Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

/Whatsoever You Sow
I will give you rest  Matthew 11:28

So long as there is disease in your thoughts, there will be disease in your body.  Only when your mind is at rest can your body build health.  Worry is an actively destructive force,  anxiety produces tension, and tension is the road to pain.  Fear is devastating to the physical well-being of the body.  Anger throws poison into the system that no antibiotic can ever counteract.
Whatsoever you sow in your secret thought-life, that shall you reap.  Sow praise, and you shall reap joy and well-being and a strong faith.
Wow, what thoughts and how true.  We have a choice to make, sometimes it is hard to get out of the rut that we have gotten ourselves into.  The choice of negative thoughts, anger, frustration, whatever is harassing us.  But God doesn't want it that way.  First we need to identify what our problem us, and then only by prayer will God be able to help us change our thinking patterns.  God wants us to be victorious, and it will only happen as we yield to him.

Father, we thank you for coming to us and making yourself real to us. Open our eyes and show us your desire for our lives.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was a busy day, after school I went to Devils Lake and did a number of errands, spring is coming and there are somethings that I need to get completed.  Yesterday was a day to do just that.  Alice needed a ride home as she let Naomi use her car(Naomi's needs to be repaired)  We ate together, I got Dad a sandwich and we came on home.  Actually I drove through water over the road on the way to school.  There are a lot of roads closed.