
Romans 15:5 KJV

God, teach me to be patient,
       teach me to go slow--
Teach me how to wait on You
       when my way I do not know.
Teach me to let go, dear God,
        and pray undisturbed until
My heart is filled with inner peace
        and I learn to know Your will.

Last night Jack and I were at the musical production put on at Zoar Church in Hampden.  it was better than good, it was great.  Everyone did a great job and the message was real and clear.  One of the people there was a person I have written to several times, she experienced the death of her husband in an accident maybe a year ago.  It was refreshing to see her and to hear her share what God is doing in her life and when I read this poem I think of her.  I also think it might be appropriate for any of us and so I share it with you.

What is a challenge in your life right now? what can you do to deal with your situation? probably nothing except to pray and ask for God's directions.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21, 2010

Unshakable peace
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not
your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27 KJV

When everything is quiet
      and we're lost in meditation,
Our souls are then preparing
      for a deeper dedication
that will make it wholly possible
      to quietly endure
The violent world around us,
      for in God we are secure.

This poem expresses the key to what lies ahead for us, as individuals and as a country.  I can pray for our country, but to get upset about what is happening, what good will that do?  I can't really change the course of history.  But my relationship with God is the key.  When we meet for Bible study and the discussion gets around to end time events, I kind of shut my ears, because I don't believe anyone really knows how it will be or whether we will experience this or that, also the whole thing about what happens when we die and go to be with Jesus, How about not being so focused on that and raither being focused on being close to God and loving Jesus and reading God's word and praying.  That is what will keep us going as we face the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

Father, we commit this day into your hands, we pray for our family for your safety and protecting and that you will guide their steps, help them to be conscious of you. In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday we were at home, I did some cleaning and we ate lunch with the seniors.  It was a good day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20. 2010

Death Defused
God is keeping careful watch over us and
the future. The Day is coming when you'll
have it all-life healed and whole.
1 Peter 1:5

All who believe in the risen Lord
have been assured of this reward,
And death for them is just graduation
To a higher realm of wide elevation.

I am repeatedly reminded that my walk with God is by faith in his son Jesus Christ, it is about his helping me to live this day and it is about a home with him in eternity, but too much of the time I hear Christians focused on it will be this way or that way,  I basically endure those conversations and then say what I live by,  It is about living every day as though it is your best or your last.  Loving and sharing Jesus right here in the now, what happens in the end, doesn't really matter, I have faith that Jesus/God will take me home to be with them, and how that happens may be a surprise to everyone.

Yesterday was the last day of Spirit Week, and those students had spirit, they weren't so interested in studying and learning, just spirit.  They ended their week with their annual volley ball tournament, I wondered what I was going to do,  I helped Jodi correct accounting papers and we had a good time of conversation together.  There was a quilt show in Devils Lake and I wanted to see it, so i went there for a while and then came home.  My quilts may not be like theirs but I am o.k. with what I do. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

Blessings for Mourners
Blessed are they that mourn;for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4 KJV

Through long hours of tribulation
God gives us time for meditation,
And no sickness can be counted loss
That teaches us to bear our cross.

I am reading the book about the girl from Rwanda who hid in a tiny bath room with I think 6 ladies in all.  They hid there for 3 months.  She talks about her emotions and feelings that she experienced during that times, the thoughts that came to her that were so negative, and yet through it all God ministered to her.  I am not done with the book, I do know that she survived, but it is interesting to read what she tells about her emotions.

We might ask ourselves about our emotions, how do we handle difficult situations?  What makes it easier to handle the trials of life?  What do we see in people as they deal with trials in their lives? 

Yesterday the airplane episode in Texas, obviously this was a person that cracked mentally,
Problem is, he hurt a lot of other people including his own family.

I can best handle the challenges when I have prayed and read God's word, and it has ministered to me.

Yesterday I took Laura, the exchange student at Werners with me to school, she is a sweet girl, I can't always understand what she is saying, but I try.  The students are having spirit week, so they really aren't focused on studying more on fun, so I will be glad when the week is over.  i was prepared to serve at the Basketball game in Jerry's place, Julie said I didn't ahve to, but in the end I did help because a lot of the people work and don't get there when the games start.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18, 2010

Indispensable love
We have known and believed the love that God
hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth
in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16 KJV

Great is the power of might and mind,
But only love can make us kind,
And all we are or hope to be
Is empty pride and vanity.
If love is not a part of all,
The greatest man is very small.

