Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

It was a good day.  I was able to do some things here at home.  Granted i still have a mess because I am always sewing during the winter, but it is o.k.  when spring comes I will put things away.  We enjoyed a lunch time with the few seniors that were there.    I appreciated Joni's thoughts, because I know that suffering has been so much a part of her life.  

God Allows Suffering

"Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and
 the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the
kingdom; you are exalted as head over all."

--1 Chronicles 29:11

This verse resounds of God's sovereignty and power. God is exalted as head over
all-including peace and war, light and darkness, health and sickness, prosperity
 and calamity.

Someone once said that Satan may power the ship of calamity, but God steers it to
serve His own purposes. And when it comes to God's purposes, we have His promise
 that nothing will be allowed in our lives that is not for our good or that is too
hard for us to bear (Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 10:13).

But when we say that God allows Satan to do the things he does, it isn't as if Satan
twists God's arm and God hesitantly grants permission. Nor are we to imagine that
once God grants permission, He then nervously runs behind Satan with a repair kit,
patching up what the Devil has ruined. The Lord is never forced into a corner. The
Lord is never backed against a wall. Not only is God not frustrated or hindered
by Satan's schemes, but God actually uses the Devil's deeds to advance His kingdom
and bring glory to Himself.

"Suffering is... an opportunity to experience evil and change it into good,"* quotes
Saul Bellow. We can do that when we trust our sovereign God who works all things
 for our good and His glory.

I bow before Your sovereign majesty, O Lord, praising You that all power and glory
and splendor is Yours. Only You can reach down into what otherwise would be evil
 and pull out of it good for Your children and glory for Yourself. So be it!

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