Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1, 2009

Outer Blessing and Inner Strength
Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land Numbers 14:24

Ponder for a moment what great crises would face you if tomorrow all your prayers were answered!  Could you bear the new joy--the added responsibility?  Therefore, when you pray, ask not only for the desired results, but also that your heart will be strengthened to receive, and that added wisdom be given to meet the new problems.
You have watched some succeed only to fail.  This occurs when outer blessings are sought and inner strength neglected.

What are we praying for?  What do we really desire?  Yesterday Julie Ann and I heard Shampa, she is an Indian from India,  she spoke about the most important thing LOVE  it is what we ought to be praying for, a heart of love and compassion.  When our focus is on external things, we miss what God really wants.  I don't know about you, but I know there needs to be more love in my heart, God wants more of that in me..............

Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you that you are here with us, and you desire to meet our needs,  Help us to get our priorities straight, help us to see life like you see it.  We pray for a heart of compassion for the people in our midst, the people you have called us to love.  Help us be sensitive to what you are saying to us.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, Julie Ann and I drove to Crookston the hear Shampa speak, it was good and worth spending our day there.  We stopped in Grand Forks for a while, but when I called Jacqui we didn't get an answer, so we missed seeing them.  When I got home, Jack was there having returned from the men's retreat at Bismarck.

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