Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009

Let Him Take the Initiative

Submit yourselves therefore to God James 4:7

Let no selfish motives rule your actions. Be motivated by the love of God, and if you truly are, you can rest assured that whatever you do has the approval of your Father.

You cannot do with joy some of the things that may be permissible for another. You are not free to make your own choices as long as you are surrendered to the Will of God, for when you are yielded to Him it is He who gives the directions. Wait for Him to take the initiative.

What are our motives, is it to please ourselves, or do we really care more about others.  God really has to work in us in this area.  I liked the second paragraph because it is what I feel about life.  There are a lot of things I could do, they are not harmful or anything, but they are also not God's will for my life, so I need to leave them alone.


Yesterday, I was here at home, Gabe came over and sewed on her quilt, we need to get some more fabric, Gabe and I ate in town, maybe the one time this year that I will be able to do that.  Jack took the Suburban to get it fixed and new tires.  It was a good day.