Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010

Release Your Burdens--Pray
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God.
Philippians 4:6

God only asks us to do our best--
Then He will take over and finish the rest...
So when you are tired, discouraged, and blue,
There's always one door that is open to you,
And that is the door to the house of prayer,
And you'll find God  waiting
      to meet you there.

What happens when we come and ask God for help, he is there and he listens and he answers, now if you didn't get what you wanted when you wanted, maybe it wasn't God's time, or we haven't learned the lessons he wants us to learn, but we can be guaranteed that he has heard, and he is answering.

Teach me O Lord, to follow your decrees then I will keep them to the end.  Psalm 119:33

Yesterday was a school day, I have a study hall that looks to be a challenge, so I am praying for wisdom in how to handle it.  I visited with Frank and Dorothy for a while after school and then we were home in the evening.  Dad is researching and found a site from Marshall Co. Indiana where his family came from.  He found cemetery records and the names of family members listed.

Have a great day!!!

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