Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010

These are great days, Dad got stuck in the yard and  shoveled and then did use the tractor and blower to get the yard open.  Later in the day he did get the mail, otherwise it was a day here at home.  I like to clean out during this week between the holidays and to get rid of "stuff".  That is what I am doing.

This devotion so says what I feel, and I may ahve written this to you before but I want to share it again. About the year that I wrote goals(and I often do) but these goals were very specific, God had really laid something on my heart.  I put them away and then later I looked back and would you believe it the goal had been accomplished.  So I challenge you................

Take Inventory

"Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always."

--Psalm 105:4

Where did this year fly to? Just when I get into the groove of writing the correct
year, I've got to learn a new one. It's hard to keep track anymore.

That's why right now is a great time to take inventory. Go back over the year and
ask yourself: Did I meet all of my goals, or at least some of them? Did I keep all
my promises, at least those I remember? Have my relationships strengthened with
family and friends? Did my life in the Lord Jesus deepen and grow? If I were to
ask a close friend, would he say that I've changed for the better over the last

I'm not asking you these things to make you feel guilty. It's just good to close
 out the old, to tie up all the loose ends, and to bring closure to one year before
you begin a new one.

Did I commit myself to do something yet fail to do it? Lord, give me the courage
 to make amends with those I failed. Help me to be a promise-keeper and make good
on my word.

Did I testify as a Christian in my place of work? Lord, help me to stand up for
the faith where I work, because I want to be salt and light to the people around

Did I show appreciation to family and friends? Lord, forgive me for unresolved conflicts
and arguments left hanging. Help me to deepen my friendship with each family member
and each person You've placed in my life.

Did I enjoy being alone with the Lord this past year? Lord, keep reminding me that
quiet time with You is the source of my strength. As I commit myself to a special
time of prayer and the study of Your Word, hold me to my vows. May I glorify You
 in the year to come!

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