I am around someone whose family farm is over in the Penn/Churches Ferry area and everything is getting flooded out, so they won't be able to farm any of their own actual land.  She has been talking about it to me, and telling me the comments people are making to them.  I feel that I am to be a listening ear, but listening with my heart, too.  That means being careful what I say to her, not being flippant about what I say,   She mentioned a comment another person, a Christian had said to her,  there wasn't a lot of compassion in his answer.  I am praying that God will give me a heart of compassion, because it isn't a place that I have walked so I can't feel it quite like she and her husband are feeling it.  It is like the poem,  If love is not a part of all.....if we do not truly care for someone when we talk to them, they will know and we will not be received.  And so my prayer is that God would give me a Heart of Compassion, it isn't about me, it is about being what God wants me to be.  To really care from the heart.  So when I see students at school who are "acting out", being a challenge, I ask myself why?  What are they experiencing that they are having a hard time dealing with in their life?

Father give us sensitive hearts, hearts that really care about those about us, and that starts with our own immediate family, what is happening for them that they need us to take a caring attitude towards them?  Guide our steps this day In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, a school day, nothing really significant about except the above conversation and others with the counselor about how to help students who are experiencing what I am writing about.  After school I did visit with the teacher and then we to Cando and  cleaned the church and a visit with Matt and Mavis and then Bible Study.  It was a good day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

Faith, Not sight
You love him even though you have never seen him,
Though you do not see him now, you trust him;
and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.
1 Peter 1:8 NLT

Though I cannot find Your hand
To lead me on to the promised land,
I still believe with all my being
Your hand is there beyond my seeing!

Sometimes we have those moment and we sense god's presence, other times our walk is strictly by faith, nothing about what is happening gives us a sense that God is there.  Then we need to cling to God's word and what he promises to us.

 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.... can these thoughts be of help to us this day?  What valley are we walking through that seems so impossible.  But God's world has promised us that he is with us and will never leave us or forsake us. 

Thank you Father for the encouragement that we can have in remembering those words.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday we were back to school.  I was going over to see Linda Harder after school, I got stuck in their driveway, and then she wasn't home .  Thankfully they had a shovel by their house and I was able to get out.  It was really a beautiful day so it wasn't bad.  We seem to have a skunk that I think might be making its home under our step, stinks.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010

Soul sustenance
The world and its desires pass away,
but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
1 John 2:17 NIV

For though he reaches his earthly goal,
He'll waste away with a starving soul
But he who eats of the holy bread
Will always find his spirit fed,
and even the poorest of men can afford
To feast at the table prepared by the Lord.

It is so easy for us to loose focus, why are we here?  what has God called us to do?  In the midst of raising a family and earning a living, does God want to use us?  Do we have to make choices for that to happen?  Or can we be his servant right where we are?  Mostly it is an attitude of our heart.  What is the attitude of our heart towards our place in God's world?

Yesterday Dad and I drove to west of Bottineau to attend the funeral of Alice's dad.  It was a beautiful day, when we started we came upon a blocked road north of Hampden and had to take another road.  The church was out in the country, the pianist, was really good.  It was good.  I know they were having a good time being with their cousins.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

Kind Spirit, Gentle Tongue
a gentle tongue is a tree of life,
but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.
Proverbs 15:4

Like roses in a garden,
Kindness fills the air
With a certain bit of sweetness
As it touches everywhere.

Yesterday, when I read your blogs or facebook, some of you must have had some negative things happening in your lives, I know that it isn't God who desires that to happen, I am praying for you.  Only through the name of Jesus is there deliverance in those situations, you might need to seek God, speak the name of Jesus in the situations you are experiencing.
Like i said I am praying for you.  God is not the author of confusion, he  desires peace in what ever we do or experience.  it is my prayer that you could experience his peace.

Father, we commit this day into your hands, guide our steps and direct our paths, give us wisdom and discernment to know what is your desire in our lives.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, we had Sunday School and church, the team that has returned from Nicaragua shared what they had been involved in doing there.  In the afternoon we rested, I made some red jello for valentines and we took it and some coffee cake over to Frank and Dorothy's she made a hot dish and we shared the meal together.  The weather wasn't very nice, lots of pillow drifts to jump.  Spring will look great.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Never alone
He raises up the needy out of affliction.
Psalm 107:41RSV

We never meet our problems alone,
For God is our Father and we are His own.
There's no circumstance we cannot meet
If we lay our burden at Jesus 'feet.

Sometimes we just try so hard to do things our way, and it isn't what God wants to do in our lives.  What are you trying to do your way today?  Reflect on times when I would push so hard to get my way with God, it seems that I don't really feel that way at this time in life, I don't know why, maybe I just don't have the strength to struggle and push, but I thank God for his grace to help me see things differently.  This weekend I had felt like we should do a couple of things because I don't have school tomorrow, etc.  But soon I knew that wasn't God's plan and I am thankful for his grace to help me accept the change.  It is kind of a go with the flow attitude.  I know it isn't me, it is God.  Thank you God for doing that work in me.

