Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21, 2010

Small Deeds, Big Results
He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding
the paths of justice and preserving the way of his saints.
Proverbs 2:7-8 RSV

Seldom do we realize
The importance of small deeds
Or to what degree of greatness
Unnoticed kindness leads.

Father, I pray that each of you would see God's hand in your lives this day that you would recognize the small acts of kindness you are experiencing.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a school day and it was good.  After school I came home, In the evening I showed Dorothy how to crochet potholder and we visited for a while.  I was outside for a while til it was almost dark.

Happy Anniversary to the Williams!!!!