Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

Everlasting Ally
Lo, I am with you always,
even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20 KJV

Remember me, God? I come every day
Just to talk with You, Lord,
       and to learn how to pray.
You make me feel welcome,
      You reach out Your hand.
I need never explain, for You understand.

I was thinking about when we come to God in prayer, is it a one sided conversation?  I was reflecting on this poem and what it is like when we talk to a friend, we have so much to say, are we like that with God, do we allow him to get a word in edgewise, do we take time to listen to what he is saying?  or do we keep telling him our story, goodness, he has already heard it.

Father, today is a new day, we come to you again, we need your help, your directions, help us focus on this day, help us to listen to you, and to allow you to speak to us.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, school, Munich came to Starkweather for a pep rally, the girls went to the regional tourney, I guess they haven't been there for 6 years, but they lost, so now it is the boys tournament, and then we are done.  I came home and took a nap and after supper did some sewing.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get all the fabric sewed so I don't have any more scraps.

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