Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010

The Road Called Remembrance
Think of other people as more important than yourself.
Philippians 2:3 NLV

Memory builds a little pathway
     that goes winding through my heart.
It's a lovely, quiet, gentle trail
     from other things apart.
I only meet when traveling there
     the folks I like the best,
For this road I call remembrance
     is hidden from the rest.

I guess this is why I like to tell you things from the past, things you don't know or remember.  Memory is important, we need to remember what happens now and what happened then, and memory can also be good and bad we sometimes have a hard time letting go of memories that are bad, as for example, something we did that we regret, it is like we can't forgive ourselves......

Father we give you this day, we thank you that you are helping us to make good memories with those around us. Heal us of memories that are not good, things that we are having a hard time forgiving ourselves.  Set us free to go on with our life.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was the instrumental music day so a lot of our students were away.  It was somewhat of a quiet day and some staff was away, so we had to do some juggling,   After school I went to Devils Lake and helped at the Bible camp.  they are moving Osborns as their house has to be destroyed for the dike.  Mostly I helped make beds, etc.  Then Dad and I ate together(as he had been helping, too)  I went by the school for the meeting they have every two years for the people of the community.

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