Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Be Deaf to the Cry of the Crowd
Then he passing through the midst of them went his way.
Luke 4:30
The moment you set your spiritual eye upon the goal I have given you, the bondage of people is broken.  You will be able as Jesus was, to pass through the midst of them and be freed to be about your Father's business. Do not allow yourself to be trapped by the multitude. Your own higher vision will free you, and there is a path in the Spirit, if you walk in it, where there is free motion.

Father, thank you for these encouraging words, help us to hear from you and follow your leading, that leading may be to be a committed mom, or grandma, father, or grandpa to be a faithful and caring wife or husband, or to do an ordinary job with God's desires in mind.  Help me to hear what you are calling me to do.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

School and Bible Study with cleaning church in between.  A good day.