Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28, 2012

This has been a difficult week.  Having Mike Hermanson missing and then found dead.  Yet life must go on and when I read this I thought we might be encouraged by what Joni has written:

Inspiring Examples
For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. --Romans

No man is an island. We are all connected. Our lives are always influencing others,
whether for good or for bad. When people who face lesser conflicts - like a bruised
ankle, or sow bugs in the shower - observe someone gracefully handle greater conflicts,
it speaks volumes. Liz Hupp knew a godly saint like that in her church. And Liz

I saw the woman in the chair; she was in church again today.

Someone said they've sold their house; they're going to move away.

No! I cried, they cannot go; they cannot move away.

I didn't get to know her; there's something I need to say:

Please tell me your secret; I want to sit at your feet,

I need to know how you handle the pain that is your daily meat.

How do you keep on smiling when each day your health grows worse?

How do you keep depending on God when you're living with a curse?

Every time I see her; her smile comes from deep within.

I know her fellowship with God isn't scarred by the chair she's in.

She admits her health is failing; she knows she's fading away.

How can she remain so calm when I'd be running away?

My friend, can you tell me how you can trust the Lord

How can you stay so gentle and sweet when He seems to wield a sword?

You are to me a promise that even in the midst of pain

God is near and faithful if I will turn to Him again.

Who are your role models of inspiration? Who are the godly examples of perseverance?
Who do you think of when you need an example of the sufficiency of Christ in hardship?
Pray for that person - or persons - whom the Lord has placed around you. These Christian
men and women struggle with doubts and discouragement, too.

Lord Jesus, I pray for __________________ today. Give grace and encouragement, divine
help, comfort and the inspiration of your precious Holy Spirit in the life of this
dear saint.