Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010

House of Prayer
then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and
pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
Jeremiah 29:12 KJV

The house of prayer is no farther away
Than the quiet spot where you kneel and pray.
For the heart is temple when God is there
As we place ourselves in His loving care.

We don't need to go some place to pray, it can happen right where you and I are at.  The story of Suzannah Wesley, mother of Charles and John, who were famous pastors in the past.  She had a large family, but if she put her apron over her head, her children knew that she was praying.    Where is a time and place that you and I can pray? Granted I don't have the distraction of little ones around me, but look for the times and places that you can commune with God.  As you are driving in your car, as you walk in the mall, as you sit and wait for appointments, in the grocery store.  God is there and waiting to commune with you.

Yesterday was a usual day of school, after school I stopped to see Stella Blake, she has a blood clot in her leg, and our visit was really special, as she said about how she starts her day by reading God's word and  praying.  I was blessed to hear that, because that is how I start my day.  I believe that God will have us spend more time together.
I came home and got us supper, I was really tired and went to bed really early.

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