Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6, 2009

Obedience, the Fabric of happiness
Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein.  Leviticus 18:4

Look to Me, My child, and all your needs will be met by My abundant provision. I will not suffer the enemy to overthrow him who puts his confidence in Me. I am faithful to My Word, and I have promised never to fail nor to forsake. Obedience is the fabric of happiness. To rebel is to seek sorrow.  Only a yielded heart can find rest in Me; and to know contentment there must be resignation of personal rights in favor of My will.

/Obedience for each person is individual, it may be different for each of us.  What is God calling us to be obedient to?  If we are married it is probably the relationship with our spouse, if we work it is the relationship with employer and other employees, if we are a child it is the relationship with our parents.  I like that thought "Only a yielded heart can find rest in Me"  Only as we yield to God *will* we find rest and contentment.

Father, show us our hearts and our motives for why we do what we do.  Help us to yield to your will for our lives.  Give us peace in the midst of the storms of life and help us to be sensitive to your voice and prompting.  In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday school started 2 hours late because we had very icy everything.  So it was an easy day.  I had something that was a blessing.  We have a new student who has special needs, and he is artistic, his former art teacher is someone I know and I kept thinking about her in the morning, so when I went to school I asked DJ about this student and here she the art teacher had called DJ that morning concerning the student.  That was exciting, I know that God wants to help us help him.  After school I went to the museum in Devils Lake to get more information about the jewish people living in this area.  Then I met Paula and we talked about camp and food for this summer.

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