Yesterday we were at home, I actually did do some bookwork, enough so I can start working on the taxes, then we went to town for lunch with the Sr's I took along a quilt I am making and we were able to stretch it over tables and get it pinned together.  This is going to be a unique quilt, Julie.  I am getting some inspiration, so it will be a surprise for all of us.  After lunch, I felt that I should go to the open house for Nicholas Ulrich at Henschels, he finally got his high school diploma.  Dad took me, that was special and we were able to visit with his grandpa and actually it was a pleasant time.  We were home in the evening and I am still sewing.  I finished sewing the edge on Janet's quilt so I can give it to her when I see her.  Last night Jack shot two skunks that were right out here by the house.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010

Shield Against Darkness

This God--his way is perfect; the promise of
the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all
those who take refuge in him
Psalm 18:30

No day is too dark and no burden too great
For God in His love to penetrate
And know and believe
        without question or doubt
That no matter what happens
        God is there to help out.

I right now think of a person and a burden they are facing and how appropriate this poem would be in their life.  They are facing a heavy load, certainly must be asking, why me?  and yet we are reminded that God is there and he cares about their circumstances.  What are you facing today that seems impossible and that God isn't hearing you.  I don't know why he is saying wait in your life, I don't know what he is saying in your inter most being, I can only pray for each of you and then wait as you do to see and hear his answers.

Father thank you for this day, thank you that you are here and with us, guide our steps this day, what we say and what we think and our attitude, forgive us when we aren't focused on living our life for you.  Draw us to your side and minister to the needs we face.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was a different day, a teacher absent and her students in my study halls, so I had to get them to do some work.  Play doesn't work for study halls.  They had too much valentine candy, so a bit hyper.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010

Glorious praise
Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;
sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!
Psalm 66:1-2 RSV

God's miracles
Are all around
Within our sight
and touch and sound

What is a miracle to you?  Healing, forgiveness, sight, whether spiritual or physical, and oh so many other things.......  Right now when I think of John 8:32,36 You will know the truth, and truth will set you free.  If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  Being set free from the bondage of sin in my life, is the greatest miracle I could experience.  I am reading a book by a pastor of many years ago and he had a ministry of praying for healing, to be healed is a miracle .

Father i welcome this day, we invite you to come a direct our path and our activities, help us to hear and listen to your voice and follow your desires.  In Jesus Name.

Yesterday was a school day, there were several students and staff sick, and  girl that left school without telling us, we looked for a long time to try to find her, in the end someone had seen her get in a car, so it was acall to her mom. 

After school I took Dorothy Harpestad some books to read and some recipes.  I admire Dorothy for though she is elderly she still cooks for her self and likes to cook.  That sometimes becomes a problem for the elderly.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010

Light Divine
God is light: in him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5 NIV
I am Faith
      and I am Light,
And in Me
      there shall be no night.

I always associate night with darkness, with living a dark life style, one that includes life choices that are probably harmful, making choices we don't want people to see, basically living in sin.  But in my relationship with Jesus there is light,  Jesus means light, remember he said "I am the light of the world who ever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will ahve the light of life"  There is no better light, no better one to lead the way.

Help us Father to walk in your light, the light that is there because of Jesus.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was interesting.  On the way to school I picked up a young fellow who had been sitting in his car overnight, he got off on a side road and got stuck, sat there til morning, ran out of gas, decided he better start walking, but went to a grove of trees and no farm there, so I found him walking on the road.  I took him to Starkweather, he called a friend to come and get him.  I got him a place to sit at the school, some coffee and food and a newspaper to read.  When I get to Bible study everyone seemed to know him, I think he had some issues in his life.  In reflection I am thankful it was me who found him rather than the teenagers who also drive that road.  After school I cleaned church and we had Bible study in the evening.  good day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

God Our Soul Cultivator
It is the hard-working farmer who ought
to have the first share of the crops
2 Timothy 2:6 RSV

God never plows in the soul of man
Without intention and purpose and plan.
So whenever you feel the plow's sharp blade
Let not your heart be sorely afraid,
For, like the farmer, God chooses a field
From which He expects an excellent yield.

He chose you and desires to see a harvest reaped.  That is why he is doing in this life the things he is doing.  The challenges and disappointments, the times that things aren't happening the way you want them to happen, even then God is with you and he is working all things together for your good.  Wait patiently in his presence, seek his face, listen to his voice, he is there.

