Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 22, 2010

School is officially out til 2011, so I have a few days at home.  I stopped to visit Laverne and Stella, and then came home and made supper, I was really tired so went to be early.  Today should be better.

I like what Joni had to say:

"In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of
the entire Roman world. And everyone went to his own town to register."

--Luke 2:1,3

Unpleasant circumstances often have a way of being the best part of God's most magnificent
design. Performing their civic duty under the census posed a great inconvenience
 to Mary and Joseph.

The distance between Nazareth and Bethlehem was no short hike over sixty miles of
rugged terrain. Despite Joseph's attempts to make the trip comfortable, it must
have been extremely difficult for Mary, into her ninth month of pregnancy, to make
the three-day journey. But God decreed to have His Son born in the City of David,
and He used an external circumstance-the census-to get the Holy Family from point
A to point B. Despite the headache and hardship, God's sovereign timetable was ticking
off right on schedule.

Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that only the right things, the comfortable
things, are a part of God's design. A good job, an adequate home, and money in the
bank give us the impression that we must be doing something right. Then when inconvenience or hardship hits, we wonder what went wrong.

Maybe nothing has gone wrong. Maybe we just need to realize that our most unpleasant
circumstances, much like Mary and Joseph's, often have a way of being the best part
of God's most magnificent design. God's sovereign timetable is working in the life
of your family, too.

O, help me to see, Lord, that every unpleasant circumstance in my life is, indeed,
part of Your wonderful design for my life. I thank You for the example of Joseph
 and Mary, who did not complain over the inconvenience of a census, a rough road,
a cold night, or a crowded inn.

I went to the scriptures to find the verse that said Jesus would be born there.

Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem, Ephrathah, 
though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come for me 
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.

To think of what God's word predicted and the circumstances that were used to make it all happen.  How much other scripture has predictions/prophecy of what is to happen?  Will we be surprised in how it is accomplished?  What about the circumstances in our lives that we don't understand?  How is God using them to accomplish his purposes?

Sometimes I see people upset about what is happening around us, but should I be? Is God allowing things to happen to bring his purposes about?  Is he getting tired of the mess here on the earth?  When I pray and I see the negatives happening, should I feel that my prayers are to no avail?  Really I don't think so, because I can't begin to have a comprehension of what is God's will....

Father help me to wait upon you and allow you to do the work you need to bring me to the place you want me to be?  Father, it isn't about my will, it is about your will for me and my family.   In Jesus Name.  amen

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