Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009

/The Romance of the Spirit
Blessed are the undefiled in the way...that seek him with the whole heart.  Psalm 119:1-2

There is a path of service in which I would lead you.  It is a way of romance--the Romance of the Spirit.
My love for you is deeper than you have comprehended.  As you are less hampered by the things of the world. I will give you more complete revelations of Myself.
When you have given up everything, we will be able to go forth together, and you will experience an inner power that you were not able to find before.
As long as we are encumbered by the world it is more difficult for us to be close to God, through his spirit.  I have struggled with this all my life and probably always will, There have been times when I have been very consumed with actually something that isn't harmful, but it becomes more important to me than my relationship with God.  What keeps you from being close to God?  It may be something that to you is really ministry, but is it?  Does it become more important to you than actually your time and thoughts with and of God.  I think we would do good to reexamine ourselves and ask ourselves, what does come between me and God?  If we can't understand what we don't feel close to God, it may just be that we are allowing our love of something or things to be more important to us that our love and relationship with God.

Father, in heaven, thank you for creating me and giving me a human heart and caring about what happens to me,  to day I ask you to guide me into the truth that you have for me this day.  Show me those things in my life that hinder my walk with you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a usual day,  after school I went
to Cando, but since I had cleaned at church, I did several errands, and
visited with a couple of people.  We had a planned time with WM's
finishing items for Nicaragua.  Lottie was the only one who came and we
had a really good time together.  Lottie is a very special person, and
the fellowship and prayer were great along with the bags are ready for


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