Father we give you this day, whether our experiences are small or great, you are there and you desire to guide us, help us to see your hand of guidance, and help us to hear you as you speak to us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, it was a day of school, and a good day.  After school I went to see Frank and Dorothy and Carla Werner was there, she helps them with some of their needs.  It was a good time together.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

No Need for Fear
the Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
Psalm 27:1 RSV

After the clouds, the sunshine;
After the winter, the spring;
After the shower, the rainbow--
For life is a changeable thing.

I thank my God for each of you and the part that you have in our lives,  Thank you for the love that you have shown to us.  Jesus bless you this day, is what we desire.

Each morning, i spend this time in the word and prayer, Dad always comes to the step and asks if there is any news, and if there is we discuss it, and then we pray together for each of you, sometimes by name and sometimes as a group,  We care about what happens for you.

Yesterday school started two hours late, so it was a short day, after school I stopped at Stella Blake's with some handwork for her to do.  We had a good visit and then I came home and fixed supper.  The evening goes by fast.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

Walk In Love
As you have heard from the beginning,
his command is that you walk in love.
2 John 1:6 NIV

Sometimes when faith is running low
And I cannot fathom why things are so,
I walk among the flowers I grow
and learn the answers to all I would know.

Our relationship is between us and our heavenly Father, it isn't reflective of those around us, we each have to make the choices that help us grow in our walk with God, granted the prayers of others are of effect, but the end results is in our hands.   I have been reading and meditating on the fact that our prayers, and our actions God really meant to be done in secret, not for show, but between him and us.....

Father, show us a quiet place that we can be along with you a place where we can hear your voice and tell you of our love for you.  In Jesus Name. amen

Yesterday It was a tough ride to church the roads were really covered with snow.  We didn't know how many would be there, but it was a good Sunday....Lindsey Aufenkamp was our speaker she is the new secretary at the Bible Camp.  She brought her boyfriend, Brandon Culver and he played drums, and she also had a college friend, Kayla Penfield from Lemmon, SD.  Kayla things that she played basketball with Brenna at Trinity.  After church we came home and enjoyed the day at home, school is starting late this morning.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

Soul Growth
For it is God which worketh in you both
to will and to do of his good pleasure
Philippians 2:13 KJV

Help us, dear God, to choose between
The driving forces that rule our routine
so we may make our purpose and goal
Not power and wealth
     but the growth of our souls....
And give us strength and drive and desire
To raise our standards and ethics higher,
So all of us and not just a few
May live on earth as You want us to.

How often we are sidetracked because we want wealth and power, but that may not be God's will for our lives.  Sometimes, maybe always, he can use us as humble servants living a simple life. 
Father, help us to chose your way this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was a good day, we started out for Grand Forks but decided that we didn't want to be on those roads, so we came back home, we had a restful day, I made scones for Sr. Lunch and after wards I got a spurt of cleaning energy, hung the pictures over the sofa, and cleaned the floors etc.  It is looking better.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010

House of Prayer
then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and
pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
Jeremiah 29:12 KJV

The house of prayer is no farther away
Than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray.
For the heart is temple when God is there
As we place ourselves in His loving care.

We don't need to go some place to pray, it can happen right where you and I are at.  The story of Suzannah Wesley, mother of Charles and John, who were famous pastors in the past.  She had a large family, but if she put her apron over her head, her children knew that she was praying.    Where is a time and place that you and I can pray? Granted I don't have the distraction of little ones around me, but look for the times and places that you can commune with God.  As you are driving in your car, as you walk in the mall, as you sit and wait for appointments, in the grocery store.  God is there and waiting to commune with you.

Yesterday was a usual day of school, after school I stopped to see Stella Blake, she has a blood clot in her leg, and our visit was really special, as she said about how she starts her day by reading God's word and  praying.  I was blessed to hear that, because that is how I start my day.  I believe that God will have us spend more time together.
I came home and got us supper, I was really tired and went to bed really early.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010

Hope in God
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God! I will praise
him again--my Savior and my god!
Psalm 42:11

Meet Him in the morning
      and go with Him through the day
And thank Him for His guidance
     each evening when you pray--
And if you follow faithfully
      this daily way to pray,
You will never in your lifetime
      face another hopeless day.

