Saturday, June 16, 2007


Dear family, I'm sorry I just don't get time to write at camp atleast not every day.  This week we had 16-18 year olds, and this was the largest camp we have had for that age.  It was special to see young people that you have watched come to camp since they were really young.  For some this is their last year, they have graduated and some are leaving for the military.  There were new campers, too.  I had a wonderful crew in the kitchen, they didn't stay all week so there were changes, but it went really good.  They were good eaters so not any left overs.  Friday, Gabe Damschen rode home with me, we stopped in Devils lake to do errands, and saw Frank and Dorothy, so we had lunch together.  Today, we went to Park river to get the airplane, and I did a bit of shopping, the have some really nice stores there.  We mowed O'Brien lawn, and later dad mowed at missile.  I planted more plants, herbs this time.  I had to water them this evening.  Tomorrow the plan is to go to Fargo to see Mary ann Lewis she was a missionary who use to come to our house.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


A new week of camp has started.  At noon before I left the DQ Pastor Tony and Martha came and wanted info about camp for Jordan.  He came with Mark and Josh.  There are a lot of 16-18 year old kids here, and it will be a fun week.  I just pray that they will meet Jesus.  I visited with Trish Unruh, she is one of Wayne Hauglands daughters.  The speaker is her husbands brother.  Her husband is in South Korea building a factory.  by   Mom

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday, June 9,2007

I haven't written for a couple of days, it just didn't work out to use the computer.  It has been a pleasant weekend.  Tonight dad went and viewed the car races, east of Devils Lake.  Julie and Naomi went in to Senior Center and viewed a movie on the new tv I think that Gabe was with them.  I was at home enjoying a beautiful evening outside.  lacey and her pup, tucker came over and we sat on the swing on the back step, first thing we have wind and it starts to rain.  I took Lacey across to the house where she stays and i got some gas in my jeep.  I need to be ready to return to camp tomorrow.  I had gotten some perrenials at DL so I have been busy getting them planted.  Also trying to straighten the area where the sewer was dug up.  It is night, no exciting news, except to say that camp was great.  This week they are 16-18 years old, and there are quite a few coming.  God night.   Mom 

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

camp Tuesday

It was a beautiful day, and we are thankful for sun shine.  I am thankful for a good report from the clinic(I had to call them this morning).  I am thanful for good help and really our days are rather repetitious.Cooking, and more cooking.  We have a good devotion time before we start the day.

Jeff talked about taking your faith home with you and living it everyday and the need for being in God's word.  This group of campers are really special, I feel God has blest us with this group to start the summer, in a sense to help us learn and become more confident in what we are doing.  It doesn't mean that we don't trust in God, we will need his help and directions everyday, but that we will kind of know some order of what we are doing.  Dan is our new program director, he has never done it before, and he has changed somethings,  they are very good changes.

So I leave you with those thoughts.  Goodnight.  Mom

Monday, June 4, 2007

Camp, Monday first week

It was a good day, we can see that the new equipment really makes a difference, it isn't the stress of trying to keep everything warm up to the last minute.  we can put everything into the holding oven.

It was sunny out and we appreciate that.  Several of the guys on staff managed to get a sunburn. 

Jeff spoke about Jesus the good shepherd he leads, you follow.  He is the gate and he gives you permission on how to live.  He mentioned about the Jewish culture, where from the ages of 12-30 the person has ten mentors in their life that they go to to get help in making decision.  He said that only 1% of Jewish people are in prison.  They are also good at making business decision.

We need to be willing to submit my ways to him.  What takes me away from God?  from being in church?  You might want to read proverbs 10:16  I trust that it has been a good day for each of you.  I love you  Mom

Sunday, June 3, 2007


It is sunday evening, I wasn't able to get through to my family on the phone tonight.  It was a good day.  Jennifer and her husband Jason Parker came over and Marilyn was with us when we had devotions and prayer time.  Darin Cox was our speaker and we arranged our food so we could be with them in the service.  The service closed with a commissioning service for staff, first for counselors, as they went to Paula, Jay and Naomi and those three prayed for the counselors,  afterwards, the five of us who are there all summer we called to the front, and they prayed for us, in our roles at camp.  It is an awesome feeling of responsibility that we have as we officially started camp for this summer.

I took a long nap and when I came to the kitchen, campers were already there.  Tia and bobbi are there this week.  I know many of the campers from other years.  The children this week are 12-13.  Jeff Kappelle is the speaker, his children are here with him, or atleast some of them.  Halley is helping in the kitchen and she is a wonderful help.  Ellen Dick, Maria Deckert and Wilda Brown are here in the kitchen this week.  (For some of you this won't be significant.)

We spent some time talking about menu's for the coming week.  Right now we have only beef, but I think some pork is coming this week.

Janet called this evening and we talked for a while.  She had some sewing questions and I think now she knows how to find this blog.

 I trust that all is well for all of you, Brenna how was your trip?  I hear that Munich/Cando/Starkweather baseball was playing for state champ.  I wonder how that turned out?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

camp Friday

It is Friday,  we are trying to get things organized, and we made some changes in the kitchen.  Actually Karen Hooge stayed with me last night and she helped me this morning as well as Jennifer and Marilyn.  I have been mostly trying things in the new kitchen equipment.  Ifind most things are working well, but I tried something tonight that I won't do again.  Mac and cheese can't be held in the proofing heater oven.  So it i a learning process.

Julie I saw your mural, I recognize some of the pictures that you used to make the people.  I like the concept, and It is easy to see our mistakes, but I like what you did inspite of how you feel. 

Jack, I hope that each new tomorrow is a brighter day, one where you can live with the things that don't go the way you want them to go, I am praying for you.

Darin continued to speak about chasing good, and tonight he referred to dealing with our spiritual blinders.  What is our vision in life, atleast the vision that we see today?


Friday, June 1, 2007


This is the first full day of camp.  I didn't have anyone to help in the kitchen til later in the day.  I have appreciated the youth that have come in the kitchen to help me.  Jennifer parker and Marilyn Soggie are with me for the weekend.  It is a weekend of trying out the new equipment and figuring how to use equipment effectively.  The proofer/heater is going to be a really great help.  At noon, I put each part of the dinner in it and held it at the right temp til noon and we could set the food out.  It was great for the pizza, because once we had it baked, we could hold it til it was time to serve it.  Julie we made your bars and they are a hit, we tripled the recipe for a very large cookie sheet.  They loved it.
I guess mostly it is a time to get the kitchen organized more effectively.
Darin Cox is the speaker, and he came and started tonight.  He has a 15 year old niece who is helping with their children, this happens to be amy's weekend at the Cando hospital.  Darin is a counselor at the human service center in DL  I first met him during Celebration 99, when we worked together on some projects for that event.
He is speaking to the youth who will be counselors this summer, and how they can be effective with the children they are responsible to,  He said character is wh you are when no one is looking.  He had three thoughts expect the nexpected, being willing to confront our own hyprocracy, and pursing purity.  we are to ask our selves is there anything that has a blinder on my eyes.
So this what I leave each of you in my family with for this day.
 Pray for Chris, the young man from Calif. whose step father was in an accident, his mother says they are o.k. at home, byt grandma thinks he should come home.