Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009

/Faith Reaches Beyond
What things soever ye desire, when he pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.  Mark 11:24

Faith reaches out beyond the need and into the supply and always remember that the supply is greater than the need.  Do you need forgiveness? Lo, I have provided enough that if all human souls ever created turned to Me in repentance they would be full pardoned.
Do you need power to overcome temptation? Lo, I have overcome, and in Me there is victory.
It is patience for which you pray? That for which you wait is already given and only waits your receiving./

When Jesus went to the Cross he died that all creation might be forgiven.  That includes everyone, his forgiveness is so complete, for so many people.    So many people who never heard, or never believed in him.  Granted they didn't make that choice and yet he still was there to provide for them.  I do a lot of reading, and especially about peoples lives, and what God is doing.  When we read the newspaper or watch tv we don't get a very good perspective of God's world.  Many people are coming to Christ around the world.  I believe that God is moving in United States, too.  We aren't going to hear that, but God is calling.  I pray for our country and the mess we are experiencing, but God won't likely move in a visible way, what he does is in a miraculous way reaching out to people.  He may even choose to use each one of you.

Father, we thank you for this day, your day, help us to be focused on you and what you ahve done for us.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was the second day of the girls conference in Bismarck.  It wa very good and I am glad that Beth and Marta went with me.  I know that they were touched by what they heard.  We got home about 7 in the evening.

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