I am reflecting this morning on God is Holy,  and his call for us to praise him what ever our situation.  Sometimes it is a sacrifice of praise, because we really don't feel like doing it, but hang in there and honor God and he will honor your faithfulness.  I am thankful that I know him and he walks with me, it isn't about anything that I do, it is all about him.  God is my Father and Jesus his son is my Savior and Lord,  He is all I need.  He is worthy of my praise, what can I find to praise him for this day?  I am reflective when I see what is happening about me, even here in our community and certainly in our nation, that God is the answer and he is drawing us to him.  He is desirous of us being people of faith, people who are listening to his voice and ready to do his desire.

Father we lift our hearts in praise to you this day, praising you first for the birth and death of your son, who has set us free from the power of sin, thankful that you are a loving caring Father one who desires to take us into your arms and let us know of your tender mercy towards us.  Open our eyes to see you in a new way this day. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

Hope's Rainbow
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems
and trials, for we know that they help us develop
endurance. And endurance develops strength
of character, and character strengthens
our confident hope of salvation.

The rainbow is God's promise
      of hope for you and me,
And though the clouds hang heavy
      and the sun we cannot see,
We know above the dark clouds
      that fill the stormy sky
Hope's rainbow will come shining through
      when the clouds have drifted by.

Have you ever watched at rainbow and thought about God's promise to us in the rainbow?  God is with us, and he does promise us that he is with us.  We maybe going through some really dark times, but look for the rainbow, it may be some small thing that God uses to show us he is there.  His voice or actions may be quiet, we may need to stop and listen, to wait for him to speak.  But he is there.

Father, thank you for this new day, our opportunity to sit in your presence, to walk with you by our side. Help us to patiently wait for you directions and guidance as we take each step this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, it was a school day, I cleaned church and we had Bible Study.  The new sofa came, it was very difficult to get the old one out so when I came home last night there were doors, etc. sitting there that had to be removed to put it in, but It looks good, most important it is comfortable.  We will enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

No Place For Pride
pride goes before destruction,
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 RSV

Uncover before me my weakness and greed
And help me to search deep inside
So I may discover how easy it is
To be selfishly lost in my pride.

Today I have been thinking about the ways that I could see the positive in my life, I have been thinking about several people in our community who are going through some serious medical issues, and granted we all are experiencing problems of some kind, so I thought in my mind that I should chart out about my life the areas where I could see God's hand and help and where I could praise him for his goodnes,  Granted some of these are people who have maybe put together  a greater fortune, have a fancier house(and this is an area they actually do), travel a lot, etc.  But what is really important, I stand in awe of God's care in my life, and know that God has my best interest in mind. 

Deuteronomy 4:9 says Only be careful, watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live.  Teach them to your children and to their children after them. 

Also Deuteronomy 6;12 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord who brought you out of slavery.  Granted this verse is about Jewish slavery, but what slavery has God brought us out of?

Father, thank you for this day, thankyou that you care about every detail of our life, Father I pray that you would meet the needs that we have today.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010

New Life
For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us
an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison...
for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18RSV

Little brooks and singing streams,
     icebound beneath the snow,
Begin to babble merrily
     beneath the sun's warm glow,
and all around on every side
     new life and joy appear
To tell us nothing ever dies
     and we should have no fear.

As I wrote this, I thought of the preparation I had made last fall in the flower beds, it is just waiting there for spring to come and new life to sprout forth.  What is waiting to sprout forth in our lives? what is God preparing in our lives for us to do?  I believe that the things that are happening for us, and they are sometimes unpleasant at the time and we would rather not experience them, yet God has allowed such, so that he could prepare us to be used as his vessel.

Father, I put out my hands to you, take me, make me, melt me, mold me, into the vessel that you can use.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Nothing so very exciting it was a regular school day, with a meeting on a student after school.  I have him in a study hall.  I gave Denise the quilt for her to "quilt" and I did sew in the evening for a whole.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Shield of Protection
Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5 ESV

God, be my resting place and my protection
In hours of trouble, defeat, and dejection;
May I never give way to self-pity and sorrow;
May I always be sure of a better tomorrow.

This is a prayer that I read in a devotion I was reading this morning,  It says so aptly what I feel, the blessing and kindness that God is giving to us, our opportunity to look for God in the things around us.  May it minister to your heart also.

Dear Heavenly Father, I honor you as God Almighty. I appreciate
you for all your kindness and blessings lavished upon me. I love
you because you first loved me in Jesus. My heart's desire today is
to demonstrate my love for you in all I do, and love and say. In Jesus Name. Amen
Through Jesus. Amen.

Yesterday we had Sunday School and Church, since our pastor is gone, John Osborne was our leader, he does a very good job and it was a good day. Dad and I got a pizza and ate it on the way home. I went to the band and choir concert at school in the afternoon and I guess that is about the extent of the day.